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Azerbaijan Is Calling For Russian Pogroms

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  • Azerbaijan Is Calling For Russian Pogroms


    21:14 17/10/2013 " SOCIETY

    The so-called "Karabakh Liberation Organization" established
    in Azerbaijan has issued a statement condemning "the attacks on
    Azerbaijanis" living in Russia. The statement sent to the Russian
    Embassy in Azerbaijan, reads that "if the attacks at Azerbaijanis"
    in Russia will not stop, then "adequate measures" will be undertaken
    towards the Russians living in Azerbaijan, reports Azerbaijani portal
    "", in an article entitled "Baku calls for Russian pogroms."

    As the portal notes, "KLO" led by Akif Nagi stands close to the
    pro-government circles in Azerbaijan. The statement said that if Orhan
    Zeynalov's falt is proved, then he should be punished. Otherwise,
    the KLO says, it is inadmissible to declare Orhan Zeynalov a criminal,
    and "to start smear campaign against Azerbaijan on this basis and to
    nurture anti-Azerbaijani sentiments in Russia."

    "We inform the Russian press that ethnic Russians live on Azerbaijani
    territory for more than 200 years, and no pressure is used against
    them," the KLO notes.

    The statement also reads that "the patience of the Azerbaijani
    people is not infinite" and Russia should not force them to undertake
    "adequate measures."

    "Azerbaijanis leave for Russia legally and comply with all the laws
    of the Russian Federation. If they do not want to see Azerbaijanis
    there, then let them undertake appropriate laws and the Azerbaijanis
    will no longer go there," the statement reads.

    Azerbaijani organization has also put forward a number of requirements
    in order to prevent ethnic clashes. Thus, according to the "KLO",
    the Azerbaijani government should review its relationship with Russia,
    "which holds an anti-Azerbaijani policy."

    "KLO" demands from the Russian government to "stop this
    anti-Azerbaijani campaign immediately, otherwise the Government of
    Azerbaijan will be responsible for all the appropriate steps taken
    against Russians in Azerbaijan."

    In addition, according to the Azerbaijani organizations, the Russian
    government should compensate the damage caused to Azerbaijanis during
    the riots, and the police officers who used violence against Orhan
    Zeynalov should be punished.

    KLO also states that law enforcement agencies and the head of the
    Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in particular have "biased stance
    against Orhan Zeynalov", thus he should be extradited and tried in
    Azerbaijan in this regard.

    Concluding, the "Karabakh Liberation Organization" of Azerbaijan warns
    for one more time that in case if the "anti-Azerbaijani campaign
    in Russia" is not put to an end, then "adequate measures" will be
    undertaken in respect of Russians in Azerbaijan.

    According to the census held in 1989, the number of Russian population
    in Azerbaijan amounted to 392 thousand. During 20 years, the number
    of Russians in Azerbaijan decreased by more than 3 times. According
    to the census of 2009, the population amounts of 119 thousand.

    On Thursday, October 10, in a fight, presumably a native of
    Azerbaijani, has stabbed and killed Yegor Shcherbakov, a Moscow
    resident. On Saturday evening, residents of that district came out
    onto to the streets, demanding to find the killer. On Sunday, a crowd
    of nationalists together with residents of West Biryulevo district
    sympathizing them, around 1,000 people, organized a pogrom at the
    vegetable market where many immigrants from the CIS republics work.

    Special purpose police unit arrived at the scene, and detained
    about 380 protestors. Six police officers suffered during the arrest
    including the Special purpose police unit battalion commander who
    was seriously injured.

    It is noteworthy that the girlfriend of the killed Yegor Shcherbakov
    noted on the air of "Moscow 24" that she is against the rallies and
    does not want to stir up ethnic conflict. At present investigation
    of Shcherbakov's murder is under special control of the head of the
    Moscow police.

    Later, the police began to conduct raids against the migrants. Thus,
    October 14, according to RIA "Novosti", 1,200 migrants have been
    detained during a police raid on Pokrovski vegetable market in Western
    Biryulevo in Moscow.

    On October 15 the suspected murderer of Azerbaijani origin Orhan
    Zeynalov was arrested in Kolomna near Moscow.


    From: Baghdasarian