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Armenian Bar Association Surges And Soars At Annual Judges' Night

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  • Armenian Bar Association Surges And Soars At Annual Judges' Night


    13:20, October 17, 2013

    Several hundred dignitaries, public officials, and guests joined the
    Armenian Bar Association on October 10, 2013, to celebrate, honor and
    recognize the career and service of Los Angeles Superior Court Judge
    Peter Espinoza. His first column of respect was comprised of nearly 40
    judicial officers from the federal and state courts who had come to
    pay homage and respect to one of their own. This truly special event
    played out in full regalia during the Armenian Bar Association's Annual
    Judges' Night Dinner at the Phoenicia Restaurant in Glendale, CA.

    The Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Armenian Bar Association
    Chairman Garo B. Ghazarian. After welcoming remarks by ArmenBar Board
    member Gerard Kassabian, Ghazarian was introduced by Los Angeles
    Superior Court Judge and former Armenian Bar Chairman, the Honorable
    Zaven Sinanian. Judge Sinanian recognized Ghazarian by stating that
    "Garo's whole concept in life is to serve the community, never
    giving up, and relentlessly fighting for what is right in life." He
    also applauded him for leading the organization toward unprecedented
    heights of public service and achievement, while simultaneously serving
    on multiple fronts. Sinanian also took a few moments to express his
    heartfelt thanks to the evening's guest of honor, Peter Espinoza,
    who was a mentor to Judge Sinanian when he first took the bench more
    than 10 years ago.

    In his opening remarks, Ghazarian stated, "Tonight, we thank Judge
    Espinoza and his colleagues on the bench for their public service, for
    their activism, for their commitment to the ideal that in order for
    our civil society to progress, we must have a strong and independent

    In an unprecedented show of Armenian community unity and cohesion,
    usually reserved for April 24th commemorations, Chairman Ghazarian
    thanked and acknowledged the presence of Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation Central Committee Chairman, Dr. Viken Hovsepian, Armenian
    Democratic League Central Committee Board member, Dr. Raffi Balian,
    Armenian General Benevolent Union Vice-President, World-Wide Board
    of Governors, Mr. Sinan Sinanian, and Armenian National Committee
    Western United States Chairwoman, Nora Hovsepian.

    Ghazarian then called upon Presiding Judge of the Los Angeles Superior
    Court, David Wesley, to address the rapt audience. Wesley described
    the enormous challenges that face the Californiajudiciary today,
    noting the massive budget cuts that have been imposed upon the court
    system. But, despite those setbacks in funding, he explained that the
    California courts are still seen as a model for judicial excellence
    across the country. He thanked the judges in attendance for maintaining
    the highest levels of judicial performance in these difficult times.

    Another very special guest for the evening was Judge Fred Rotenberg
    of the Los Angeles Superior Court, currently sitting in Glendale,
    California. Judge Rotenberg was one of the guests of honor at the
    Inaugural Judges' Night of the Armenian Bar Association last year.

    Judge Rotenberg thanked the Armenian Bar Association for bestowing
    on him with the public recognition for his work as a judge. He stated
    that he shares a common history with the Armenian community in that he,
    like many in the audience, saw their parents and grandparents endure
    extreme hardship. Judge Rotenberg's mother, Helen, is a Holocaust
    survivor and was present at last year's Judges' Night event.

    Judge Rotenberg stated that he understands how these experiences impact
    a person's life and he is mindful of this in his work as a judge.

    In an unexpected moment during the evening, former Mayor of
    Pasadena presented Ghazarian with a medal of honor for his efforts
    in persuading the City of Pasadena to establish an Armenian Genocide
    Memorial in Pasadena's Memorial Park. Mr. Paparian explained that
    work on the monument will begin on April 24, 2014, and the memorial
    will be consecrated on the occasion of the 100th commemoration of
    the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 1915.

    There were many civic leaders in attendance at the gala event, among
    them the mayor of Glendale, Dave Weaver, the Treasurer of the City
    of Glendale, Rafi Manoukian, member of the Glendale City Council and
    Board of Directors of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit
    Authority, Ara Najarian, Montebello City Councilman, Jack Hadjinian,
    the leadership of the Glendale Police Department led by Deputy
    Chief Carl Povalitis, and Chief Jim McDonnell, who is the Chief of
    the Long Beach Police Department and President of the Los Angeles
    County Association of Chiefs of Police. Chief McDonnell spoke of his
    background as a child of Irish immigrants and how the diversity of
    America, being a nation of immigrants, has strengthened the country.

    The highlight of the evening was the honoring of Judge Peter Espinoza.

    Ghazarian explained to the audience that the Judges' Night dinner was
    originally scheduled to take place a week earlier, but that it was
    delayed because Judge Espinoza would still be in Armenia at that time.

    Ghazarian fondly recalled that Judge Espinoza, through his activism
    in the Chicano movement, his respect for cultural diversity born of
    his own roots as a Mexican-American, his understanding of the cause
    for civil and human rights brought to the forefront by people such
    as Cesar Chavez, has enriched California's judiciary to make it truly
    reflective of its citizenry. Ghazarian added that Judge Espinoza has
    been so highly respected as a member of the judiciary that California's
    governors often consult Judge Espinoza for his recommendations for
    new judicial appointments to the bench. Ghazarian then welcomed Judge
    Espinoza to the podium to a standing ovation.

    Judge Espinoza began his remarks by acknowledging several members of
    his family who accompanied him to the event, including his wife, two
    of his children and their spouses and a grandchild. He reminisced
    about his youth growing up in East Los Angeles and reminded the
    audience that beforeHollywood, Glendale and the Valley, the origin of
    the first Armenian community in Southern California was in East Los
    Angeles and Montebello. He recalled meeting many Armenians in his
    childhood and mentioned that he never thought he would ever visit
    Armenia at that time. But that trip he never thought he would take,
    he explained to the guests, recently became a reality because of the
    outstanding work of his daughter, Elizabeth Espinoza. Judge Espinoza's
    daughter is a volunteer for the United States Peace Corp and has been
    teaching English in the small village of Shatin in southernArmenia
    for the past 17 months. Judge Espinoza told the audience that the
    recent visit to Armeniaby him and his wife Dyanna, far exceeded his
    expectations. He urged everyone in the audience to "come to Armenia"
    to experience its rich history, its beauty and to aid the Armenian
    people to realize their full potential. He also explained that while
    the capital of Yerevan is a major cosmopolitan city that reminded
    him of Mexico City, he alerted the audience that life in the Armenian
    villages is far different and that the people there need assistance
    with infrastructure and other basic necessities.

    Espinoza fondly recalled that a highlight of his trip was when he met
    and visited with Raffi K. Hovannisian, the founder of the Armenian Bar
    Association and this year's leading Armenian presidential candidate.

    Judge Espinoza mentioned that he had recently read the best-selling
    book, Family of Shadows, written by Raffi's son, Garin, and he very
    much wanted to visit Raffi and see for himself who this both modest and
    larger-than-life person was. Chairman Ghazarian was able to arrange
    a meeting and Judge Espinoza was inspired by Raffi's and his wife's
    Armine's commitment to the people of Armenia. He likened Raffi's work
    to that of a modern-day Martin Luther King or Cesar Chavez.

    Judge Espinoza also recalled that during his trip to Armenia, he
    learned that toasting is an important part of a social gathering. In
    keeping with that grand tradition, Judge Espinoza gave two beautiful
    toasts in honor of his daughter Elizabeth and to Raffi K. Hovannisian.

    He asked the guests to raise their glasses in a "genatz" or "cheers."

    Upon the conclusion of Judge Espinoza's remarks, the leadership of
    the Armenian Bar Association--Ghazarian, Armen K. Hovannisian and
    Edvin Minassian--presented Judge Espinoza with an original work of
    art from artist, Seroon Yeretsian, eloquently inscribed with poetic
    words of gratitude for Judge Espinoza's life work in public service
    and the promotion of civil and human rights.

    In an interview following the event, Chairman Ghazarian stated:
    "I am very proud of the Armenian Bar Association. Once again we were
    able to recognize and honor the best and brightest of our judicial and
    legal community, like Judge Peter Espinoza. The outstanding response
    from a diverse cross-section of our community to our Judges' Night
    represents another major milestone for our organization and the
    Armenian community. We look forward to carrying on this tradition
    for years to come".

