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European Parliament Sharply Criticizes Presidential Elections In Aze

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  • European Parliament Sharply Criticizes Presidential Elections In Aze


    17:22 24/10/2013 " REGION

    Presidential elections held in Azerbaijan on October 9 did not meet
    international standards, reads the resolution adopted on the eve of
    the plenary session of the European Parliament. The draft resolution
    is available on the organization's website.

    It is emphasized that the campaign in Azerbaijan was carried out with
    violations of international standards.

    The European Parliament is concerned about the human rights problems
    in Azerbaijan and insists that the authorities have taken appropriate
    steps to demonstrate its commitment to the standards of freedom of
    expression and assembly, as well as the protection of the rights
    of opposition.

    Besides that, the European Parliament calls for the immediate release
    of 14 opposition leaders and human rights activists who were arrested
    in recent months, including Tofig Yagublu, the deputy chairman of the
    "Musavat" party and an employee of the "Yeni Musavat" newspaper as
    well as the leader of "REAL" Ilgar Mamedov. The organization calls
    on Azerbaijan to stop harassment of oppositionist activists as an
    indispensable condition for any agreement and to review the strategic
    partnership with Azerbaijan.

    "The European Parliament deplores for the fact that the presidential
    elections in Azerbaijan, as the OSCE/ODIHR has concluded, has once
    again failed to meet OSCE standards," the document reads. It is noted
    that the OSCE observation mission has recorded a number of violations
    and urged the authorities to seriously address these problems.

    The resolution expresses regret at the fact that the issue of signing
    the Association Agreement by Azerbaijan with the EU is still not
    solved because of hesitations and lack of a clear point of view.

    Besides that, the European Parliament has adopted a draft resolution
    on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, noting that the conflict should be
    resolved on the basis adopted in 1993 by the UN Security Council and
    the basic principles of the OSCE Minsk Group set out in the L'Aquila
    Joint Statement on July 10, in 2009. The draft resolution also calls
    on the EU to take a more active part in the settlement process.

    On October 9 presidential election were held in Azerbaijan during
    which incumbent President Ilham Aliyev received 84.54% of votes. Jamil
    Hasanli, a single candidate from the opposition National Council
    of Democratic Forces, was on the second place. He scored 5.53% of
    the vote.

    The joint statement of the ODIHR / OSCE observation mission and the
    Parliamentary Assembly, noted that the presidential elections were
    held in Azerbaijan in terms of restriction of freedom of speech
    and assembly. In its turn, the Minister for European Affairs David
    Lidington stated that the British Foreign Ministry shares the OSCE /
    ODIHR's opinion that the presidential elections held in Azerbaijan
    failed to meet the commitments with OSCE. Opinion of the OSCE and
    the United Kingdom are also divided the U.S. Department of State.

