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Azerbaijan Must Use This Election To End The Aliyev Dynasty

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  • Azerbaijan Must Use This Election To End The Aliyev Dynasty


    When the Azerbaijani people go to the polls this week they can begin
    to put 20 years of corruption and brutality behind them

    Jamil Hasanli, Tuesday 8 October 2013 13.00 BST

    'The very fabric of Azerbaijani society is being eroded, while billions
    of dollars in oil revenues are wasted and lost, but mostly stolen by
    the Aliyev clan.' Photograph: Ilkin Huseynov/AP

    The people of Azerbaijan will go to the polls on 9 October to elect
    their president. I am running in this election with the paramount
    aim of ending 20 years of the Aliyev dynasty's misrule of my country,
    and restoring Azerbaijani democracy.

    Since the incumbent, Ilham Aliyev, inherited power from his late father
    10 years ago, Azerbaijan has become mired in rampant corruption, and
    theruling regime has grown ever more authoritarian and ruthless. Most
    importantly, the ongoing conflict with Armenia has still not been
    resolved and Azerbaijani territories remain under occupation.

    It is time to say enough. The Azerbaijani people deserve better. Our
    democratic movement is now united in an unprecedented alliance. The
    National Council of Democratic Forces has elected me as its
    presidential candidate. It includes opposition parties, civil society
    campaigners, members of the intelligentsia and youth activists. We
    have put forward a comprehensive and credible programme of political,
    constitutional and economic reform.

    If elected, I have undertaken to serve for a limited, two-year term
    only, to oversee a transition to democracy and the establishment
    of the rule of law. Tackling corruption, ending oligarchic control
    of the national economy, releasing political prisoners, limiting
    presidential powers, strengthening parliament, democratising and
    opening up the peace process with Armenia are some of the key measures
    we are proposing. Restoring social justice and providing equality of
    opportunity for all are our top priorities.

    Aliyev has never won a free and fair election and knows he cannot win
    this one. Elections and referendums in Azerbaijan have been marked
    by widespread electoral fraud and vote-rigging. Having taken control
    of all electoral commissions in the country, the Aliyev regime has
    now intensified its ongoing crackdown against independent media, the
    opposition and civil society, prompting condemnation and statements
    of concern from international human rights organisations and the EU.

    Recent protests in Azerbaijan's impoverished regions were met with
    brutal force.

    The oil boom of the past few years has made the Aliyev family and
    its cronies extremely wealthy and the regime will do its utmost
    to keep power. Aliyev is running for an unprecedented third term,
    following the disputed 2009 referendum which removed presidential
    term limits. I believe this contravenes the Azerbaijani constitution
    and the European convention on human rights. I have launched a legal
    challenge and demanded a judicial review. Without a clear, unbiased
    and unequivocal constitutional court ruling on this matter, Aliyev's
    third-term presidency is not legitimate.

    I recognise that Azerbaijani democrats face a formidable challenge in
    this election. But it is a challenge we must meet. Because while the
    elites prospered, the majority of people benefitted little from the oil
    boom. The problem of the disputed Karabakh region remains unresolved
    and hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis are unable to return to their
    homes. Healthcare and education standards have plummeted. Widespread
    corruption and political cronyism stifle the economy, which has
    grown totally dependent on oil and gas exports. The very fabric
    of Azerbaijani society and state is being eroded, while billions
    of dollars in oil revenues are wasted and lost in mismanagement,
    but mostly stolen by the Aliyev clan. Despite my official protests,
    Ilham Aliyev has still not submitted financial reports on relevant
    family members, as required by the Azerbaijani electoral code.

    The Aliyev regime has gone to great lengths to improve its
    international image in recent years. Yet the reality I describe above
    is very different from the polished propaganda spouted by Aliyev's PR
    consultants. The international community has an ethical responsibility
    to hold the regime to its international commitments. But it is also in
    the interest of Azerbaijan's partners that the country is stable and
    develops in a democratic and progressive direction. This election
    provides an opportunity for a fresh international engagement in
    Azerbaijan and a robust election observation process.

    Throughout my campaign I have witnessed a growing hunger for change
    in Azerbaijan. Voters across the country, young and old, expressed
    their hope for a better, freer future. I believe that my candidacy,
    backed by a united and organised pro-democracy movement, represents
    the best chance for a peaceful transition from oligarchic autocracy
    to progressive democracy.
