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BAKU: J. Gasanli : Dynastic Aliyev regime must go away

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  • BAKU: J. Gasanli : Dynastic Aliyev regime must go away

    Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijan
    October 4, 2013 Friday

    J. Gasanli : Dynastic Aliyev regime must go away

    Public Television evening on October 3 once again became an arena of
    insults and attacks on the presidential candidate of the National
    Council of Democratic Forces Jamil Gasanli and other leaders.

    Thus, during the televised debate of the presidential candidates the
    head of the party Modern Musavat Hafiz Hajiyev called Gasanli
    dishonest . "You swore to honor. How can you swear to what you do not
    have," Hajiyev said.

    He went on to insult the other opposition leaders, calling one of them
    with words that define sexual minorities.

    In response Gasanli said Hajiyev offended the entire nation as the TV
    is being watched by women and children.

    Gasanli blamed on President Ilham Aliyev and noted that he "has led to
    the Azerbaijani policy of this immorality level." "Therefore, Ilham
    Aliyev has no moral right to rule Azerbaijan," said Gasanli .

    He added that in the world there are still two ruling dynasties for
    over 40 years - Kim Il Sung in North Korea and Aliyev in Azerbaijan.

    " The world has changed. The Aliyev dynasty, Ilham Aliyev must leave
    the power," said Gasanli.

    Then he showed a piece of paper , on which, according to him, there
    was a bank account specified by Ilham Aliyev for the Virgin Islands,
    recorded when he was an MP.

    In response, the representative of Aliyev Siyavush Novruzov, Zahid
    Oruj and others accused Gasanli of using information from Armenian
    sources and slandering Aliyev.

    They accused Gasanli of immorality and called Aliyev sincere, humble,
    noble, and worthy of a politician.

    During the debate, the representative of Ilyas Ismailov Mais Gulaliyev
    accused the West of the economic colonization of Azerbaijan and called
    for saving the country from the dictatorship of the West banks and the

    Faraj Guliyev, in turn, expressed the need to deepen relations with
    the U.S., Israel and Turkey , and at the same time covertly accused
    the leaders of the National Council of flirting with Russia and
    actions against the independence of Azerbaijan. -06D
