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Bitter feud dominates Georgia election

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  • Bitter feud dominates Georgia election

    Bitter feud dominates Georgia election

    25 October 2013 Last updated at 18:12 GMT
    By Rayhan Demytrie BBC News, Tbilisi

    Bidzina Ivanishvili: Georgia's "first European-style election"

    There might be 23 candidates in Sunday's presidential election in
    Georgia but in recent months two men already in power have been
    dominating the country's politics. And both are about to step down.

    They face each other from their palaces on opposite sides of the River
    Kura, which flows through the capital Tbilisi.

    One is the glass-domed structure of the country's President Mikheil
    Saakashvili, the second is an ultra-modern steel and glass mansion -
    the residence of the country's billionaire Prime Minister Bidzina

    Mr Ivanishvili took office last year after his Georgian Dream
    coalition defeated President Saakashvili's allies in a parliamentary

    But there is very little face-to-face interaction between the two
    leaders, and their public statements are full of bitterness towards
    each other.

    Rights 'abuses'

    In the West, President Saakashvili is known as a man who brought
    democracy to Georgia, which has been plagued by political violence
    since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991.

    But Mr Ivanishvili refers to the outgoing president as a "liar" and a

    The election campaign has been dominated by rivalry between the
    outgoing president and outgoing prime minister

    "He said one thing to the outside world, and did totally different
    things inside the country," Mr Ivanishvilli told the BBC from his

    "Under Saakashvili, abuses of people's rights inside Georgia were
    widespread. Anyone could have been targeted and sent to jail. Prisons
    were overcrowded. Properties were illegally confiscated," he said.

    Addressing a group of students on Thursday, Mr Saakashvili said he and
    the prime minister had nothing in common.

    "I and Prime Minister Ivanishvili are from different planets, or to
    put it more correctly I am from this planet, from this country... We
    represent two different Georgias."

    Since coming to power in the bloodless 2003 "Rose Revolution" Mr
    Saakashvili has implemented reforms which helped root out corruption.

    He cut bureaucracy and improved public services in the Caucasus
    republic, where poverty remains widespread.

    The World Bank in a report in 2012 suggested Georgia's experience in
    fighting corruption could be exemplary for other nations facing
    similar problems.

    At a recent UN General Assembly meeting, Mr Saakashvili said he was
    proud of Georgia's accomplishments during his 10 years in office.

    'Elite' corruption

    But the country's prime minister has dismissed these achievements.

    President Saakashvili sees himself as the man who eliminated corruption

    "Corruption was eradicated among the police, his government was proud
    of this for years. But later, they used the police force to commit
    violence against people. So we can't say it was an achievement," says
    Mr Ivanishvili.

    "The biggest achievement, I would say, was the improvement of tax
    collection. Money started flowing into the state budget. But the
    budget was then abused - so this also cannot be counted as an

    His allegations of "elite" corruption have led to a number of arrests
    and investigations of former officials from Mr Saakashvili's

    Mr Ivanishvili, who credits his own government with establishing a
    transparent judicial system, does not exclude the possibility that Mr
    Saakashvili could also find himself under investigation once his
    presidential immunity is lifted.

    "The process of restoration of justice is continuing, therefore such a
    probability cannot be ruled out," he said.

    Behind the scenes

    In August, he announced that he would step down before the end of the year.

    Prime Minister Ivanishvili says he has brought money flowing into the budget

    "When I entered politics I said that I would stay for two or three
    years, accomplish my set goals and leave. Well, it took me less than
    three years. I put the country on the right path and no-one can
    reverse this process."

    Following Sunday's vote, constitutional amendments introduced in 2010
    will come into effect that significantly reduce presidential powers.

    Georgia in effect will become a parliamentary democracy.

    But even after Mr Ivanishvili steps down there are concerns he could
    still run the country from behind the scenes, especially if his chosen
    presidential candidate Giorgi Margvelashvili - ahead in the opinion
    polls - wins.

    Mr Ivanishvili has not yet named a successor as prime minister.

    The presidential candidate of Mr Saakashvili's United National
    Movement (UNM), Davit Bakradze, is a former parliament speaker who
    accuses the ruling coalition of failing to deliver on its promises.
