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Azerbaijan and the United States a major diplomatic row erupted

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  • Azerbaijan and the United States a major diplomatic row erupted

    Vestnik Kavkaza: Azerbaijan and the United States a major diplomatic row erupted

    17:42 18/10/2013 » REGION

    A serious diplomatic scandal arises between Baku and Washington.
    Criticism of the presidential elections in Azerbaijan by U.S.
    Department of State and the fact that Barack Obama hasn't
    congratulated Ilham Aliyev on his third presidential term yet worsened
    already less than perfect Azerbaijani-American relations, Orhan
    Sattarov, the head of the head of the European bureau of Vestnik
    Kavkaza writes.

    The author notes that the head of the presidential administration
    Ramiz Mehtiyev who usually prefers not to communicate with the mass
    media has met journalists from leading Azerbaijani periodicals. At the
    meeting the top official who is thought to be one of key figures in
    the country expressed his disappointment and indignation on the
    estimation of the presidential elections in the country by the
    observing mission of OSCE/ODIHR and U.S. Department of State.

    Criticizing the Americans for double standards and insincerity in
    partnership with Azerbaijan, Mehtiyev doubted the adequateness of the
    report by OSCE/ODIHR - the organization which works watching at the
    U.S. According to Mehtiyev, Azerbaijan had doubts about inviting
    observers from the ODIHR, but made the step on the recommendation of
    the U.S.

    `However, the most interesting thing in the interview was inside
    information from Mekhtiyev that American officials `recommended' the
    Azerbaijani government to falsify results of voting for the opposition
    candidate Jamil Hasanly, as if he got 25% of votes,' the author

    As the article notes, the U.S. Department of State quickly responded
    to the interview by the head of the presidential administration and
    stated that his statements on `recommended' results of the elections
    were a lie. `The diplomatic fight could come to an end without serious
    consequences for bilateral relations. However, tension seems to reach
    the highest level. The Azerbaijani side didn't ignore the disproof of
    the Americans and decided to state certain names,' the author writes
    and notes that the authorities focused on the American ambassador in
    Azerbaijan, Richard Morningstar.

    `The figures mentioned by Ramiz Mekhtiyev were voiced by the U.S.
    ambassador at meetings with the government of Azerbaijan,' Elnur
    Aslanov, the head of the political analysis and information support of
    the presidential administration of Azerbaijan, confirmed in an
    interview to

    Author reminds that a few days ahead of the incident, there was
    another unpleasant moment which involved Morningstar. According to the
    press service of the Defense Minister of Azerbaijan, the American
    ambassador stated at the meeting with the minister that `the elections
    have passed, and the winner is Ilham Aliyev' and actually he shut down
    all political speculations on recognition or non-recognition of the
    Azerbaijani elections by the U.S.

    `However, the U.S. embassy decided to make a statement that the words
    by the ambassador were misinterpreted. This time the Azerbaijani side
    also resisted America and stated that it had an audio record of the
    talk and the press service of the ministry didn't misinterpret the
    message,' the material says.

    According to the author, the current anti-American rhetoric can be
    compared with the sharp reaction by Baku on active American lobbying
    of the Armenian-Turkish peacemaking in 2008 without consideration of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh topic.

    `It is notable that in the context of worsened relations between Baku
    and Washington the mass media is again discussing the topic of whether
    Azerbaijan should take the European and Western course or the Eurasian
    course, i.e. a radical turn toward Russia,' the author says and notes
    that Vladimir Putin's summer visit to Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani's energy
    policy which prefers to prevent development of the project of Nabucco
    to avoid competition with the Russian pipeline of South Stream,
    deliberation of the question on association with the EU - all these
    factors give an opportunity for Baku to turn north.

