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Turkey an indispensable partner for CoE, says PACE president in Anka

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  • Turkey an indispensable partner for CoE, says PACE president in Anka

    States News Service
    May 14, 2013 Tuesday


    STRASBOURG, France

    The following information was released by the Parliamentary Assembly
    of the Council of Europe (PACE):
    Turkey is an indispensable partner for promoting the aims and values
    of the Council of Europe, Jean-Claude Mignon, President of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), said today,
    speaking during an official visit to the country (13-15 May).

    The President, speaking in Ankara following a meeting with President
    Abdullah Gl and other leading officials in the country, said that
    Turkey, with its solid democratic system, was an example for the whole
    region, in particular Arab countries undergoing democratic transition
    as well as the countries of central Asia. It is also an essential
    partner for solving frozen conflicts, in particular the one in
    Nagorno-Karabakh, he said.

    Mr Mignon also reiterated his strong condemnation of recent terrorist
    attacks, and of terrorism in general.

    He called on the international community to urgently find a political
    solution to the conflict in Syria, which, he said, represents a
    greater and greater danger for the stability of the whole region. He
    expressed his appreciation at the efforts made by the Turkish
    authorities to welcome Syrian refugees, and called for greater
    international solidarity in dealing with the humanitarian consequences
    of the conflict.

    He also welcomed the reforms undertaken by Turkey as regards
    democratic institutions and human rights, and its exemplary
    co-operation with the Council of Europe in implementing these reforms.
    He invited Turkey to continue on the path of reform by following the
    recommendations in the Assemblys recent resoluion on post-monitoring
    dialogue with the country, especially those dealing with judicial
    reform and reform of the Constitution.

    Finally, he welcomed Turkeys commitment to combating violence against
    women, and proposed working with the authorities on a rapid entry into
    force of the Istanbul Convention and its promotion across Europe.

    The discussions also centred on the role of the Council of Europe and
    its relations with the European Union, as well as on reform of the
    Council of Europe and the operation of PACEs monitoring procedure.

    The President met the President of the Republic, the Speaker of the
    Grand National Assembly, the Minister for the Family and Social
    Policy, the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister and representatives of
    various political parties, as well as members of the Turkish
    delegation to PACE.

    From: A. Papazian