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Karabakh Settlement Conditioned Neither By Global Nor Regional Polic

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  • Karabakh Settlement Conditioned Neither By Global Nor Regional Polic

    NOR BY THE REGIONAL POLICY the-karabakh-conflict-settlement-is-conditioned-neither-by-the-global-nor-by-the-regional-policy&catid=5:politics&Itemid=17
    Friday, 11 October 2013 12:38

    The NKR should get its international recognition

    On October 5, the scientific conference called `The
    Artsakh National-Liberation Movement: from Gyulistan up to Nowadays'
    continued its work at the NKR NA. The focus was made on the Karabakh
    conflict, in the context of the global and regional policy.

    The first speaker was Chairman of the European Integration
    NGO Karen Bekarian who presented the process of the Karabakh conflict
    peaceful settlement against the background of temporal conversion of
    domestic and foreign factors.

    The participants listened attentively to the speech of
    senior researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International
    Relations of the RF Academy of Sciences, Professor Victor Sheynis. He
    dwelt on the issues of the problematic region and the peaceful
    settlement of the conflict, noting that he ascribed the kind words
    addressed to him in Artsakh not so much to himself as to those
    democrats in Russia who from the first days of the Karabakh Movement
    have declared their support of the legitimate demands of the Armenians
    of Artsakh. «They are Andrey Sakharov, Galina Starovoitova, and
    others. I can continue the names. My colleagues, members of the
    Russian Parliament were in Karabakh and the Shahumian region. The
    people didn't change their positions on the Karabakh issue, keeping on
    their principles till the end», said the professor. Mr. Sheynis
    presented the options of further developments of the
    Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict, in particular, drawing the
    participants' attention to the Madrid Principles. He believes that
    they cannot be considered operating principles. Maybe their
    realization is possible in the future, but only in case of
    supplementing their content. The military solution of the Karabakh
    conflict is excluded, and as for the views on the international
    arbitrage expressed at the conference, he noted that hopes shouldn't
    be pinned on superpowers. The guarantee of the security of Karabakh is
    its people and not the international arbitrage. And, surely, fraternal

    Leuven Catholic University researcher Javier Folebuck
    presented, on the Karabakh example, the EU policy on protracted
    conflicts. What is the EU policy on the Karabakh issue? This was the
    main question of the speaker. The answer was definite - there is no
    such policy, because the EU ambitions in the foreign policy sphere,
    and especially in the South Caucasus, are quite broad. This fact
    should be taken into account while considering the EU Eastern
    Partnership program. The EU cannot take any decision on the Karabakh
    issue, because it should be admitted by all the member-states of the
    organization. And as it is impossible to take such a decision, the EU
    is focusing on the directions of its activity in the South Caucasus
    region. The EU cannot either choose between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as
    the interests incline it one time to Armenia and another time - to
    Azerbaijan. And if the EU wishes to be more actively involved in the
    Karabakh settlement process, so, according to Folebuck, the
    organization should, first of all, entrust a wide diplomatic mandate
    to its representative, which can ensure his active involvement in the
    Karabakh-related processes.

    The issue of corresponding transformation for conflicts
    resolution and establishment of stable peace in Nagorno Karabakh was
    touched upon by political sciences lecturer at the American University
    of Beirut Johannes Gyukchyan. First of all, transformation of
    injustice is needed. Also, the international recognition of the NKR
    and its security should be in the focus of attention. For ensuring the
    fair solution to the conflict, the historical grounds of the conflict
    and the principle of people's self-determination should be considered.
    Mr. Gyukchyan believes that Azerbaijan is greatly mistaken, giving the
    priority to the territorial integrity, because one of the necessary
    conditions for resolving the conflict is establishment of bilateral

    In his speech, true friend of the Armenian people,
    Chairman of the France-Artsakh Friendship Circle François Rochebloine
    dwelt on the prospects of the conflict settlement. The speaker asked
    the audience - how to combine the two contradicting principles of
    territorial integrity and people's right to self-determination? The
    conflict resolution should be started with the study of the historical
    grounds of the conflict. The NKR is an established state with all the
    institutes, and its Parliament is operating on the rules that are
    followed by the National Assembly of France. In the peaceful
    settlement process, the international mediators should take into
    account the realities in the political, economic, and cultural fields
    of this country. And the direct participation of the NKR
    representative in the negotiation process is a must.

    Discussing the stance of the Obama Administration on the
    Karabakh issue in the context of the USA regional policy, Executive
    Director of the Armenian Association of Political Science, PhD
    Benjamin Poghossian stated that Azerbaijan's significance for the USA
    is obvious. It is explained by the energy carriers' import from the
    region, and the fact of strengthening the USA influence on the South
    Caucasus processes in the post-Soviet period gets secondary importance
    in this case.

    The next speaker, Austrian historian, senior researcher at
    the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Christophe Benedict touched upon the
    European echoes of the Karabakh conflict. According to the historian,
    Europe considers it urgent to transform the ways of thinking and the
    approaches of the conflicting states' societies, in case of which
    mutual contacts and a dialogue will be possible. But, in case of
    Azerbaijan the probability of such transformation is equal to zero.
    Mr. Benedict's contacts with the Azerbaijani NGOs led him to the
    belief that the country is totalitarian where the efforts aimed at the
    development of democratic institutes and protection of human rights

    Touching upon the intensification of the EU involvement in
    the conflict peaceful settlement process, the historian emphasized
    that the EU Special Representative's mandate in the region doesn't
    provide him with such a power, and the Eastern Partnership
    opportunities are quite limited in this respect.

    Speeches were also made by Chairman of the International
    Academy of Spiritual Unity of the Peoples of Russia Georgy
    Trapeznikov, senior researcher at the Clingendael University Shaun
    Riordan, head of the Armenian branch of the Institute of CIS Countries
    Alexander Markarov, Deputy Director of the Caucasus Institute Sergey
    Minasyan, and Larisa Alaverdian from the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic)

    Panel discussions on `The Prospects of the Economic Development of
    Artsakh' took place in the afternoon.

    Later, an exchange of opinions took place. The
    participants asked their questions, expressed their views, and made
    their comments.

    NKR NA Chairman Ashot Ghulian summarized the work of the
    two-day international scientific conference, highlighting the
    scientific and practical significance of similar events, and then
    expressed his gratitude to all the participants and organizers of the


    From: Baghdasarian