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Holocaust Education About More Than Remembering

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  • Holocaust Education About More Than Remembering


    The Toronto Star, Canada
    October 28, 2013 Monday

    In the statement that introduces this year's massive program of
    Toronto's Holocaust Education Week starting next Sunday, Prime Minister
    Stephen Harper writes that by sharing the stories of the survivors,
    "we can remain vigilant in confronting those who propagate messages
    of hatred, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial."

    When during the Second World War it was possible to help Jews to
    escape the Nazis, Canada stood idly by. However, its postwar effort
    to provide shelter for survivors has been commendable. Some 30,000
    Jews who had lived through the ordeal in various European countries
    were brought to these shores and given opportunities to rebuild their
    lives. As they and their descendants remember the horrors by seeking
    to educate future generations, they also pay tribute to Canada.

    Justice Rosalie Abella of the Supreme Court expressed it in her
    keynote address at a special evening of music and commemoration
    to honour Holocaust educators earlier this month in Toronto. As a
    child of Holocaust survivors, born in a displaced persons' camp in
    Germany, she told her parents' and her story of loss, resilience,
    hope and gratitude.

    Support for Holocaust education by the prime minister and his
    government is significant and important. It's also manifest in the
    fact that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance with its
    31 member states is currently being chaired by Canada in the person
    of Mario Silva. He describes his organization as aiming "to ensure
    that the lessons of the Holocaust are not forgotten."

    That's indeed the primary purpose of Holocaust Education Week. Its
    agenda is to tell the truth and point to the implications. Many of the
    events are being held not in synagogues and Jewish institutions but
    in public schools and libraries, colleges and churches. The Toronto
    project is considered to be the most ambitious and successful of its
    kind in the world.

    In view of the government's understanding of the purpose of Holocaust
    education it's legitimate to see it as a promise that Canada won't
    stand idly by in the face of present and future atrocities.

    But some Canadians aren't convinced, among them members of the Jewish
    Refugee Action Network (JRAN). Writing in the Huffington Post, Bernie
    Farber, the former CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress, speaks for
    JRAN when he argues that not since the dark days of the Second World
    War, "when Canada became infamous for a refugee policy that purposely
    excluded Jews fleeing Eastern Europe," have we seen such callousness
    towards refugees now seeking shelter here.

    Today's victims aren't Jews but others, among them the Roma. In
    Farber's words refugees are "being denied sanctuary and even basic
    health provisions here in Canada."

    Therefore, proud Canadians, including former refugees and their
    children, have formed JRAN to plead for those who cannot speak and
    stand up for themselves.

    Holocaust Education Week is an opportune time to do so. While
    expressing their appreciation for the Harper government's commitment
    to commemorate Jewish suffering, many are also urging it to help
    alleviate the pain of at least some of today's countless victims by
    enabling them to stay here.

    The concern for strangers because, as the Bible has it, "you were
    strangers in the land of Egypt," is the larger message of Holocaust
    Education Week. It's reflected in several of the week's programs,
    such as the commemoration of the Armenian genocide and a documentary
    about the plight of the Roma.

    A prayer in the Sabbath liturgy of my synagogue asks God to guide
    the leaders of our country to be responsive to God's will "so that
    Canada may be to the world an example of justice and compassion." To
    which we should all say: Amen.

    Dow Marmur is rabbi emeritus at Toronto's Holy Blossom Temple. His
    column appears every other week.

    From: Baghdasarian