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Compromise and The Historical Reality

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  • Compromise and The Historical Reality

    COMPROMISE AND THE HISTORICAL REALITY compromise-and-the-historical-reality&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
    Friday, 04 October 2013 17:11

    Ignoring the history, Azerbaijan is inventing its own one

    The October 2 speech of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan at the PACE
    plenary session in Strasbourg caused certain interest in the expert
    community. Both in his speech and answers to the questions of the PACE
    members, the Armenian leader distinctly presented the stance of the
    Armenian leadership on key issues of both the domestic and foreign
    policy. Surely, he also touched upon the Karabakh settlement process
    under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group.

    Surely, it isn't the first time that Armenia's stance on this vital
    issue is voiced. In Strasbourg, Serzh Sargsyan reconfirmed the
    commitment of the Armenian party to the three principles proposed by
    the MG co-chairmen as the basis for the issue's solution - the right
    of nations to self-determination, territorial integrity, and non-use
    of force or threat of force.

    As we know, the international mediators consider them as a single
    whole of the three equal principles, without belittling or praising
    any of them. It is unlike Azerbaijan, which keeps asserting the
    primacy of the principle of territorial integrity, in the framework of
    which, as it believes, the conflict should be resolved. The Armenian
    President also drew the attention of the European MPs to this
    fact,explicitly emphasizing that the conflict should be resolved,
    basing on mutual compromises and the simultaneous use of the tree

    It should be noted that the issue of mutual compromises was repeatedly
    touched upon in Serzh Sargsyan's speech. The head of state expressed
    confidence that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict can be resolved only via
    compromises. Despite the objective severity in the President's words
    when speaking about the aggressive policy of Azerbaijan and the
    possible consequences of a new war initiated by it, Serzh Sargsyan's
    speech can be boldly called an appeal for peace. The matter is whether
    this appeal will be heard by the current leadership of Azerbaijan,
    which has its own, distinct from the sober, understanding of

    As expected, they didn't hear. Moreover, the Azerbaijani MFA assessed
    as... territorial claims against the neighboring states the
    President's words-warnings that `if Azerbaijan starts military
    activities, Armenia will defend Nagorno Karabakh within its
    possibilities'. `Threatening Azerbaijan, Serzh Sargsyan is threatening
    the entire region', stated the Azerbaijani MFA. Surely, without
    noticing the funny side of its own situation, because it is well known
    that it is Azerbaijan that has threatened with the resumption of war
    for years and doesn't stop the arms race, `forgetting' the noted
    security of the entire region.

    But, let's recall the compromises, for which the Armenian President
    and the international mediators call. Undoubtedly, they are possible
    under a real and sober assessment of the existing situation and real
    readiness for finding a peaceful solution at the negotiation table, at
    which all the three parties have equal rights. To date, Azerbaijan is
    lacking both of them. Otherwise, Baku wouldn't voice new statements on
    an inevitable war, wouldn't again bring up to date the non-perspective
    and unreal issue of a `dialogue between the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    communities of Nagorno Karabakh'. It is well aware that there neither
    was nor is an Armenian community of Nagorno Karabakh, and there is the
    Armenian people of Nagorno Karabakh as the bearer of statehood both in
    the period of the Soviet autonomy and the present independent

    Can we expect for a compromise, if the ruling regime of
    Azerbaijan, ignoring the facts of history - both the ancient and
    modern - continues raising ungrounded claims for
    Nagorno-Karabakh?Azerbaijan realizes fully that history isn't an
    additional, but it is even an important actor in the Karabakh
    settlement process. That's why, despite the admitted scientific
    history, it is creating «its own» and invented history to form the
    so-called evidence base for proving its possession of Artsakh.

    Time running is inexorable. Over twenty years have passed
    since the NKR proclamation day, and it is also a history, which cannot
    be turned back and cannot undergo any inspection. This is a reality,
    which Azerbaijan and the mediators in the settlement process should
    recognize and admit. Nagorno Karabakh has gained independence, which
    is the result of its objective historical development. And today, we
    need only that the international community legally validates this
    reality. The international recognition of the NKR will let remove the
    threat of a new war in the region and will create corresponding
    conditions for peaceful coexistence of all the entities of the South
    Caucasus. And a compromise solution will be the discussion by Baku and
    Stepanakert, as equal partners, of the prospects of cooperation on a
    wide range of problems accumulated greatly during the conflict
    `thanks' toAzerbaijan.

    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: A. Papazian