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Students Create Own Career Path in Armenia

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  • Students Create Own Career Path in Armenia

    Students Create Own Career Path in Armenia

    By Nanore Barsoumian // October 4, 2013 in Armenia, Featured, Headline

    `I want to become an architect, but I also want to become a good
    photographer,' Arevik Galoyan, 15, recently told the Armenian Weekly.
    `I've gained much from Tumo, starting with good friends to good
    knowledge,' she added.

    Students at Tumo

    Arevik is one of many students who attend workshops at the Tumo Center
    for Creative Technologies. Experts in animation, web development, game
    development, and digital media offer students a unique learning
    experience in a state-of-the-art facility that is unrivaled in

    Fully funded by the Simonian Educational Foundation, the center is
    hoping that the talents they cultivate will stay in Armenia. `Tumo
    enables students to be proactive, take initiative, and be confident
    while creating their own career path,' Tumo director Marie Lou
    Papazian told the Weekly.

    `These qualities will help them find their place within their society.
    ... They can be part of global developments without changing their
    country of residence,' said Papazian, adding that the center would
    soon have start-up incubators. Business incubators are designed to
    back the development of entrepreneurial companies by supporting them
    in a variety of ways, including marketing, networking, accounting,
    management, and access to loans. Studies have claimed that businesses
    that go through incubators have a nearly 90 percent survival rate.

    The workshops are free of charge, and draw in students from all
    economic backgrounds. The center also welcomes children with
    disabilities - from autism to physical handicaps - in a region where
    disabilities often shut doors to opportunities and even education.
    Most students are between the ages of 12 and 16; some are older,
    between 17 and 19.

    Arevik attends classes every day after school. She's been a regular
    for two years. `I love workshops on photography,' she said. Over the
    summer, Arevik also participated in a workshop called `Items that Tell
    a Story,' taught by historian Vahe Tachjian, the director of, and visual artist Silvina Der-Meguerditchian. She
    found the project, which aimed to reconstruct life in Ottoman-Armenian
    towns and villages, fascinating.

    Students experiment with robotics during a workshop.

    `[Tumo] offers its members a combination of self-paced virtual
    courses, specialized workshops, guest lectures, and multifaceted
    projects,' explained Papazian. `Students choose their activities based
    on their own preferences and are guided along their journey by
    learning coaches and accomplished professionals from around the world.
    Workshops are interactive, hands-on, and result-oriented. Being the
    fruit of highly challenging team efforts, each workshop culminates in
    a final product used online or in print, and presented during
    exhibitions, competitions, and festivals.'

    The workshop sizes vary. Usually between 15 and 30 students, but
    sometimes as many as 45, attend them. The schedules vary as well, with
    some workshops meeting twice a week for two months, or every day for a
    shorter span of time. Overall, around two dozen workshops are taught
    every week.

    Tumo's space is as impressive as the workshops it offers. It is
    located in Tumanyan Park, one of the largest green areas in Yerevan.
    With more than 6,000 square meters of indoor space, Tumo boasts a
    movie theater, gaming room, brainstorming areas, labs, and a
    cafeteria. Students have access to the over 450 computers, specially
    designed futuristic furniture, 100 iPads, 3D printers, musical
    keyboards, and photo and video cameras in the center.

    One of the photographs 15-year-old Arevik Galoyan took for a
    photography workshop at Tumo.

    Digital media coach Nayiry Ghazarian has supported students as they
    have developed new skills, gained confidence in their abilities, and
    allowed their creative talents to take off. She remembers one
    instance, in particular, when photographs taken by a 15-year-old
    student nearly knocked her off her chair. `It was in Scout
    [Tufankjian]`s workshop where I had a student named Ani. She was shy
    and she barely talked in class. She was confused about her
    assignment - about what to do. The workshop was nearly ending and we had
    three sessions left. She suddenly came up to us - feeling
    uncomfortable - and she said, ` Barbies.' Next thing
    we know, Scout and I are speechless looking at her underwater Barbie
    pictures. The theme was a birthday party,' recollected Ghazarian,
    whose job encompasses assisting in teaching workshops, helping kids
    understand assignments, and editing final projects.

    Ghazarian, a third year student at the Gomidas State Conservatory,
    says her background in music influences the way she coaches at the
    center, where she's been working for two years. `One of my favorite
    workshops is the photography workshop where students produce art
    through taking pictures instead of [creating] music,' she said.

    Nineteen-year-old Anahid Talasyan began attending Tumo when the center
    first opened its doors to students three years ago. `When Tumo first
    opened, I expressed my wish to become a member. There, I could learn
    new developments in computer science and explore the fields of
    animation, website development, and digital media,' Anahid told the
    Weekly. Today, she attends classes two days a week - on Fridays and
    Saturdays. `Sometimes, I go more often than that, depending on the
    workshops and lectures,' she added.

    Anahid has taken part in various workshops, but for her, the most
    interesting and rewarding was the workshop on `Telling Stories through
    Photography.' The class was run by Armenian-American photojournalists
    Eric Grigorian and Scout Tufankjian. `We didn't even know who
    [Tufankjian] was,' confessed Anahid. Soon they would discover how
    Tufankjian's iconic photographs of the Obamas brought her work to the
    spotlight. `I learned how to photograph, and to approach the subject
    matter with respect, since - putting aside everything else - the subject
    would later become the hero of the photograph,' Anahid added.

    According to Papazian, workshops on animation at Tumo attract a
    specific group of students who are likely to pursue animation as a
    career. Digital media has a wider appeal. Regardless, students are
    encouraged to explore the four main fields that also include web
    development and game development. `Our wide variety of workshops,
    ranging from the beginner to the advanced, gives [students] an
    opportunity to experience each focus area and later concentrate on one
    of them,' she said.

    Papazian is proud of her students' work. `Tumo boasts multiple
    outstanding projects accomplished by our fellow students. One of the
    first successful projects in the series is a music video creation for
    Serj Tankian's latest song `Uneducated Democracy,'' she said.

    Students at Tumo also collaborated with filmmaker Atom Egoyan to
    produce original visual animations of Egoyan's logo.

    Furthermore, Tumo is the first in the region to present an iPad-based
    orchestra - TUMOrchestra - that performs symphonic and jazz compositions
    relying solely on iPads.

    In January 2013, Tumo opened a wing in Dilijan, a resort town in
    Tavush, with the support of the Central Bank of Armenia. The town has
    been home to artists and filmmakers, but the population has been on a
    steady decline. The Central Bank recently moved most of its operations
    to Dilijan, as part of the government's plans to revive the town,
    rendering it into a financial center in the region. `Presently, there
    are more than 200 teenagers enrolled in the program who come from
    Dilijan and other adjacent rural areas,' said Papzian. But Tumo's
    expansion plans don't end there. The center is planning to open
    another wing, with the support of the AGBU in Stepanakert, Karabagh's

    Anahid is currently working with a group of similarly talented and
    creative students to bring an animation project to life. She hopes to
    become an expert in animation and web and graphic design. `It is
    because of Tumo that I have gained these new and useful skills. I've
    made many friends, learned teamwork, and developed my creativity,' she

    Tumo's mission has touched the lives of many young and talented kids,
    giving rise to a technologically savvy generation. The center's work
    is a meaningful step in pushing the country to become a powerhouse of
    information technology. And it all starts with the youth.
