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Crossroads E-Newsletter - May 16, 2013

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - May 16, 2013

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    May 16, 2013


    Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, where the 2013 National
    Representative Assembly is taking place.

    The Eastern Prelacy's National Representative Assembly (NRA) convened
    this afternoon and will conclude at noon on Saturday. The Assembly is
    hosted by Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland. The clergy
    conference began yesterday.

    Concurrent with the Assembly the National Association of Ladies Guilds
    (NALG) is once again convening their annual conference.

    The Assembly opened officially at 1:30 pm with a prayer by His
    Eminence Archbishop Oshagan. The first session included the
    appointment of temporary co-chairs and secretaries, credentials
    report, election of a nominating committee, and welcoming remarks by
    Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aktavoukian, pastor of the host parish, and Dr. Zareh
    Soghomonian, chairman of the Board of Trustees.


    Prelacy parishes will offer prayers and bless the Armenian tricolor
    flag on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the first Armenian
    Republic, and the 22nd anniversary of the current Republic of Armenia,
    on Sunday, May 26. Requiem services will be offered for the souls of
    the fallen heroes
    of Sardarabad, Bashabaran, Gharakilise, and the martyrs in the freedom
    of Artsakh.

    `With holy heart and firm faith let us stand up together in
    prayer and glorify the Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus
    Christ. Let us thank him for he gave a visit with his mercy to the
    Armenian nation and the holy Armenian Church, saving them from all the
    tribulations of our homeland by the re-establishment therein of the
    throne of our sovereignty.

    Therefore, let us supplicate wholeheartedly that he may preserve the
    Republic of our nation, and shine forth his Holy Church; that he may
    increase the wisdom and ability of the leaders of our nation and all
    laborers for the edification of our homeland; that he may assist all
    our generals, armies and the soldiers who willingly offered their
    persons as sacrifice to the altar of the salvation of our nation, in
    the wars against the enemies; that he may strengthen us in our pursuit
    of love and good works; that the Almighty God may revive us and have
    mercy upon us.'
    (From the `Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Republic of Armenia,'
    prepared in 1920 by Archbishop Torkom Koushagian.


    It was with a deep sense of loss that His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan,
    Prelate, and the Religious and Executive Councils received the news of
    the passing of Bedros Givelekian, a beloved son of the Armenian Church
    and nation, a Knight of Cilicia, an Eagle of the Prelacy, a Pillar of
    the Prelacy, a former member and treasurer of the Executive Council,
    and a former and long-time chairman of the Board of Trustees of
    St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York. Mr. Givelekian died at home
    on Monday, May 13.

    The vigil took place on Tuesday evening at St. Sarkis Church attended
    by hundreds of mourners. Funeral services took place Wednesday morning
    at St. Sarkis Church, with the Vicar General, His Grace Anoushavan
    Tanielian, officiating. Interment followed at Cedar Grove Cemetery,
    Flushing, New York. The Memorial Luncheon (Hokejosh) took place at
    St. Sarkis Church.

    Mr. Givelekian is survived by his wife, Sonia (nee Donikian), his
    children Mr. & Mrs. Arthur and Annette Givelekian, and Mr. &
    Mrs. Berdj and Lucy Kazanjian, and four grandchildren, Ariana, Thomas,
    Aris, and Lara.

    May he rest in eternal peace in heavenly bliss.

    Bedros Givelekian was born in 1933, in Negu Voda, Romania, to Krikor
    and Dicranuhi Givelekian. He came to the United States in 1965 where
    he continued his studies in accounting that he had started in

    He was actively involved in a number of important events in the
    Armenian American community, including Pontifical Visits by His
    Holiness Vasken I (Mother See of Etchmiadzin) in 1969; His Holiness
    Karekin II (Holy See of Cilicia) in 1990; and His Holiness Aram I
    (Holy See of Cilicia) in 1997.

    Since 1980 he served St. Sarkis Church in a number of leadership roles
    including chairman of the Board of Trustees and treasurer of the
    Building Committee for the new Saint Sarkis Church. He was chairman of
    St. Sarkis
    during its most challenging years between the time the Bayside church
    was destroyed by fire and the new church in Douglaston was built and
    consecrated. In recognition of his outstanding service, Mr. Givelekian
    was awarded the Knight of Cilicia insignia by the Holy See of Cilicia,
    and the Eagle of the Prelacy by the Eastern Prelacy. He was an active
    participant in the Knights of Vartan, and the Romanian Armenian

    Archbishop Oshagan decorates Bedros Givelekian with the `Eagle of the
    Prelacy,' the highest honor awarded by the Eastern Prelacy, during a
    testimonial dinner in his honor on November 1, 2003, alongside his
    wife Sonia.


    St. Gregory of Datev Institute will hold its 27th annual Summer
    Program for youth ages 13-18 at the St. Mary of Providence Center in
    Pennsylvania, from June 30 - July 7, 2013. The Program is sponsored by
    the Prelacy's Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC). For
    registration and information, please contact the AREC office at
    212-689-7810 or at [email protected] or click here


    Bible readings for Sunday, May 19, Pentecost (Eve of the Fast of
    Elijah), are: Acts 2:1-21; John 14:25-31.

    When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one
    place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a
    violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were
    sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a
    tongue rested on each of them.
    All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in
    other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

    Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in
    Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered,
    because each one heard them speaking in the native language of
    each. Amazed and astonished, they asked, `Are not all these who are
    speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own
    native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of
    Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia,
    Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya
    belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes,
    Cretans and Arabs-in our own languages we hear them speaking about
    God's deed of power.' All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one
    another, `What does this mean?' But others sneered and said, `They are
    filled with new wine.'

    But, Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed
    them, `Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known
    to you, and listen to what I say. Indeed, these are not drunk, as you
    suppose, for it is only nine o'clock in the morning. No, this is what
    was spoken through the prophet Joel: `In the last days it will be, God
    declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons
    and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see
    visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves,
    both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they
    shall prophesy. And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs
    on the earth below, blood,
    and fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the
    to blood, before the coming of the Lord's great and glorious day. Then
    everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.'' (Acts

    For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here

    FEAST OF PENTECOST: The Descent of the Holy Spirit

    This Sunday, May 19, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of
    Pentecost (Hokekaloust), the descent of the Holy Spirit to the
    Apostles, and the birth of the church. Jesus had commanded his
    apostles to `Go therefore to all nations and make them my disciples,'
    (Matthew 28:19). Recognizing the difficulty of this great
    responsibility, Christ had advised his disciples not to begin their
    teaching mission until after the =80=9Cdescent of the Holy Spirit.'

    In the Acts of the Apostles, we read that on the day of Pentecost the
    apostles gathered in one place, and suddenly a strong wind seemed to
    fill the house in which they were assembled, and they were filled with
    the Holy Spirit (see reading above). It was the Jewish feast of
    Pentecost (Shabuoth) commemorating the giving of the law on Mount
    Sinai and many people from different lands had come to Jerusalem. They
    marveled that they could understand the Apostles' words. This day when
    the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles marked the beginning of
    the mission of the Church to spread the Good News throughout the

    In a sense Pentecost is the opposite of what occurred in the Old
    Testament story of the Tower of Babel when God disapproved of the
    building of
    a tower to reach the heavens and he created confusion by having the
    workers suddenly speak in different tongues, and unable to understand
    each other.
    At Pentecost he gave the disciples the ability to speak other tongues
    and thus be able to be understood by everyone everywhere.

    Life-creating God, Spirit and lover of mankind, with tongues of fire
    you enlightened those united with one accord in love; therefore we
    also celebrate today your holy descent.

    Filled with joy by your coming the holy apostles began in
    different-sounding tongues to call into unity them that had been
    divided from each other; therefore we also celebrate today your holy

    By spiritual and holy baptism through them you have adorned the
    universe in a new and radiant garment; therefore we also celebrate
    your holy descent.

    (From the Canon for the First Day of Pentecost according to the
    Canons of the Armenian Church)


    The Executive Committee of the Assembly of Christian Communities in
    the Middle East met with His Holiness Aram I on May 10 in
    Antelias. Headed
    by Maronite Bishop Samir Mazloum, the Assembly was created six years
    ago to coordinate the activities and the human and material resources
    of Christian communities in the region in order to contribute
    effectively to their societies. The Holy See of Cilicia is represented
    by Mr. Jean Salmanian and the Very Rev. Masis Choboyan.

    During the meeting with His Holiness they discussed the situation in
    the region and assessed the impact of the `Arab Spring' on Christian
    communities, particularly in Syria. Bishop Samir invited His Holiness
    to attend the conference that will take place in October to which
    representatives of the diasporas of local Christian communities will
    be invited.

    His Holiness thanked the members of the committee for their visit, and
    he encouraged them to work towards strengthening the Christian
    in the region by advising people not to emigrate. The Catholicos urged
    them to promote Christian-Muslim dialogue, despite difficulties, and
    he also discussed the continuing efforts to obtain the release of two
    kidnapped Metropolitans of Aleppo.


    The Saints Committee for the Armenian Genocide Victims, jointly
    appointed by His Holiness Karekin II, Holy See of Etchmiadzin, and His
    Holiness Aram I, Holy See of Cilicia, met for the fifth time on May 7
    and 8 in Holy Etchmiadzin. The co-chairs, Archbishop Yesnik Bedrossian
    (Holy See of Etchmiadzin) and Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian (Holy See
    of Cilicia), presided over the meeting. In accordance with
    recommendations by the two Catholicoi,
    the members of the committee discussed the basis on which the victims
    of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 will be canonized.


    Dr. Michel Jalkh met with His Holiness Aram I, in Antelias, on May
    3. Dr. Jalkh was recently elected as the General Secretary of the
    Middle East Council of Churches (MECC). The General Secretary wanted
    to discuss the situation in the region and the issues challenging the
    MECC with His Holiness who is one of the Presidents of the MECC and a
    church leader with wide ecumenical experience. His Holiness stressed
    church unity and cooperation by
    the member churches as important concerns, as well as the urgent need
    of Christian-Muslim dialogue.

    Birth of Hamo Bek-Nazarian (May 19, 1892)

    Hamo (Hambardzum) Bek-Nazarian was one of the pioneers of Armenian
    cinema. Born in Yerevan in 1892, he moved with his family to Tashkent
    (currently the capital of Uzbekistan). He first became a cyclist, and
    then a wrestler. He participated in competitions outside the Russian
    Empire and even wrestled in the circus with the pseudonym of Maroni.

    In 1914 he started his career in Russian cinema. His first role was a
    minor one in a film, significantly titled Enver-pasha - predatel'
    Turtsii (`Enver Pasha, Traitor of Turkey'), released in 1915. He
    appeared with the artistic name of Hamo Bek in more than 70 Russian
    silent movies, where he met his future wife, the actress Sofya
    Volkhovskaya (1888-1956).

    He graduated from the Commerce Institute of Moscow in 1918. In 1921
    he headed the movies section of the film studios of Georgia and then
    became a film director of the State Film of Georgia. In 1923 he moved
    to Armenia
    following an invitation by the government and founded the Armenfilm
    (Haifilm)studios. This was a real challenge, as there were no grounds
    for cinema in Armenia and Bek-Nazarian had to start everything from
    scratch. Two years
    later, he directed the first Armenian feature film, Namus (The Honor),
    based on the homonymous play by Shirvanzade (1858-1935). He also
    directed other important films, such as Zare (the first movie on
    Kurdish life) and the first Armenian comedy, Shor and Shor Shor, in
    1926. He wrote the scenario of
    Shor and Shor Shor in one night and filmed it in eleven days. He also
    filmed three Georgian movies in 1924-1925, and would later film two
    movies (1927 and 1941).

    By 1935 Bek-Nazarian had written (alone or in collaboration) and
    directed sixteen films, both features and documentaries. He achieved
    feat in that year: he directed the first Armenian sound film
    (`talkie'), Pepo, also based on a

    classical play by Gabriel Sundukian (1825-1912). This was four years
    the release of the first Soviet sound film, at a time when less than
    one out of a hundred film projectors in the Soviet Union were equipped
    for sound. Pepo became his masterpiece, as well as one of the
    masterworks of the Armenian movie industry. He earned the title of
    Popular Artist of Soviet Armenia in the same year.

    He produced two other important films among his works: Zangezur
    (1938), which received the Stalin Prize of second degree in 1941, and
    David Bek (1943). The latter was based on the Armenian rebellion
    against Persian domination in the eighteenth century. However, he
    suffered a very big disappointment with his film Yerrort karavan
    (Third Caravan), dedicated to the subject of the repatriation to
    Armenia in 1946-1948, which was probably set to become his
    masterpiece. The filming of the movie, which was halfway, was
    forbidden and the production was shut down in 1951, probably as part
    of the
    change of heart of the Soviet regime with regards to repatriation and
    repatriates. Bek-Nazarian, deeply upset and disillusioned, abandoned
    both Armenfilm and Armenia, and went to work in the Central Asian
    republics, such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. He passed away on April
    27, 1965, and was buried
    at the Armenian cemetery of Moscow beside his wife. His work was
    posthumously acknowledged and the movie studios of Armenfilm were
    named after him.


    If you have not listened to the interview of Peter Balakian by Vipp
    Jaswal of Fox News Radio, we urge you to do so now. In the interview,
    Professor Balakian discusses the Armenian Genocide, the United States
    the relevance of the word `Genocide,' and the current situation in
    Turkey vis-Ã -vis the human rights movement that is taking place.

    As we encouraged last week, forward it to your friends and family
    members, and ask them to do the same.



    The Greedy Sparrow: An Armenian Tale, retold by Lucine Kasbarian and
    illustrated by Maria Zaikina, has won the 2013 Nautilus Silver Award
    in the Children's Picture Book category. The book was published by
    Marshall Cavendish (now Amazon Children's Books).

    The Greedy Sparrow is an English-language retelling of a traditional
    Armenian folk tale about a bird that travels the countryside,
    encounters natives practicing traditional folkways, and gets a
    comeuppance for his trickery. Author Kasbarian and illustrator Zaikina
    convey ethnic authenticity in the adaption of this tale from the
    Armenian oral tradition.

    The Nautilus Awards recognize books that promote positive social
    change, spiritual development and conscious living as they stimulate
    the imagination and inspire the reader to new possibilities for a
    better world. Formal announcements of the Nautilus Award winners will
    be made at BookExpo America that will take place in New York City from
    May 30 to June 1. The Greedy Sparrow was also named a 2012 Honor Book
    in the Storytelling World Awards.

    Copies of The Greedy Sparrow can be purchased from the Prelacy
    Bookstore. For information contact the bookstore by email
    ([email protected]) or telephone (212-689-7810).


    The opening of the `Ladies from Your Past' exhibit organized by the
    Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian
    Cultural Educational Resource Center Gallery at Queens College will
    open tomorrow evening, May 17, at 7 pm. The exhibit is at the
    Rosenthal Library Rotunda at Queens College, 65-20 Kissena Boulevard,
    Flushing, New York. The exhibit will be on display through September

    The exhibit brings to light contributions of women to world history
    and events that includes famous, and some infamous, women in science,
    politics, and the arts. More than 200 women from Africa, the Middle
    East, Asia and the Americas are represented with displays of
    photographs, biographies,
    and figurines.

    A reception will follow the ribbon cutting. For information and
    reservations contact the Museum at 718-428-5650.


    Visible Pages of History
    Text and Illustrations by Boris Baratov

    This richly illustrated volume offers a panoramic view of the ancient
    civilization of Armenia and into the 20th century. Beautiful color
    photography accompanies the informative text based on the work of
    scholars and historians utilizing the latest research. The oversize
    format accommodates the photographs perfectly. The Armeniad was
    printed in Italy, which is noted
    for its exceptional production of art books. This is a lovely addition
    to your own library or a very distinctive gift for a special person.

    336 pages
    $170, plus shipping & handling

    To order this book, or for information about other books, contact the
    Prelacy Bookstore by email ([email protected]) or by telephone



    The Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief is a joint effort of: Armenian
    Apostolic Church of America (Eastern Prelacy); Armenian Catholic
    Eparchy; Armenian
    Evangelical Union of North America; Armenian Relief Society (Eastern
    USA, Inc.); Armenian Revolutionary Federation.


    May 2 to June 30-`History of Armenia: Past, Present, Future,' a series
    of eight seminars presented on Thursdays, 7 pm to 8:30
    pm, at St. Illuminator's Cathedral, 221 East 27th Street, New York
    City. Sponsored by the Cathedral and the UN Armenian
    Mission. Facilitator:
    Artur Martirosyan, Ph.D.

    May 16-Movie Screening, `Orphans of the Genocide' by Bared Maronian, 7
    pm, at the AGBU offices, 55 E. 59th Street, 7th floor,
    (between Park and Madison Avenues), hosted by AGB&U-YPGNY and
    ANC-NY. Free
    admission. RSVP to

    May 17-Opening reception of `Ladies from Your Past' exhibit at the
    Rosenthal Library Rotunda at Queens College, 6-20 Kissena
    Boulevard. Flushing, New York sponsored by the Anthropology Museum of
    the People of New York and the Armenian Cultural Educational Resource
    Center Gallery. Exhibit will continue through September 30. For
    information/reservations contact the Museum at 718-428-5650.

    May 16, 17, 18-National Representative Assembly hosted by Soorp Khatch
    Church, Bethesda, Maryland.

    May 16 and 17-National Association of Ladies Guilds (NALG) Conference
    in conjunction with the National Representative Assembly, hosted by
    Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland. This year's raffle drawing
    will benefit the Mother and Child Clinic in the Akhorian region of
    Armenia and the Syrian-Armenian Relief Fund. To purchase ($10 each;
    three for $25) contact NALG Executive (Sharke Der Apkarian at
    [email protected] or 978-685-7243.

    June 2- Strawberry Festival & Sunday Brunch hosted by the Ladies Guild
    of St. Sarkis Church at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church, 38-65
    234Th St. Douglaston, NY. A delicious array of American and Armenian
    dishes. Donation: $15.00. For More Information contact the church
    office at 718-224-2275 or visit www. and

    June 7-Concert dedicated to the 300th Jubilee of Sayat Nova featuring
    Elie Berberian (Canada) and his band performing songs by Sayat Nova
    other favorite minstrels, 8 pm, at the Armenian Center, 69-23 47th
    Woodside, New York 11377. Donation: $25, includes post-concert
    reception. For tickets: [email protected] or 212-689-5880.

    June 9- St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church and Douglaston School
    Of Music And Art present Aram Khachaturian: 110th Anniversary Concert
    by faculty members and students of Douglaston School of Music & Art on
    Sunday, June 9th 2013 1:30 pm at the Chaderjian Hall of St. Sarkis
    Church, 38-65 234th St. Douglaston, NY. Donation: $10.

    June 9-Father's Day Dinner and Comedy, sponsored by Armenian
    Compatriotic Union of Ourfa, featuring renowned comedian Vahe
    Berberian with a new repertoire, with the participation of violinist
    Souren Kahvedjian, Ya Hala Restaurant, 45 Main Street, Wallington, New
    Jersey. Adults $60; children under ten $30. Proceeds to Syrian
    Armenian Relief Fund. For information: (732) 970-5207.

    June 13-St. Gregory Church, North Andover, Massachusetts, 4th annual
    Cigar Night & Dinner in Blessed Memory of Rev. Fr. Vartan
    Kassabian. Surf & Turf dinner, open bar, cigars, live & silent
    auction, raffles. Tickets must be purchased in advance by sending a
    check for $150 payable to St. Gregory's Mens Club, 158 Main Street,
    North Andover, Massachusetts 01845, or contact Greg Minasian at
    [email protected], or 978-470-3075.

    June 24-Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, 10th Annual
    Golf Outing at Sterling National Country Club, Sterling,
    Massachusetts. Join us for a great day of golf including golf, cart,
    breakfast, prizes, gifts, and dinner for $140 per golfer. Tee off at 9
    am. Shotgun start and scramble format. For information contact Rich
    Tashjian at [email protected]
    or 978-422-7600.

    June 30-July 7-27th Annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute, at St. Mary
    of Providence Center, Elverson, Pennsylvania, sponsored by the
    Prelacy's Armenian Religious Education Cou8ncil (AREC). For
    information contact the AREC office3 by email
    ([email protected]) or phone (212-689-7810).

    July 4-11-4th Annual Summer Camp for Orphans will take place in
    Dzaghgztazor, Armenia, sponsored by the Eastern Prelacy. Orphans ages
    13 to 16 who are enrolled in the Prelacy's Orphan Sponsorship program
    are eligible to attend to learn about the Armenian Church and
    history. The week
    long program includes Bible study and prayers and meditation combined
    summer fun activities and fellowship with other campers. For more
    information contact Archpriest Fr. Aram Stepanian by email
    ([email protected]) or by phone (508-865-2454).

    July 8-19-St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church 8th Annual Summer Camp
    Program. For More Information contact the church office at
    or visit www. and

    July 14-`A Hye Summer Night VII' Dinner Dance sponsored by Ladies
    Guild of Sts. Vartanantz Church and Armenian Relief Society
    `Ani' Chapter of Providence, Rhode Island, at the Providence Marriott
    Hotel, One Orms Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904, 6 pm to
    1 am. Featuring: Joe Kouyoumjian (oud), Brian Ansbigian (oud), David
    Ansbigian (oud), Leon Janikian (clarinet), Ken Kalajian (guitar),
    Jason Naroian (dumbeg), Armen Janigian (Daf). For tickets ($50 per
    person) and information: Joyce Bagdasarian (401-434-4467); Joyce
    Yeremian (401-354-8770).

    August 18-St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, Michigan, Blessing of the
    Grapes and Homecoming Picnic, at Lakeshore Park, 601 South Lake Drive,
    Michigan. Food, music, dancing, magic show, volleyball, soccer, tavlou
    tournament, mountain biking, swimming.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]
