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BAKU: U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan: `Our statement does not questio

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  • BAKU: U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan: `Our statement does not questio

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Oct 26 2013

    U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan: `Our statement does not question the
    outcome of the election'

    [ 26 October 2013 19:49 ]

    Richard Morningstar: `We look forward to cooperative relationship with
    Azerbaijan in democracy related issues, Nagorno-Karabakh, other
    geopolitical issues, counter-terrorism, and energy and economic
    diversification issues.'

    Baku - APA. U.S Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Morningstar's
    interview to APA TV.

    - The USA State Department statement on the presidential elections
    created a stir. So, in brief, does the United States recognize the
    legitimacy of the elections in Azerbaijan?

    - First of all, we stand by our statement of October 10 regarding the
    elections. However, our statement does not question the outcome of
    the election. President Aliyev has been inaugurated. We look forward
    to working with him and the government of Azerbaijan on a wide range
    of issues including democracy related issues, Nagorno-Karabakh, other
    geopolitical issues, counter-terrorism, and energy and economic
    diversification issues.

    - In response to statements by OSCE/ODIHR, Azerbaijan put forward the
    possibility of ceasing corporation with this organization. What's
    your opinion of it?

    - We hope very much that Azerbaijan will continue to work with
    OSCE/ODIHR. And we hope that Azerbaijan will take steps to further
    promote democratic principles and values in Azerbaijan.

    - Recently OSCE observers reported shooting on the line of contact.
    Later, the OSCE Minsk Group could not identify the direction which
    initiated the shooting. Azerbaijan side, (Azerbaijani society)
    received that with much concern. This fact in future brings about the
    continuation of the violation of the ceasefire. What do you think of

    - I think this is a matter that OSCE should comment on, not me or the
    United States. I would emphasize that it is important that neither
    Armenia nor Azerbaijan take actions that would escalate tensions on
    the line of contact. We obviously hope that now, after the elections
    in Armenia earlier this year and the elections recently in Azerbaijan,
    there will be an opening to make progress in the negotiations over

    - The OSCE Minsk Group is expected to visit the region in November,
    and the Azerbaijan and Armenian presidents meeting is expected by the
    end of this year. When will be the exact date of these talks?

    - We certainly hope there will be a meeting between both presidents
    before the end of the year. As to the exact date, I think it would be
    best to ask the President and not me. But we certainly hope that
    there will be a meeting.

    - In October, Azerbaijan started chairing the UN Security Council
    again. What are the advantages of it for Azerbaijan and the UN?

    - First of all I think it is very exciting that Azerbaijan has the
    chairmanship of the Security Council this month. I think that
    Azerbaijan has done a wonderful job in its capacity as a member of the
    Security Council. We have cooperated very closely with Azerbaijan on
    matters relating to the Security Council. Regarding Nagorno-Karabakh,
    let me just say what I said before, that we need to make every effort
    to reach a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We really do
    hope that with the completion of the elections in Armenia and
    Azerbaijan that there will be an opening to make progress. I can
    assure that the United States as a Minsk Group co-chair will work hard
    and make every effort to try and promote that progress. That is why
    Ambassador Warlick was here earlier this week and why the Minsk Group
    co-chairs will be here in a couple of weeks.

    - The customs unions have been established which is seen as an
    alternative to the European Union. The U.S. is a county which is in
    close cooperation with the regional countries. So in terms of the
    preference by the regional conference to this or that union, what can
    you say about this?

    - A hallmark of our policy going back to the breakup of the Soviet
    Union has been to promote the independence and sovereignty of the
    former Soviet countries and certainly the countries in this region.
    That has certainly been the highest priority of our relationship with
    Azerbaijan--that it be an independent and sovereign country.
    Therefore, I would say that it is up to Azerbaijan, Armenia, or any
    other country to make its own decisions as to what organizations it
    will belong to.

    - This fiscal year started with the shutdown of the Government. Does
    this shutdown have any kind of impact or influence on U.S.-Azerbaijani
    bilateral relations? And how is the shutdown is being handled?

    - Well, you know the shutdown is over and the shutdown in my view has
    had absolutely no effect on the relationship between the United States
    and Azerbaijan. We look forward to continuing to have a very
    cooperative relationship with Azerbaijan along the lines that I have
    already talked about in this interview. 768.html

    From: Baghdasarian