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High Motivation Can Ensure Armenia's Success In Any Match, Says Coac

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  • High Motivation Can Ensure Armenia's Success In Any Match, Says Coac


    15:47 ~U 21.10.13

    In an interview with the Football Federation of Armenia's official
    website, national team coach Vardan Minasyan has addressed the recent
    match against Italy and the Armenian sportsmen's performance in the
    past qualification round

    Mr Minasyan, let's first of all talk of the match with Italy? What
    do you think succeeded, and what didn't?

    Everybody knew we had little chances to qualify for the transitional
    matches in case of even winning this game. But we nonetheless were
    striving for a victory. The most important thing is that we played
    without any damage. We had planned to score a rapid goal and exert
    pressure from the beginning, but we didn't manage to. Though we didn't
    win, I consider a drawn match with a team like Italy's a positive
    result. I was quite satisfied with the game quality.

    What would have been the match had the rival been more motivated?

    I cannot say that as we were thinking more of our game. It isn't that
    they weren't motivated at all. They too, were testing the abilities
    of new footballers whose motivation was very high.

    Many people wonder why Vardan Minasyan didn't feel happy after the
    goals, and what he was saying to Robert Arzumanyan following the
    first goal.

    First, there wasn't yet anything to be happy for, with the whole game
    still being ahead. If my memory doesn't fail me, I was telling Robert
    that it was necessary to take a more compact action.

    What was the reason for Levon Hayrapetyan's replacement?

    His edge attacks on our gate had increased in number, so we tried to
    refresh the edge to better resist the rival.

    The worst match in the qualification round was clearly the one against
    Malta. Which one was the best match?

    There are a couple of matches, but the most valuable was probably
    the meeting with Denmark. Overcoming [the defeat after] the match
    with Denmark and playing in such a way had a very big value. We have
    celebrated three victories after the match with Malta. We have played
    one drawn match and suffered one defeat. This demonstrates the team's
    big will.

    Do the victories against the Czech Republic and Bulgaria prove the
    team have the psychology of winner?

    Yes, the team do have the psychology of winner; they have become
    accomplished and have their own style and principles.

    Is the success in guest matches due to the fact that we play better
    when pursuing the counter-attack tactics or are there any other

    That's the main reason. In guest matches, the rival gives us more
    spaces for counter-attack, and that's our strongest side. There is
    another strong aspect which may sound strange: the pressure in guest
    matches is less than at home. Victory is what our fans expect. That's
    good, of course, but a greater responsibility sometimes prevents
    football player from demonstrating their full potential.
