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How Many People Will It Take?

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  • How Many People Will It Take?


    The UN FPA and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs have presented
    a report on the decline of population of Armenia that makes one think.

    The population of Armenia does not want to link their future to their
    home country.

    This plight is definitely caused by the government's policy of
    encouraging emigration, downgrading the economy and blowing the
    financial and remittance balloon. Besides, the public wealth has been
    grabbed by a small group of people.

    Turning the country to a wasteland will be the chief accusation of
    the current government of Armenia if an Armenian Nurnberg ever takes
    place, and the government is held responsible. It is hard to predict
    the punishment. The Armenian legislation does not include provisions
    on political and national liability. However, after every act of
    displacement the Armenians punish cruelly Talaat Pasha.

    Almost all the political forces are concerned about the issue of
    emigration and emptying of the country. The ARF has even worked out a
    strategy of preventing emigration and called other political forces
    to join. Obviously, however, the government perceives emigration as
    a birthday gift.

    How many people will it take before the government considers emigration
    rate dangerous? One million? Half a million? Only jobs of waiters,
    car washers and insurance agents are announced. The government needs
    servants. Let others leave.

    There will definitely be a Nurnberg. However, instead of Armenia it
    may be held in the next colony the Armenian state is transforming to.

    The Armenians apparently like the diaspora-style of living, and as
    Kurginyan says, they don't need a state. By the way, the abovementioned
    report suggested developing a strategy of repatriation and absorption
    of Diaspora Armenians. Apparently, the Armenians of those countries
    are meant which are in a worse situation than Armenia.

    And how can the Diaspora Armenians come to a country from where the
    native population is running away? After all, the Armenian state is
    not the home country of the Diaspora Armenians. Their home country is
    West Armenia where Armenians have been denied access over the past
    100 years. Over the past century, the Armenians have not got strong
    enough to ensure their access to their historical country.

    Naira Hayrumyan 17:08 09/10/2013 Story from News:

    From: A. Papazian