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BAKU: Azerbaijani President Aliyev Wins Third 5-Year Term By A Lands

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani President Aliyev Wins Third 5-Year Term By A Lands


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Oct 10 2013

    10 October 2013 /REUTERS, AP, BAKU

    Azerbaijan's president won a third five-year term by a landslide in
    Wednesday's election, according to preliminary results, extending a
    decade of rule in the oil-rich Caspian Sea nation allied with the West.

    With 72 percent of precincts counted, Ilham Aliyev was leading the
    field with nearly 85 percent of the vote, said the Central Election
    Commission chief, Mazahir Panahov.

    The main opposition candidate, historian Jamil Hasanli, had about
    5 percent of the vote, followed by eight other contenders. Full
    preliminary results are expected later on Thursday.

    Exit polls have earlier shown similar figures, prompting Aliyev's
    campaign chief, Ali Ahmadov, to quickly claim victory. "Ilham Aliyev
    has unconditional support of the population," Ahmadov said.

    Aliyev has ruled the ex-Soviet nation of 9 million since 2003,
    succeeding his father, Heydar Aliyev, who had been at the helm for
    most of the previous three decades, first as Azerbaijan's Communist
    Party boss during the Soviet times, then as its president.

    The current president has presented himself as a guarantor of
    stability, an image with broad appeal in a nation where painful
    memories are still fresh of the years of turmoil that accompanied
    the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union.

    A six-year war with neighboring Armenia over the disputed territory
    of Nagorno-Karabakh left ethnic Armenian forces in control of
    Nagorno-Karabakh and neighboring areas in Azerbaijan and turned 1
    million Azerbaijanis into refugees.

    Under Aliyev, Azerbaijan has basked in oil riches that have more
    than tripled its GDP and helped bolster his popularity. The State Oil
    Fund that accumulates oil revenues held $34 billion at the start of
    the year.

    After hearing the exit poll data, hundreds of Aliyev's supporters
    carrying national flags and pictures of the president took to the
    streets, some dancing to popular music. Motorists and bikers drove
    around the city, waving Azerbaijani flags and honking horns.

    "We all are very happy and think that Azerbaijan in the coming five
    years will continue to prosper and will become the best country in
    the world," Baku resident Samira Guliyeva said.

    "I am grateful to the Azeri people for voting for me and putting their
    trust in me and the future development of the country," said Aliyev,
    speaking on state television.

    Azerbaijan's oil boom, the product of a BP-led consortium that
    exports Caspian Sea oil to ships in the Mediterranean Sea, raised
    living standards and boosted the mainly Muslim country's clout to
    court Western powers.

    Azerbaijan has also boosted its arms budget and the amount of money
    it spends on defense is higher than the GDP of its regional rival
    Armenia, with whom tensions are still simmering.
