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Aliyev's Algorithm is More Pan-Turkism

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  • Aliyev's Algorithm is More Pan-Turkism

    Friday, 11 October 2013 14:49

    So, on October 9, presidential elections were held in
    Azerbaijan, and, as it was actually predicted by everybody, they were
    won by incumbent President Ilham Iliyev. In other words, the power in
    this country has not changed, so, we can be sure that the policy of
    official Baku on the Karabakh settlement will not either change for
    the next five years.

    The high probability of realization of such prediction is
    conditioned by the fact that for the entire period of Aliyev Jr.'s
    rule, we have heard nothing but the threats to capture Artsakh by
    force and `to raise the Azerbaijani flag in Nagorno Karabakh'.

    I must say, Aliyev repeats constantly these words like a trained
    parrot, causing caustic derision even in his own country. But, we
    think that neither the two Armenian states nor the competent
    international structures should ignore Aliyev's statements of
    annexation nature.

    It is often noted in the comments on such statements by
    the Azerbaijani President that they are allegedly addressed to the
    domestic audience and are dictated by his desire to draw the attention
    of his own people from the social problems in Azerbaijan, or, they are
    intended to ensure the electorate's support in the pre-election
    period. Surely, there is some truth in this; in fact, even during the
    current election campaign, Aliyev did not fail to use the Karabakh
    card in the struggle for the presidency. But, did he do so to gather
    additional votes? We think not, because, like the majority of the
    expert community representatives, he didn't a bit hesitate over his
    inevitable victory. However, even a day before the elections, that is
    October 7, he again touched upon the Armenian issue in his speech at
    the governmental session. And this was done despite the fact that the
    session was dedicated to the results of the social-economic
    development of Azerbaijan for the 9 months of 2013.

    Faithful to the tradition, Aliyev made a comparative
    analysis of the social-economic situation in Azerbaijan and Armenia,
    and, as has repeatedly happened, predicted the latter's imminent
    collapse. He did not either avoid the temptation of repeating his
    thesis about the "historical Azerbaijani lands - Irevan Zangezur, and
    Geycha." Surely, sensible people rightly call it nonsense, but it is
    hardly worth to take lightly similar statements, no matter how absurd
    they may look at the background of the true facts of history.

    So, the mater is just in the facts of history and not in
    the purely pre-election rhetoric of Aliyev openly claiming not only
    for Artsakh, but also for the territory of Armenia. Therefore, the
    words about the "historical Azerbaijani lands" referring to Artsakh
    and part of Armenia, which have been repeated as a refrain for years,
    are nothing else but a kind of struggle against these historical
    facts, and they should be considered only and only in the context of
    the pan-Turkic policy that Turkey and Azerbaijan try to realize,
    particularly, in the South Caucasus. Just a glance at the map of the
    region is enough to understand that exactly Artsakh and Zangezur, like
    a bone stuck in the throat, do not allow the ideologues of pan-Turkism
    to implement the plan on creating a single Turkic belt from Turkey to
    China.Azerbaijan does not even try to hide its irritation by the very
    existence of Armenia, as well as its intention to continue the policy
    of Armenia's strangulation. "We must and will continue to keep Armenia
    in isolation - in diplomacy, politics, in economic and regional
    initiatives", said Aliyev at the noted governmental session.

    The behavior of the Baku regime, which demonstrates its
    disregard for the elementary norms of international law, clearly
    testifies to the danger it poses to the region. The danger is also in
    the fact that repeating as a mantra the invented postulate on the
    native Armenian lands' belonging to Azerbaijan, Aliyev is programming
    the Azerbaijani youth for the future, inspiring it with a very
    pernicious idea of the possibility and even the necessity of capturing
    others' territory. "We will return to this land, be sure to return.
    The younger generation should live with this dream and these thoughts.
    The time will come, and we shall live there as well. To achieve this,
    we are conducting our policy', this is the directive that Aliyev gave
    at the session of the ministerial cabinet.

    Such frankness by Aliyev is no longer touching by its
    stupidity. On the contrary, there is a sincere desire to spank the
    insolent fellow as a naughty boy. But, who will do it? How will the
    civilized world react to this obviously barbarous statement, or will
    it react at all? It refers, in particular, to the Council of Europe,
    which advocates the principles of pacifism and respect for
    international law and which has comprised Azerbaijan for more than
    twenty years. Or, the UN Security Council, which admitted Azerbaijan
    for two years as a non-permanent member. It is unlikely that they do
    not understand that they should not allow anyone to conduct the policy
    of the Middle Ages, with its wars of conquest. Times have changed. Or,
    this is allowed to the Baku regime due to the fact that its
    representatives live just in those times? Or, pan-Turkism is just a
    chimera to the world? Yet, one thing is true: they operate on the
    principle "no matter what the child plays, but oil should flow into
    the European pipelines". Does Europe, like a Russian peasant, need
    thunder indeed? But, then it will burst out not only over the sky of
    the Southern Caucasus.

    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
