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Georgian PM promises not to try to jail Saakashvili

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  • Georgian PM promises not to try to jail Saakashvili

    Georgian PM promises not to try to jail Saakashvili

    By Margarita Antidze and Timothy Heritage
    TBILISI | Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:43pm EDT

    (Reuters) - Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili, hoping to
    ease fears of instability, says he will not try to jail President
    Mikheil Saakashvili when his rival steps down after Sunday's election.

    In an interview with Reuters on Friday, he reaffirmed a plan to quit
    as the former Soviet republic's premier in the weeks after Sunday's
    vote and revealed he would nominate a member of his government to
    replace him, but gave no name.

    Opinion polls suggest Georgy Margvelashvili, an Ivanishvili ally, will
    win Sunday's vote, a result that should improve prospects for
    stability after years of upheaval in a country crossed by pipelines
    carrying Caspian oil and gas to Europe.

    But two European Union ministers expressed fears this week that
    Ivanishvili might take revenge on Saakashvili for blocking government
    decisions for months, by pressing for him to be prosecuted.

    "The Europeans and Americans ... are giving us friendly advice, which
    I agree with: that it would not be in the country's interests if our
    president goes to jail," Ivanishvili said in his glass and metal
    residence overlooking the capital Tbilisi.

    He said Saakashvili, catapulted into power by a bloodless revolution
    in 2003, could face questioning by police when he leaves office and
    loses immunity from prosecution.

    But Ivanishvili said he would not push for an arrest, adding: "It's
    bad if a country's president might go to jail."


    He did not say what Saakashvili might be accused of, although he has
    previously suggested he might be asked about the death of a former
    prime minister, Zurab Zhvania, who was poisoned by fumes said to have
    come from a faulty heater.

    His comments were clearly intended to appease two EU foreign
    ministers, Sweden's Carl Bildt and Poland's Radoslaw Sikorski, who
    urged him in Tbilisi last week not to take revenge on his rival though
    the courts.

    Ivanishili predicted Margvelashvili would win 60 percent of votes on
    Sunday - enough to avoid a run-off. Saakashvili cannot seek a third
    five-year term because of constitutional limits.

    He said his government had run the South Caucasus country of 4.5
    million well since his Georgian Dream coalition defeated Saakashvili's
    party in a parliamentary election last October.

    "The election will be a good confirmation of that," he said, leaning
    back in his chair and looking relaxed in a casual blue sweater with an
    open-necked shirt and jeans.

    Ivanishvili, now 57, entered politics two years ago because he was
    frustrated with Georgia's course under Saakashvili.

    At the time, few people in Georgia knew what he looked like but most
    knew of his fabulous business fortune, albino sons, private zoo with
    penguins and zebras, and art collection including works by Picasso,
    Matisse and Renoir. Forbes magazine has put his wealth at about $5.3


    Ivanishvili managed to unite the opposition. Saakashvili, meanwhile,
    had lost popularity after failing to carry out all the reforms he had
    promised, and had dragged Georgia into a disastrous five-day war with
    Russia in 2008, from which Moscow emerged in control of two rebel
    Georgian regions.

    Ivanishvili said Saakashvili, 45, had no political future in Georgia.
    But he also confirmed that he himself would carry out a promise he
    made when becoming a politician to step aside when his job was done:
    "I've done what I had to do."

    He listed his achievements as changing the political landscape,
    constitutional reforms and launching healthcare, agriculture and
    private insurance reforms.

    Critics say he has achieved little and the faltering economy has not
    improved, but Ivanishvili scoffed at this.

    He declined to say who would be the next prime minister - the most
    powerful position in Georgia since the constitutional changes - but
    said he would name his candidate on November 2.

    "It will be a member of the cabinet, one of the ministers, a member of
    our team," he said.

    The president will propose the nominee to parliament for approval
    after the inauguration, expected on November 17.

    "On November 19 or 20, we'll get a new cabinet and prime minister and
    I'll be free (to go) after that," Ivanishvili said.

    Opponents say Ivanishvili may still try to call the shots behind the
    scenes, and suggest this would be unconstitutional.

    "I will not allow myself to ask questions or give orders from the
    wings," he said. "If they (the government) want to, they will ring me.
    That's okay at the start, but it will gradually happen less and less."

    (Editing by Kevin Liffey)
