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Seiran Ohanyan Has No Place To Run Away

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  • Seiran Ohanyan Has No Place To Run Away


    The minister of defense Seiran Ohanyan has also expressed his opinion
    on membership to the Customs Union. In addition, he stated his opinion
    after the Minsk summit when it was obvious that Armenia is just a tool
    for the members of the Customs Union to settle their accounts. After
    all this the minister of defense could at least keep silent, at least
    saving the reputation of the last of the top government officials
    of Armenia.

    However, Seiran Ohanyan does not keep quiet and states that the
    decision to join the Customs Union was right. In addition, he brings
    a strange justification - geographically we have nowhere else to go.

    This statement is nothing but "we have no place to run away". It is
    clear that with the quality of the government we have now we have no
    place to run away. However, the minister could keep quiet at least,
    couldn't he?

    Because if the minister of defense, one of the heroes of the country
    that won the war, announces that there is no other way out, a place
    to run away, one can hang a big lock on or cross out the victory,
    its physical and psychological result.

    The point is that there are government positions whose mission
    is to demonstrate that there is a way out even if there is no way
    out. In fact, all the government positions have such a mission, and
    the society should be such everywhere. Despair and its confession are
    the end of the state, society and individual, depriving its existence
    of a meaning. The minister of defense of any country, especially of
    a winner country, has no right to tell that we have no way out.

    Meanwhile, Seiran Ohanyan does because he is the soviet army officer,
    not the minister of defense of independent Armenia. Nobody expects
    or obliges Seiran Ohanyan to withdraw Armenia from the Customs Union
    or make statements against the Customs Union or take Armenia anywhere
    else. But he can keep silent, can't he?

    The guarantor of Armenia's security Russia has left no other way
    out to Seiran Ohanyan. This is an important question for Moscow. No
    high-ranking Armenian official should escape the sword of the Customs
    Union to make sure that they don't give them a surprise later. It
    is not accidental that Ohanyan expresses his opinion after returning
    from Brussels where he attended the meeting of the ministers of NATO
    peacekeeping missions. Hence, Moscow has demanded that Seiran Ohanyan
    make an oath to the Customs Union after the meeting.

    It is painful to watch the participants of the victory in Artsakh
    justifying capitulation of Armenia to the Customs Union, how they
    disseminate despair in the winner society, whether intentionally or
    not, just to justify the humiliating decisions they made to hold on
    to power.

    It is painful to watch the winner general say "look at the agreements
    and you'll see the safeguards" in answer to questions on lack of
    guarantees that Russia will provide Armenia's security. Seiran Ohanyan
    was awarded his PhD in political science a few months ago and he
    should know the value of agreement papers amid big political interests.

    Yet the question is that the minister of defense should refer to only
    his own armed forces when speaking about guarantees of security.

    He may think about dozens of guarantors, take innumerable steps to
    multiply foreign guarantees but in public he should see only one
    guarantee of security of the winner state - the Armenian army.

    Meanwhile, Minister Ohanyan is trying to persuade that Russia will
    defend us.

    Hakob Badalyan 15:53 29/10/2013 Story from News:
