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Turpanjian Family Endows $3 Million Chair In Contemporary Armenian S

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  • Turpanjian Family Endows $3 Million Chair In Contemporary Armenian S


    By MassisPost
    Updated: April 20, 2012

    Mr. Jerry Turpanjian and USC President Dr. C.L. Max Nikias

    Announcement Made at Banquet Honoring Shoah Foundation Established
    by Steven Spielberg

    By Tamar Mashigian

    LOS ANGELES, CA - The USC Institute of Armenian Studies' Leadership
    Council proudly announced at its Seventh Anniversary Gala Banquet on
    Sunday, April 15, a $3 million endowment for a Chair in Contemporary
    Armenian Studies at USC by the Turpanjian Family.

    With USC Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
    Elizabeth Garrett in attendance and an audience of just under 1,000,
    the Institute's Leadership also announced the establishment of
    a $2 million Armenian Genocide Studies Endowed Fund at USC. The
    total of the two funds, including previous endowment funds, means
    that Armenian studies programs at USC are supported by a $7 million
    endowed structure.

    Jerry and Pat Turpanjian, with their daughter Lori Muncherian,
    stood center stage in the Beverly Hilton's International Ballroom
    Sunday night, joined by fellow members of the Honorary and Leadership
    Councils: John Marshall Evans, Paul Ignatius, Mihran Agbabian, John
    Berberian, R. Hrair Dekmejian, Charles Ghailian, Vahe Karapetian,
    Varrant Melkonian, Gerald Papazian, Harut Sassounian, Sinan Sinanian,
    Dickran Tevrizian and Savey Tufenkian.

    The April 15 event was organized to honor the USC Shoah Foundation
    Institute for Visual History and Education for championing the Armenian
    Genocide Digitization Project.

    The second half of Sunday evening's program focused on the USC
    Shoah Foundation Institute, represented in force at the International
    Ballroom, and the Armenian Genocide Digitization Project, and featured
    a videotaped message from Steven Spielberg.

    "I'm really pleased that the USC Shoah Foundation Institute is
    being recognized tonight by the USC Institute of Armenian Studies
    Leadership Council," Spielberg said in a videotaped message. "We are
    working together to preserve and to disseminate this collection of
    400 interviews of survivors and witnesses gathered by Dr. J. Michael
    Hagopian and the Armenian Film Foundation for over 39 years. So I
    applaud them for their pioneering efforts and ... for their tireless

    Spielberg established the Shoah Foundation in 1994 to record the
    stories of Holocaust survivors, and in 2006 the foundation became a
    part of the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts &
    Sciences. The Shoah Foundation Institute's Visual History Archive
    contains 52,000 Holocaust testimonies, and the digitized copies of
    documentary filmmaker J. Michael Hagopian's interviews with Armenian
    Genocide survivors will be disseminated on the worldwide web by Shoah.

    Hagopian, who founded the Armenian Film Foundation in 1979, was
    posthumously honored with a video presentation of his life. His
    daughter, Joanne Hagopian Eknoian, who accepted a medal in his honor,
    urged the audience to donate to the Armenian Film Foundation to help
    fund the digitization of Hagopian's archive of 400 filmed eyewitness
    testimonies. The backdrop of the evening's cinematic presentation
    was a mosaic of faces of Armenian Genocide survivors, testimony to
    Hagopian's work to preserve their voices.

    In addition to honoring the USC Shoah Foundation Institute and
    Hagopian, the Armenian Institute's Leadership Council paid special
    tribute to Armin T. Wegner, the humanitarian who took the iconic
    photographs of the 1915 massacre of the Armenians and later wrote
    an open letter to Hitler to stop the Jewish Holocaust. Wegner's son,
    Mischa, who traveled from Europe to be present at the April 15 event,
    gave a moving, poetic story about his father, whose crusade earned him
    the title of Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem in 1967. Part
    of Wegner's ashes were taken to Armenia in 1996.

    The goal of the USC Armenian Institute's Leadership Council is to bring
    together digital copies of all of the collections of interviews with
    Armenian Genocide survivors and eyewitnesses, essentially creating
    what may become the largest archive of Genocide eyewitness interviews
    in the world - proof of the Armenian Genocide.

    USC Shoah Foundation Institute Director Dr. Stephen Smith's eloquent
    remarks about Wegner and Hagopian concluded with the statement:
    "What happened was a genocide - factually, historically. And anyone
    who wants to engage in a conversation about that is not engaging in
    controversy, they're engaging in denial. And we don't accept denial."

    The evening began with the USC Trojan Marching Band parting the crowds
    as they marched into the ballroom. The evening ended with a message
    of unity from filmmaker Carla Garapedian, Armenian Film Foundation
    Digitization Project Director: "Remember this day. It is the day we
    honor our survivors and witnesses - not by mourning, but by taking a
    step forward and exercising our power as a community. On this day,
    we shine a light on the darkness, we share these testimonies with
    the world, as part of an archive which will include the voices of
    survivors from other genocides, in one of the largest archives of its
    kind in the world. Remember this day. April 15, 2012. We are here. We
    survived. And on this day, we go global."

    Steven Spielberg's videotaped message applauded the digitization of
    the J. Michael Hagopian interviews of Armenian Genocide survivors

    Former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans

    USC Provost Elizabeth Garrett

    Mischa Wegner, son of German humanitarian Armin T. Wegner, who risked
    his life to photograph the Turkish massacre of Armenians.

    Dr. Stephen Smith, Director of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute
    for Visual History and Education

    Rose Garjian, age 104, Armenian Genocide survivor
