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EU Index: Armenia Fourth In Integration

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  • EU Index: Armenia Fourth In Integration

    NEWS | 22.10.13 | 15:39


    ArmeniaNow reporter

    By the 2013 results of the European Integration Index for Eastern
    Partnership Countries, Armenia came fourth among the six countries.

    Presenting the third European Integration Index results, Ukrainian
    International Renaissance Foundation's Olga Kvashuk told the press on
    Tuesday in Yerevan that Moldova is the leader in terms of European
    integration, second comes Georgia, then the Ukraine, then Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, and Belarus.

    It is noteworthy that Moldova and Georgia will be signing their
    respective Association Agreements with the EU during the upcoming
    Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius next month, while the Ukraine's
    signing is undecided, for as long as the country's former Prime
    Minister Yulia Timoshenko remains imprisoned (Timoshenko's release is
    one of the EU's pre-conditions for signing the agreement). Armenia,
    as it is known, will not be inking the Associations Agreement after
    almost four years of negotiations, because of the decision to join
    the Customs Union.

    The European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Countries is
    a tool of civil society monitoring and serves as a speedometer of
    European integration for EAP countries.

    There are three dimensions of evaluation. 1. Linkage: growing
    political, economic and social ties between each of the six EAP
    countries and EU; 2. Approximation: legislation, practices and
    institutions in the EAP countries converging towards EU standards
    and in line with EU requirements; 3. Management: evolving management
    structures and polices in the EAP countries that aim at further
    European integration.

    "Armenia made good progress towards the EU last year. Despite being
    fourth in Linkage, it comes third in Approximation. The country
    improved its scores in all three dimensions, especially in Management
    where it reached almost the same level as Ukraine".

    Traian Hristea, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia, present at the
    introduction of the index, said in his speech that although Armenia
    and the EU won't be signing the Associations Agreement, the EU is
    looking for ways to continue its successful cooperation and develop
    the partnership relations.

    "Considering Armenia's decision to join the Customs Union civil
    society relations have become even more important and we will continue
    supporting the civil society", said Hristea.

    National Coordinator of the Eastern Partnerships' Civil Society
    Platform Boris Navasardyan predicts that in the fourth index of
    European integration Armenia will have even less progress because of
    having traded the pro-Europe vector for the Customs Union.

    "In particular, both by the approximation and project management
    parameters we will show regress, as for the linkage, I cannot say
    for sure, because at least in that one direction - which is the
    facilitation of the visa process with EU - we have a document signed,"
    he says.
