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Vardenis-Karvachar road must be constructed by 2014 - governor

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  • Vardenis-Karvachar road must be constructed by 2014 - governor

    Vardenis-Karvachar road must be constructed by 2014 - governor

    October 06, 2013 | 01:43

    The highway connecting Armenia's Vardenis and Karabakh's Karvachar
    must be constructed by 2014, governor of Gegharkunik Region said.

    Talking to the Armenian correspondent, Rafik Grigoryan
    said the exact amount of appropriations in the 2014 budget has not
    been determined, but it will be `a considerable amount.'

    `Despite this, the construction work must be completed by the next
    year,' he added.

    The road excavation works have been conducted, and the cost of its
    paving is estimated at $30 million. The total length of the route from
    Vardenis through Karvachar to Martakert exceeds 110 km.

    Funds will be allocated from the budget. `Hayastan' All Armenian Fund
    may become a donor, as the Fund discussed the issue of financing the
    road at a meeting of the Board of Trustees in May 2013.
