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Ardak And Miro

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  • Ardak And Miro


    By Berge Minassian MD FRCP(C), Toronto, 25 September 2013

    Last week the magnificent Armenian Church of the Holy Transfiguration
    was consecrated in Moscow.

    The weekend immediately prior, a colleague and I were in Moscow
    representing the Armenian Medical International Committee (AMIC) at
    the organization of the Armenian-Russian Medical Association (ARMA)
    and its joining the AMIC family.

    By some estimates there are now more Armenians in Moscow than in
    Yerevan. A huge number of these Moscovite Armenians are people fleeing
    Armenia to work in Russia's capital, paperless and healthcare-less,
    often in dangerous jobs such as construction. The ARMA obviously wants
    to help AMIC develop healthcare in Armenia, but is faced with the big
    challenge of finding ways to assist the "new Armenia" established in
    Moscow and other Russian cities.

    I thought, being a recent and geographically nearby Diaspora, the
    Russian Diaspora would be different from our Western Diasporas. I was
    quickly disabused of this. The Russian culture and language have been
    so dominant in Armenia that most Russian-Armenians prefer to speak in
    Russian with each other. This included the servers at the two Armenian
    restaurants we went to, among them Lusine, with her classic beautiful
    Armenian eyes, which looked at me with bewilderment and confusion
    when I spoke in Armenian to her, and at my friend who tried our
    Eastern dialect. Among Armenians who prefer to converse in Russian
    were physicians at our meetings, who could understand Armenian, and
    often speak it, but who would speak to each other in Russian during
    the meeting while others translated for us.

    I ought not have been surprised. We have been able to maintain
    Diasporas in ghettos such as Beirut, Aleppo, and Istanbul, but cannot
    do so in the West--nor it is clear in Russia. The Diaspora is where
    Armenia goes to die.

    We then flew to Yerevan to join the AMIC neurology branch for our
    work to develop that field in the country.

    Yerevan is bustling with activity. The villages all around the country
    are destitute and desolate. The village folk are in Yerevan, transiting
    to Moscow and elsewhere. The fabric of society is unraveling. Most
    people want to leave. They all blame the government and governance
    of the country. They don't think anything will change.

    They believe the current system and regime are entrenched to stay.

    Germany is the popular destination for Armenia's doctors. Germany
    is going through a physician shortage, and headhunters are roaming
    Yerevan, offering jobs to Armenian doctors to work as physician
    assistants in Germany with benefits, healthcare coverage, and a track
    toward German and thus European citizenship. German schools abound
    everywhere in Yerevan.

    Yerevan is full of Aleppo Armenians. Practically no one is planning
    to stay.

    I do not know how people deny the fact that we are not governing our
    country properly. What other reversible factor can underlie this loss
    of nationhood, with families seeing no hope other than on their own
    in faraway places?

    Just to give mere teasers, from the medical field, of how we are
    destroying our country. Practically all of Armenia's hospitals are
    private properties of the oligarchy ruling the country, including the
    president (correction, his wife). The recently stepped-down minister
    of health, alone, is estimated to own, privately, a third of all
    healthcare facilities in the country. Armenian hospitals have a huge
    surplus of beds that are open, and patients stay in hospital way
    longer than they should. Armenia's government is well-aware of this.

    Why can this not be remedied? It should be obvious. Taxpayer, donor,
    and international money pours into the ministry of health, goes to
    fund these hospitalizations, and thus makes its way into the pockets
    of the hospital owners, and trickles up to the top of the oligarchy.

    Likewise, Armenia 'trains' way too many residents (doctors) than it
    needs. Why? Because unlike a normal country where residents are paid,
    in Armenia residents pay, and moneys go up the chain of command. There
    are now many private medical schools, utterly unneeded and of ludicrous
    quality. It would take a simple act of parliament to require licensing
    of physicians and medical schools, which does not exist.

    Why? Because the schools are again owned by the same band controlling
    the country, and are the source of the innumerable and poorly-trained
    doctors flooding the country, making nice paying residents, and
    competing against the better elements in the field. As such, a
    doctor's salary is $200 a month in Armenia, enough to pay the fees
    at the German school.

    Our group went on a gorgeous hike from Barz Lidj to Goshavank. I have
    hiked many trails across many mountains, but found paradise on the
    mountain we crossed in Dilijan. Vast green mountainsides dotted white
    with sheep here and there, thick green forests at the edges, sun and
    beauty all around. We sang old Armenian songs, whirling around not
    knowing which gorgeous spot in the scenery to absorb. A very young
    Aleppo Armenian, who had joined our group and who is on his way to
    Canada, led the singing, because he knew all the words of the songs,
    and we la la la'ed along. His voice broke, when toothless shepherds
    came out of the forest and joined us, and he cried, and we all cried.

    We made it to Goshavank. The surrounding village, destitute and
    desolate, villagers selling their houses for $5000. At the entrance of
    the monastery complex there is a new seated statue of Mkhitar Gosh,
    the great Armenian jurist, carrying the legal scale in his hand. We
    prayed in the church. Might Gosh intervene with God to restore justice
    to Armenia.

    Our guide on the hike was Ardak. His main job is to collect the
    delectable tree mushrooms from the surrounding forests. He is
    30-years-old. He does not own a home. He has a wife. He has a horse,
    which carried some of us up the mountain. The horse's name is Miro,
    a gentle horse that loves Ardak; always follows him; obeys him;
    and cuddles about him. In the back lawn of the church is an immense
    tree several centuries old. We were saying our goodbyes to Ardak and
    Miro under the great tree, as the sun was setting, giving way to a
    gorgeous full moon.

    "Ardak, soil of the earth, would you ever, EVER, think of leaving

    Ardak: "Of course! I am preparing to go soon."

    "Ardak, where would you go?"

    Ardak: "I am going to Kiev."

    "Ardak, what is in Kiev?"

    Ardak: "I will work as a laborer, and I will make money."

    We forgot to ask Ardak what would happen to Miro after he leaves. I
    guess it will be alone on that field on the mountainside, with those
    sheep, looking about, searching, searching, searching for Ardak.

    This story should normally end here, but "Ov Hay joghovourt, ko miyak
    prgoutioune ko havakagan ouji mech eh"(Charents). We must remove the
    oligarchy and replace it with a proper government.

    No election will do this, because they control the election process.

    Revolution is too risky, and we don't know whether a new charismatic
    leader will be any better. Let us chose the only remaining way. The
    Nakhakhorhrdaran in Armenia is constructing the alternative government,
    a government with all the proper institutions, systems, checks, and
    balances of a true democracy. Let us join them in the homeland, and
    support them from the diaspora. When the new government is constructed,
    the oligarchy will flee to their Swiss banks, and may they enjoy all
    they stole.

    The Nakhakhorhrdaran's concept and work are not easy, but it is the
    only logical solution out of our deadly spiral. "Ov Hay joghovourt",
    do not be afraid of taking the one way out. Learn about the idea,
    see its clarity and its logic, join, and let us save our mountains.

    They have money. We have the Armenian nation
