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European Parliament Issues Karabakh Motion To Avenge For Armenia's C

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  • European Parliament Issues Karabakh Motion To Avenge For Armenia's C


    October 24, 2013 - 14:26 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The European Parliament adopted a resolution on
    strengthening ties with Eastern Partnership states. The resolution
    included a Karabakh-related motion, demonstrating one-sided, pro-
    Azerbaijani approach to the conflict.

    According to the motion, "occupation by one country of the Eastern
    Partnership of the territory of another violates the fundamental
    principles and objectives of the Eastern Partnership. The conclusion
    of the EU Association Agreements with Armenia and Azerbaijan should
    be linked to progress towards the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions 822, 853,
    874 and 884 of 1993 and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group Basic Principles, enshrined in the
    L'Aquila joint statement of 10 July 2009."

    "The European Parliament reaffirms the need to strive for the regional
    stability and security that are necessary to achieve the goals of the
    Eastern Partnership, also in the context of further integration with
    the EU; urges further efforts to progress towards the resolution of
    the territorial conflicts in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Moldova."

    The European Parliament further welcomed reforms and progress
    in Armenia, however noting certain shortcomings in promotion of
    democracy, including legal and judicial sectors, and anti-corruption
    measures. According to the document, EP regrets Armenia's decision
    to join the Russia-led Customs Union, reminding that the policy
    is incompatible with the Association Agreement. In conclusion, EP
    expressed hope for social, economic and political reforms to continue
    in Armenia.

    The document, however, fails to note any of Azeri diversions and
    provocations, with Baku's constant ceasefire violations leading
    to deaths among servicemen and peaceful population. Nor does the
    document mention Baku's bellicose rhetoric and attempts to undermine
    the peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict, while ignoring urges
    of the mediators and international community.

    As Armenia Today reported, quoting Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh
    Kocharyan, "the Karabakh conflict-related motion contradicts the
    official position of the EU as well as the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs'

    "The motion authors must realize that though advisory in nature,
    the document can negatively affect the settlement progress, as well
    as mediatory efforts of the OSCE MG," Kocharyan noted.

    Armenia completed technical talks on a 'deep and comprehensive
    free-trade agreement' (DCFTA) with the EU in July and it was set
    to be signed at a summit with the EU in late November. In addition
    to a free-trade deal, Armenia has been working towards the signing
    of an association agreement with the EU, a framework agreement on
    co-operation that is seen as a first step towards political integration
    with the EU.

    However, during a Sept 3 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin,
    Armenian leader Sargsyan said Armenia is ready to join Customs Union,
    with further plans to be involved in formation of the Eurasian Economic
    Union. Mr. Putin supported the initiative, vowing procedural assistance
    to Armenia.

    Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt described Armenia's intention as
    a U-turn in relations with the European Union. "Seems as if Armenia
    will break talks on free trade agreement with EU and integrate with
    Russia instead," he said.

    Linas Linkevicius, the Foreign Minister of Lithuania, which holds
    the rotating EU presidency, said Armenia "has blocked its chances of
    signing a free trade deal with the European Union by choosing to join
    the Russia-led union." "We respect any choice of countries but they
    cannot enter both organizations at the same time because of different
    tariff requirements," he said.

    However, Armenian leadership continues expression intention to expand
    ties with the EU, which won't contradict Armenia's CU membership.

    "Armenia will take part in the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit
    in Vilnius and is ready to sign the Association Agreement," President
    Serzh Sargsyan said at the October 2 PACE session.

    "No Armenia-EU document is being readied to be signed at a Vilnius
    summit," the spokesperson of the EU Commissioner Stefan Fule said.

    "We're trying to find routes for further cooperation with Armenia,
    based on the existing achievements," Peter Stano said.
