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Russian Expert: European Parliament Can't Determine Own Priorities

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  • Russian Expert: European Parliament Can't Determine Own Priorities


    October 24, 2013 - 15:30 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - European Parliament's resolution for strengthening
    ties with the Eastern Partnership countries is rather contradictory,
    a Russian political analyst said.

    "On one hand, it stresses inviolability of borders and territorial
    integrity while fully ignoring the principle of people's right for
    self-determination," Alexander Krylov told PanARMENIAN.Net

    According to Krylov, European Parliament must prioritize the principle
    of people's right for self-determination, considering Europe's policy
    of human rights defence.

    "On the other hand, European Parliament recently slammed rigged
    elections in Baku. Seems like EP finds it hard to determine its
    own priorities, as, while pressuring both Armenia and Azerbaijan,
    it offers nothing in return. To say nothing of the fact that visa
    regime facilitation with Armenia can't be seen as a serious step,
    with no time frame or security measured mentioned. Also, Azerbaijan
    was offered nothing at all, except unimplementable instructions on
    its policies," the expert said.

    "The only purpose of the resolution seems to lie in pressuring borth
    countries into making concessions that the EU can benefit from.

    Clearly, Armenia's decision to join the Customs Union also triggered
    addoption of the document," Krylov said.

    The European Parliament adopted a resolution on strengthening
    ties with Eastern Partnership states. The resolution included a
    Karabakh-related motion, demonstrating one-sided, pro- Azerbaijani
    approach to the conflict.

    According to the motion, "occupation by one country of the Eastern
    Partnership of the territory of another violates the fundamental
    principles and objectives of the Eastern Partnership. The conclusion
    of the EU Association Agreements with Armenia and Azerbaijan should
    be linked to progress towards the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions 822, 853,
    874 and 884 of 1993 and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group Basic Principles, enshrined in the
    L'Aquila joint statement of 10 July 2009."

    "The European Parliament reaffirms the need to strive for the regional
    stability and security that are necessary to achieve the goals of the
    Eastern Partnership, also in the context of further integration with
    the EU; urges further efforts to progress towards the resolution of
    the territorial conflicts in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Moldova."

    According to the resolution, "it is deplorable that the EaP harbours
    a number of unsettled territorial disputes, which should be resolved;
    whereas Parliament fully subscribes to the principles of sovereignty,
    territorial integrity and the right to self-determination of nations."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress