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Azeri Hotheads Shell NKR Positions During OSCE Monitoring

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  • Azeri Hotheads Shell NKR Positions During OSCE Monitoring


    October 17, 2013 - 19:15 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - "Impunity begets lawlessness" is a phrase which
    best reflects current Azeri worldview. Azeri side is losing sense of
    reality - mostly due to lack of international community's response
    to its provocations as well as Baku's rather successful attempts to
    undermine the Karabakh conflict settlement.

    The monitoring of the contact line between Nagorno Karabakh and
    Azerbaijani armed forces was suspended Thursday, Oct 17, due to shots
    fired from the Azeri side.

    The violations were registered by the monitoring group on both sides.

    Personal representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, ambassador
    Andrzey Kasprzyk decided to stop the monitoring over security reasons,
    the NKR Foreign Ministry's press service said.

    Azeri behavior here is a result of the international community's
    permissiveness. For already several years Azerbaijan has been
    orchestrating diversions, violating ceasefire, shelling Armenian

    Over 14000 ceasefire violations by Azeri armed forces were reported
    at the contact line in 2012 only. Azeri leadership never misses a
    chance to express their aggressive moods, ignoring the OSCE Minsk
    Group's urges to cooperate in the peaceful settlement of Karabakh
    conflict on all levels - from presidents to mediators. Baku is the one
    overtly purchasing and manufacturing inordinate amounts of weaponry,
    in violation of all international quotas.

    Though in full knowledge of the facts above, the international
    community continues turning a blind eye to Azeri lawlessness, with
    OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs restricting themselves to statements
    urging to "observe ceasefire," "develop mechanisms for promoting trust
    between the conflicting parties." Also, no reaction was given to Azeri
    statement suggesting Baku won't be pulling snipers from contact line
    before the end of the war. Despite having their demands blatantly
    ignored, international organizations don't show any concern, their
    indifference further prompting Azeris to shell Karabakh positions -
    this time, completely undisturbed by the OSCE mission's presence.
