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Christians in Syria face growing hostility

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  • Christians in Syria face growing hostility

    The Washington Post
    October 5, 2013 Saturday
    Regional Edition

    Christians in Syria face growing hostility

    by Loveday Morris

    When radical Islamists tore down a cross and hoisted a black flag
    above a church in the northern Syrian city of Raqqah last week, their
    action underscored the increasingly hostile environment for the
    country's Christians.

    Although Syria is majority Sunni Muslim, it is one of the most
    religiously and ethnically diverse countries in the Middle East, home
    to Christians, Druze, and Shiite-offshoot Alawites and Ismailis. But
    the country's conflict, now in its third year, is threatening that

    While the primary front in the war has pitted Sunni against Shiite,
    Christians are increasingly caught in the line of fire. The perception
    that they support the government - which is in many cases true - has
    long made them a target of rebel groups. Now, Christians say radical
    Islamist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an
    affiliate of al-Qaeda, are determined to drive them from their homes.

    "The Christian community in Syria is stuck between two fires," said
    Nadim Nassar, a Syrian from Latakia who is director of the Awareness
    Foundation, an interfaith charity based in Britain. "One fire is a
    corrupt regime, and everybody agrees there needs to be a change. And
    on the other hand, there's a fragmented and diverse opposition on the
    ground who can't control jihadist forces coming from outside the

    Syria is not the only place in the wider region where Christians are
    being targeted. Coptic churches in Egypt have been attacked, and
    Pakistan last week experienced the deadliest church bombing in the
    country's history. The militants who attacked a mall in Nairobi last
    month singled out non-Muslims.

    The rash of assaults has led some to question the future of
    Christianity in Syria, where adherents make up about 10 percent of the
    population, and in the wider Middle East.

    Syria's ruling Assad family, which belongs to the Alawite sect, has
    long painted itself as the protector of Syria's minorities. Though
    leaders of Syria's opposition have pledged to provide minorities with
    equality in a new Syria, they are unable to control the growing number
    of hard-line Islamist forces on the ground.

    The Western-backed Syrian Opposition Coalition denounced the
    desecration of the churches in Raqqah, calling it an act that showed
    "complete disregard to holy sites and religious and cultural

    But the rejection of the opposition coalition by 13 rebel factions
    that announced an Islamic alliance last week highlighted the group's
    lack of influence.

    In Syria's war, bishops have been kidnapped and priests have been
    killed. When the fighting last month reached the ancient town of
    Maaloula - where residents still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus
    - it struck at the heart of Syria's Christian community.

    Most residents have fled since rebels swept through the picturesque
    town, which clings to the mountains northwest of the capital,

    "Maaloula is like Jerusalem to Syrian Christians," said Ibrahim
    Doushi, a Syrian Christian shop owner who moved to neighboring
    Lebanon. "When the war reached there, it was heartbreaking for all the
    Christians in the Middle East."

    The fighting in Maaloula was followed by the images from Raqqah, where
    the ISIS desecrated the Greek Catholic and Armenian Catholic churches,
    according to activist groups. The radical Islamist group also has
    attacked Shiite shrines and mosques.

    For Doushi, who fled to Lebanon last year from the town of Ras al-Ayn,
    near the Turkish border, the footage of the ISIS's black flag flying
    above the Armenian church was confirmation that he and his family have
    no future in his home country.

    "Christians are being torn from our roots," he said. The ISIS
    militants "are proud of it. They are targeting the Christians and they
    are publicizing it. The regime cannot protect us."

    Doushi said he was forced to leave Ras al-Ayn after Islamist fighters
    entered the town late last year and targeted the homes and businesses
    of Christians. The 61-year-old's new, temporary residence, housing
    seven members of his extended family, is St. Gabriel's monastery in
    the mountain village of Ajaltoun, 12 miles north of Beirut.

    Many at the monastery say they are pinning their hopes on obtaining
    European visas, citing doubts that there will ever be a day that Syria
    can offer security to its minorities, at least in rebel-held areas.

    "The Christians are never going back," said Johnny Chamoun, 42, also
    from Ras al-Ayn, who works at the monastery coordinating assistance
    for Syrian Christian refugees.

    Nassar, the interfaith foundation director, said it is the first time
    in centuries that Christians in Syria have been targeted for their

    "We are not imported there. Christ was not born under Big Ben or in
    Paris," he said. "This is the cradle of Christianity that we are being
    pushed from."
