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ISTANBUL: What to expect from Obama-ErdoÄan meeting

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  • ISTANBUL: What to expect from Obama-ErdoÄan meeting

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    May 13 2013

    What to expect from Obama-ErdoÄ?an meeting


    Among all the possible talking points for US President Barack Obama's
    upcoming meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an on
    May 16 in the White House, obviously some have to be dropped for
    various considerations and sensitivities, not to mention time
    constraints for the duration of the meeting. How to prioritize the
    agenda items, which seem unusually long, will differ for each side as
    bureaucrats and diplomats scramble to harmonize diverging views on
    issues of mutual concern in a lead up to the meeting. I think the
    discussion of what will be the most important topic at the meeting
    that many predict will be Syria, especially after the twin blast that
    claimed the lives of almost 50 people on Saturday in the Turkish
    border town of Reyhanli, is no longer relevant to US-Turkish
    What makes this visit of the utmost importance for both Turkey and the
    US is that it will provide a chance to restore somewhat lost
    confidence on both sides amid signs of decoupling on a number of
    issues. ErdoÄ?an and Obama have been less talkative since 2011, a year
    when Erdogan's access to Obama via direct contact rivaled only that of
    Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain who was the most frequent
    caller among foreign leaders. This year, Obama spoke to ErdoÄ?an only
    once on the phone when he successfully mediated between Israeli Prime
    Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ErdoÄ?an during his visit to the Jewish
    state. Given that both sides are fully aware of their respective
    importance for each other, I believe there will be a successful
    realignment of common interests by trimming down differences to the
    extent it is possible, starting with Syria.

    On Syria, the disappointment ErdoÄ?an feels on Obama's lack of
    enthusiasm in becoming deeply involved in the Syrian crisis for more
    than two years needs to be addressed. The urgency of hastening the
    departure of the Bashar al-Assad regime has picked up speed in recent
    weeks with the introduction of chemical weapons to the conflict by
    pro-regime elements and the chilling reminder of spillover hazards
    with respect to the twin blasts in the Turkish border town. Similarly,
    ErdoÄ?an needs to allay Obama's concerns on Iranian attempts to bypass
    the US sanctions regime using Turkey as a conduit and Ankara's lack of
    full cooperation on cracking down on illicit and illegal Iranian
    activities in Turkey. On the divided island of Cyprus, Turkey feels
    there is now a window of opportunity for the last push for unification
    based on the prospect of rich natural gas in the waters off of Cyprus
    and economic woes on the Greek Cypriot side. Ankara requires US
    support for this initiative, and some groundwork has already been laid
    down during US Secretary of the State John Kerry's frequent visits to

    The EU process is no longer a significantly important issue for
    Turkish-US talks as Ankara seems to have somewhat lost its confidence
    in the process amid the eurozone crisis and enlargement fatigue in the
    27-nation bloc. It will not ask any more than it has to for the US'
    nudging of Europeans to put the frozen process back on track.
    Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorism will be on the agenda in a
    different format this time because of the settlement process the
    government has been pursuing with the imprisoned leader of the PKK,
    Abdullah Ã-calan, since last December. ErdoÄ?an will ask the US to
    support the process to make sure it isn't derailed by provocations and
    interventions staged by third parties. US intelligence may come in
    handy in preventing attempts at sabotaging the process. In the
    meantime, he will also repeat the pending Turkish request for armed
    drones from the US to be used for the mop-up operations against the
    PKK leaders and militants who refuse to lay down arms at the end of
    the process if and when it is successfully concluded.

    The closer cooperation and coordination in the fight against al-Qaeda
    and other radical groups, especially in the Syrian case, and on
    cracking down on the leftist Revolutionary People's Liberation
    Party/Front (DHKP/C), which claimed the Feb. 1 suicide bomb attack on
    the US embassy in Ankara, as well as its splinter groups will be
    discussed. There has been a high-level interagency counter-terrorism
    dialogue between Turkey and the US in the last couple of years, but
    the establishment of a joint counterterrorism task force to share
    intelligence and to launch joint operations against common targets as
    proposed by the US has not been put into effect yet.

    In the Iraqi case, tables have turned. In contrast to the past, Turkey
    now has very bad relations with the pro-Iranian Shiite Nouri al-Maliki
    government in Baghdad while enjoying very cordial ties with the
    Kurdistan Regional Government in Northern Iraq. Washington believes
    Turkey may be undercutting Maliki by engaging with the Kurds
    independently in the energy trade and at the expense of the federal
    government, fearing that it may lead to a partition of Iraq along
    ethnic and sectarian lines. On the other hand, ErdoÄ?an has given up on
    Maliki completely because he believes there is no chance of making a
    deal with Maliki who has effectively become the dictator of Iraq and
    disenfranchised Sunnis, Kurds and even some Shiite groups. It will be
    interesting to see how Obama and ErdoÄ?an can come to a common
    understanding on Maliki.

    Sharp differences still persist on ErdoÄ?an's announced visit to Gaza
    and his close personal relations with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, and
    they may prove to be difficult to reconcile. ErdoÄ?an believes the US
    should be talking to Hamas, listed as a terrorist organization by
    Washington, in addition to the Fatah leadership because Hamas is a
    political reality and can't be ignored. The US, however, insists on
    three conditions that Hamas needs to fulfill before it has a place
    around the negotiating table, i.e. recognizing the right to exist for
    Israel, respecting past agreements with Israel and giving up armed
    struggle against the occupation. Though the normalization of
    Turkish-Israeli ties seem to be set on track, the visit to Gaza
    without coordinating with Israel, Egypt and the Palestine Authority
    may agitate some people in the US Congress and will draw the ire of
    the powerful American Jewish community. Obama, keen to maintain good
    relations with the Israeli lobby in the US and the Jewish state in the
    Middle East during his second term, wants to avoid an unnecessary
    crisis by urging ErdoÄ?an to suspend the visit until the reconciliation
    between Fatah and Hamas takes place.

    On the reopening of Greek Orthodox Halki Seminary in Ä°stanbul, nothing
    has really changed from the last time Obama discussed this issue with
    ErdoÄ?an with the exception that some properties have been restored to
    their former non-Muslim owners by a government-run commission. Turkey
    is waiting for the US and Greek Patriarchate to exert pressure on
    Athens to improve the conditions of the Muslim Turkish minority in
    Western Thrace so that they can sell the revisions, which will allow
    the reopening of the seminary, to deputies in Parliament in particular
    and to the public in general. The same standoff is valid for the
    Armenian genocide issue as well. The chance for Turkey to normalize
    its relations with Armenia before the 2015 centennial seems to be a
    far-fetched idea against the background of growing Azeri influence in
    Turkey with investment and trade advocacy, not to mention political
    capital. In Afghanistan, the US may ask for the further involvement of
    Turkey in the country's development and consolidation of its
    institutions with more military/police training and reconstruction
    programs as it starts to withdraw forces and equipment from
    Afghanistan before the 2014 deadline.

    Obama will likely press ErdoÄ?an on the need for Turkey to keep
    pursuing further democratic reforms in order to address its
    shortcomings in human rights, mainly in areas related to freedom of
    speech and freedom of the press. The US, keen to shift some of its
    regional liabilities to its partners, wants to see its ability to work
    with Turkey strengthened, and for that it needs to remove irritants in
    bilateral relations. The message should be that Turkey must put its
    house in order to boost its democratic credentials. I'm sure Obama was
    advised to play a delicate and gentle game with ErdoÄ?an on these
    issues because ErdoÄ?an can be quite combative when he is pushed too
    far. Obama is also aware of Turkey's domestic political outlook as
    well. He must know that Turkey will be undergoing successive elections
    starting with the local one in March 2014, followed by presidential
    elections the same year and parliamentary elections in 2015. As usual,
    the US influence on Turkey will be restricted during the long campaign
    period because politicians in Turkey from all spectrums love to bash
    the US because it is easy, and there is no cost involved.

    ErdoÄ?an will probably raise the issue of how US talks with Russia in
    resetting ties within the framework of comprehensive deal have been
    progressing on the eve of the drawdown of American forces from
    Afghanistan by 2014. Turkey, which does not see Russia as a threat but
    is worried about the possible implications from the comeback of
    Russian influence in Central Asia and the Caucasus, wants to see how a
    deal between Washington and Moscow would affect Turkish interests.
    There may be other issues of mutual concern ranging from the Balkans
    to Africa, from the impact of the EU's free trade talks with the US on
    Turkey to re-energizing the Middle East peace process.

    The bottom-line is that the visit will be marked as a success to the
    extent Obama and ErdoÄ?an can find ways to match up to the label of
    `being a strategic partner' on a number of outstanding issues. In the
    past, even during difficult and bad times, Turkey and the US had
    always found a way to keep this crucial alliance above turbulent
    waters. This time they have more reasons to do the same. If the
    political commitment is there, the deal on general parameters will be
    reached one way or another, leaving the operationalizing of these
    plans to technical/bureaucratic teams.
