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Armenian NGOs Note "Formal" Commitment Of Authorities To Open Govern

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  • Armenian NGOs Note "Formal" Commitment Of Authorities To Open Govern


    Society | 16.10.13 | 12:41

    >From left to right Varujan Hoktanyan, Ashot Meliqyan, Levon Barseghyan

    By Siranuysh Gevorgyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Representatives of non-governmental organizations who have carried
    out the monitoring of the Open Government Partnership program believe
    that Armenia has met the commitments undertaken as part of the program
    mainly formally, while there are serious shortcomings in terms of
    their application.

    Armenia joined the Open Government Partnership initiative in September
    2011. As many as 60 countries are members of this initiative that
    seeks achieve improved governance based on active involvement of
    civil society, as well as enhance public management efficiency through
    increased level of transparency, mutual trust and accountability in
    State-citizen relationship.

    The initiative is coordinated by an intergovernmental committee
    consisting of eight founding nations: the United States, Brazil,
    Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, South Africa and the
    United Kingdom.

    Joining the initiative, Armenia assumed a number of obligations,
    including the promotion of open governance through e-government,
    revision of regulations (the Guillotine Program), improvement of
    the public sector internal audit system, ensuring improved public
    procurement procedures and budget planning and reporting systems,
    promotion of access to information, promotion of transparency and
    objectivity in public administration, fight against corruption, etc..

    Armenia is now completing its first Action Plan and developing the
    next for 2014-2016.

    Varuzhan Hoktanyan, director of the Transparency International
    Anti-Corruption Center, one of the NGOs that has conducted the
    monitoring, said during a Tuesday meeting with reporters that the
    government of Armenia has followed only one principles of open
    government - it has increased the availability of new technologies,
    ensuring accountability.

    And Asparez Journalists' Club president Levon Barseghyan said: "I
    have the impression that the government is reluctant, it does not
    have serious faith in the ideas that it has started realizing. Then
    he added, however, that on a scale from zero to 10, where 10 is the
    highest, he would evaluate the government's work in the past two
    years as 7 or 8.

    The Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression (CPFE) has reviewed
    three directions: transparency of declarations of property and income
    by senior officials, standardization of contents on official websites
    of government agencies, development of public officials' knowledge
    and skills on freedom of information.

    CPFE head Ashot Melikyan said that the declarations of more than half
    of high-ranking officials are absent from the

    "Of the 131 members of the National Assembly only 42 have presented
    declarations on the website. I would advise that journalists often
    enter this website. It provides rich material for the preparation
    of investigative articles," said Melikyan, emphasizing that they
    also consider the contents of the declarations, in particular the
    extent to which they reflect the real size of officials' property,
    to be a serious problem.

    With regard to the government's official websites, according to the
    CPFE studies, their average level of transparency is 42 percent.

    Melikyan also said that officials' knowledge on freedom of information
    is "not so great".

    "We have sent 86 letters to various government agencies. Only in 31
    cases we got responses that corresponded to the requirements of the
    Freedom of Information Law," said Melikyan.

    Representatives of non-governmental organizations also voiced concerns
    over the 2014-2016 Action Plan. They said that almost all of their
    proposals had been rejected. Hoktanyan said he had the impression
    that Armenia wants to focus only on deepening e-government.

    NGOs are going to develop an alternative plan and submit it at the
    upcoming summit, during which the next actions are endorsed.
