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Put Armenia's Choice Of Economic Cooperation To Vote

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  • Put Armenia's Choice Of Economic Cooperation To Vote


    Huffington Post
    Sept 5 2013

    by Simon Saradzhyan
    Research fellow, Harvard's Belfer Center

    It is unfortunate that decisions of such tremendous importance for
    the Armenian nation's future, as whether this former Soviet republic
    should apply for membership in the Customs Union (CU), are prepared
    and made without asking the Armenian public's opinion.

    The decision -- that Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has announced
    when hosted by his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow earlier
    this week -- had been prepared in such secrecy that, apparently, even
    some of the senior officials in the Armenian government and parliament
    had not been briefed in advance, to say less of the general public.

    One would have thought that this momentous decision would have merited
    a comprehensive explanation, especially, given that the Armenian
    president's hand-picked Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan (no relation
    to the president) was sceptical about Armenia's membership in CU as
    recently as last year. At that time the premier's public position was
    that countries don't participate in customs unions with which they
    don't have common borders. Rather than explain exactly what caused the
    Armenian government to become more optimistic about CU membership, the
    president merely stated that "it is a rational decision stemming from
    the national interests of Armenia." "This decision does not constitute
    a refusal to continue our dialogue with European structures," he added.

    Continued dialogue with the European Union (EU) might indeed be what
    Sargsyan has hoped for. However, that didn't stop senior EU officials
    from expressing surprise and asserting that the Association Agreement
    and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) that Armenia
    has planned to sign with the European Union in November -- is "not
    compatible" with membership in the Customs Union. Swedish Foreign
    Minister Carl Bildt - who is known to have no love lost for Russia -
    described Sargsyan's decision as a "U-turn."

    We don't know whether Sargsyan has given any of EU's top dogs a heads
    up on his decision to have Armenia join CU, but it is clear that the
    Armenian leader has certainly failed to ask his own nation before
    making a choice that will have a tremendous impact on the lives of
    his compatriots.

    Why is it that Ukraine's Viktor Yanukovych -- who is not exactly a
    beacon of participatory democracy -- has recently announced that the
    Ukrainians would get a chance to vote to choose between DCFTA with
    EU and membership in CU, but Armenia's Serzh Sargsyan has decided
    that consulting his nation on the same choice is not necessary? I
    don't the exact answer to that question. But I do know a national
    leader increases probability of making a fateful mistake every time
    he confines process of formulating a momentous decision to a narrow
    circle of confidants.

    It is not that I harbor illusions that the package deal with EU
    would miraculously transform Armenia into a prosperous country with
    effective public administration overnight. Nor do I want to imply that
    I believe that Armenia's membership in the Customs Union would be a
    mistake. Rather my point is that there is no sufficient information
    on this issue available to even someone -- who regularly monitors the
    news out of Armenian as I do -- to understand which of the two options
    the best for the Armenian nation is. And I suspect that many residents
    of Armenia are also in the dark because there has been no publicly
    available detailed comparison of costs and benefits associated with
    Armenia's membership in CU versus DCFTA.

    On a personal level, as a Russian citizen of Armenian descent, I can
    only welcome a strong relationship between Russia and Armenia and I am
    sure majority of Armenians living in Armenia hold the same view. But
    as a scholar of government decision making, I cannot help wondering
    whether the Armenian authorities have thoroughly weighed all pro's
    and con's of Armenia's membership in CU and association with EU, and,
    if so why the results of this analysis has not been shared with the
    Armenian public.

    Off the top of my head I can give you half a dozen of good reasons
    why Armenia should be in the Customs Union, including the fact
    that Russia is Armenia's largest trading partner among individual
    countries, supplier of affordable weapons, which Armenia needs to deter
    Azerbaijan, and a major source of foreign investment and remittances
    sent by Armenian diaspora. One should also factor in potential
    costs of alienating Russia, which is keen to see CU expand. Russia's
    potential as a spoiler vis-a-vis Armenia is unmatched, given the role
    it plays as a guarantor for Armenia's security, Armenia's dependence
    on Russian gas and other levers that Moscow has vis-a-vis Yerevan. A
    Russia alienated by Armenia can also aid Armenia's arch-foe --
    Azerbaijan. (Even being Armenia's ally, Russia has sold Azerbaijan
    4 billion dollars worth of weapons, as Azeri president Ilham Aliev
    revealed when hosting his Russian counterpart Putin who visited Baku
    in August in what some political analysts in Armenia interpreted as
    a warning to the Armenian leadership which at that time was signaling
    readiness to sign the EU association agreement.)

    But association with EU through DCFTA is not without merit either,
    especially given that EU's 27 member countries are collectively
    Armenia's largest trading partner and the know-how in modernization of
    economy and public administration that Yerevan can glean from Brussels.

    Exactly why Armenia's government and research community had not
    researched and publicly presented comparative analysis of the two
    options before Sargsyan unveiled his choice on September 3rd is
    unclear. (That such indigenous comparison was lacking as late as this
    summer became clear to me when leadership of one of Armenia's premier
    think-tanks asked me whether I could refer them to any study on costs
    and benefits of Armenia's membership in either CU or EU, albeit there
    have been external assessments on benefits of association with EU
    for Armenia, such as this one) Perhaps, one reason could be that the
    Armenian leadership is reluctant to admit that Russia's importance as
    a security partner trumps any economic benefits of deeper cooperation
    with EU. It might be also the case that preserving the Kremlin's
    support is instrumental for Armenia's ruling elite as it seeks to
    preserve the political stability in the republic.

    Whether it is security or political considerations or simple
    lack of foresight that have prevented a meaningful discussion of
    Armenia's economic cooperation options, lack of such a debate is
    still regretful. Encouraging a public debate of such options and then
    putting these options to a vote is the least that a leader could have
    done for the people who have elected him to steer their nation state
    toward not only security, but also prosperity.

    From: Baghdasarian