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Azerbaijan: An American Ally In A Sea Of Threats

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  • Azerbaijan: An American Ally In A Sea Of Threats


    Washington Times
    Oct 8 2013

    By Ashish Kumar Sen

    In an increasingly polarized world, the small Caspian Sea nation of
    Azerbaijan is a tantalizing study in contradictions.

    It's a staunch American ally sandwiched between the U.S. nemeses of
    Iran and Russia, providing a critical transit for U.S. troops and
    supplies in and out of Afghanistan. Yet most Americans probably can't
    spell the country's name on first chance or pinpoint its location on
    a map.

    It's also a Shiite Muslim country that rejects the theocracy of Tehran
    in favor of a secular government while expanding its already friendly
    relationship with Israel.

    It's also a former Soviet republic that has cast off the shackles of
    its once socialist economy to experience significant growth around
    its booming oil industry.

    All that makes Wednesday's election in Azerbaijan of keen interest
    to U.S. diplomatic, intelligence and military circles even though
    there's little suspense: President Ilham Aliyev is widely expected
    to win his third five-year term.

    "It is the only country that borders both Russia and Iran. Therefore,
    it becomes a pivotal state when it comes to issues such as containment
    of Iran, as well as access for Americans, not only into the Caucasus,
    but also into Central Asia," said Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon
    official who is now a resident scholar at the American Enterprise

    "If Azerbaijan weren't resource-rich and if it didn't have the
    geopolitical position it has, I don't imagine that so many Americans
    would be increasingly interested in the former Soviet republic."

    The U.S.-Azerbaijani relationship is based on cooperation in several
    areas, including regional security and energy. Azerbaijan has supplied
    troops to work with U.S. forces in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Since 1988, Azerbaijan has been mired in a conflict with Armenia over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, a primarily Armenian-populated landlocked region
    in Azerbaijan that is held by ethnic Armenian forces and unilaterally
    declared itself an independent republic in 1991.

    While Armenia, once a powerful lobby in Washington, has embraced
    Russia, Azerbaijan has leaned toward the West.

    "There is a sense that if Azerbaijan changes its orientation, American
    influence will be checkmated in the region," Mr. Rubin said.

    "Political stability in Azerbaijan is to the benefit of America's
    strategic interests."

    Crackdown on the opposition Those interests have left the Obama
    administration to wrestle with concerns about what critics say is
    Azerbaijan's authoritarian rule. A monthslong crackdown on political
    opposition and a clampdown on freedoms of expression and assembly
    has concerned some human rights groups.

    The National Assembly has passed measures that increase prison
    sentences and fines for public-order offenses. In June, Mr. Aliyev
    signed legislation that criminalizes defamatory views posted on the
    Internet and allows prison sentences of up to three years.

    The Azerbaijani government is engaged in a "deliberate, abusive
    strategy to limit dissent," Human Rights Watch said in a report
    in September.

    The crackdown is aimed at silencing government critics and often
    uses "trumped up" charges, including hooliganism, weapons and drugs
    possession, said Giorgi Gogia, a senior researcher at Human Rights

    "The government has had a poor human rights record for a while, but
    for the past year and a half, we have seen a change for the worse,"
    Mr. Gogia said. "The government is tightening the screws. Little by
    little, the islands of freedom are disappearing."

    Azerbaijani officials brush off the criticisms, pointing to their
    strong support of American interests in the region and their friendly
    relations with Israel.

    The Obama administration is monitoring developments in Azerbaijan,
    straddling a careful line of embracing an ally in a critical region
    while prodding it behind closed doors and in public to enhance

    On July 16, Thomas Melia, deputy assistant secretary of state for
    democracy, human rights and labor, testified before the Commission
    on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki
    Commission, at a hearing titled "Troubled Partner: Growing
    Authoritarianism in Azerbaijan."

    The "political environment for human rights and fundamental freedoms
    more broadly has worsened since at least last November, when the
    [national assembly] passed amendments significantly increasing fines
    on participants and organizers of unauthorized protests," Mr. Melia
    told the panel.

    In September, the Aliyev government barred a delegation led by Mr.

    Melia from traveling to Azerbaijan to observe preparations for the
    presidential election.

    "We will continue to urge respect for fundamental freedoms and the
    rule of law, including due process before, during and after the
    presidential contest," a U.S. official said, speaking only on the
    condition of anonymity.

    The official said the administration has called on Azerbaijan to ensure
    "a free, fair, and transparent electoral process that reflects the
    will of the people."

    'We are not perfect' Azerbaijan's leadership bristles at suggestions
    it is unfriendly to freedom.

    At the Helsinki Commission hearing in July, for instance, the
    Azerbaijani ambassador to the United States took strong exception to
    his president being labeled authoritarian.

    "I respectfully reject the wrongful claim about going to
    authoritarianism in Azerbaijan," Ambassador Elin Suleymanov
    said. "We do not accept that. What is going on in Azerbaijan is
    a truly independent nation with a vibrant political system and a
    free-market economy."

    He conceded that there is room for improvement: "Just like every
    nation on Earth, we are not perfect."

    Azerbaijan won independence from the former Soviet Union in 1991. In
    1993, Mr. Aliyev's father, Heydar Aliyev, was elected president. A
    decade later, in October 2003, the younger Mr. Aliyev was elected to
    succeed his ailing father.

    He inherited a nation on the cusp of major oil revenues and plagued by
    corruption. In the ensuing years, the economy improved, and with it,
    the standard of living.

    "Hopes were quite high when Mr. Aliyev came to power," Mr. Gogia said.

    "Here was an energetic, young leader who could modernize the country.

    But these hopes wound down quite soon after he came to power."

    The pro-democracy Arab Spring protests that have embroiled parts of the
    Middle East and North Africa and toppled dictators since 2010 appear
    to have spooked the Aliyev government, especially as it related to
    social media.

    The Azerbaijani government has imprisoned youth activists with
    large numbers of followers on social media sites such as Facebook
    and Twitter. More than half a dozen activists from NIDA, a youth
    opposition movement active on social media and critical of the
    government, have been arrested.

    The opposition claims it has been hamstrung by such tactics,
    especially in a country where broadcast media are still controlled
    by the government.

    Stability versus democracy Besides Mr. Aliyev, 51, there are nine
    registered presidential candidates. The opposition's main candidate,
    Jamil Hasanli, is a historian who represents the National Council of
    Democratic Forces, a coalition of opposition parties and groups.

    Oscar-winning screenwriter Rustam Ibragimbekov was the National
    Council's original candidate, but election officials rejected his
    candidacy on the grounds that he is a dual citizen of Azerbaijan
    and Russia.

    Another presidential aspirant, Ilgar Mammadov, was arrested in February
    on charges of instigating civil unrest and has been awaiting trial
    in prison.

    Its human rights record aside, Azerbaijan has plenty of advocates
    inside the United States, including former Rep. Dan Burton, an Indiana
    Republican who wrote in a Washington Times op-ed last month that
    America must be patient with its Caspian ally.

    "I know that Azerbaijan is not perfect. The Azerbaijani government
    is often criticized over its human rights record," Mr. Burton wrote.

    "However, considering that Azerbaijan - like other former Soviet
    republics - has scant experience with democracy, its human rights
    record is better than most. In fact, Azerbaijan's religious tolerance,
    inclusiveness and protection of women's rights should be recognized."

    Mr. Burton is chairman of the board of the Azerbaijan America Alliance,
    which promotes Azerbaijan's interests in the U.S.

    Mr. Burton also stressed Azerbaijan's increasing ties with Israel.

    Azerbaijan's bilateral trade with Israel reached $4 billion last year
    and about 40 percent of Israel's oil imports come from Azerbaijan,
    he noted. And when Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov
    visited Israel in May, Israeli President Shimon Peres described the
    trip as historic.

    Mr. Mammadyarov was also the only Muslim foreign minister to address
    the 2013 American Jewish Committee Global Forum in Washington.

    Others see an evolution of a Soviet republic seeking stability and
    economic prosperity first before freedom can be achieved.

    "I am not one who would say that Aliyev is a democrat. He is not,"
    said Mr. Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute, who visited
    Azerbaijan in June. "While the negative side of Aliyev has been
    the lack of full democratization, the positive side has been the
    development of the economy.

    "One of the reasons why I am willing to cut Aliyev some slack is
    because I don't believe a stable democracy is possible in Azerbaijan
    without a larger middle class and it seems Aliyev's plan is to build
    up that middle class first," Mr. Rubin explained. "So while I believe
    in reforms, I also believe that we need to time those reforms properly;
    otherwise, we throw the baby out with the bathwater."
