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German Intelligence Says Assad Didn't Order Chemical Attack

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  • German Intelligence Says Assad Didn't Order Chemical Attack


    September 9, 2013 - 15:07 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - President Bashar al-Assad did not personally order
    last month's chemical weapons attack near Damascus that has triggered
    calls for U.S. military intervention, and blocked numerous requests
    from his military commanders to use chemical weapons against regime
    opponents in recent months, a German newspaper has reported, citing
    unidentified, high-level national security sources.

    The intelligence findings were based on phone calls intercepted by a
    German surveillance ship operated by the BND, the German intelligence
    service, and deployed off the Syrian coast, Bild am Sonntag said,
    according to the Guardian.

    The intercepted communications suggested Assad, who is accused of
    war crimes by the west, including foreign secretary William Hague,
    was not himself involved in last month's attack or in other instances
    when government forces have allegedly used chemical weapons.

    Assad sought to exonerate himself from the August attack in which
    hundreds died. "There has been no evidence that I used chemical
    weapons against my own people," he said in an interview with CBS.

    But the intercepts tended to add weight to the claims of the Obama
    administration and Britain and France that elements of the Assad
    regime, and not renegade rebel groups, were responsible for the attack
    in the suburb of Ghouta, Bild said.

    President Barack Obama is urging the U.S. Congress to approve military
    action to deter the Syrian regime from using chemical weapons and
    degrade its ability to pursue the two-and-a-half-year civil war
    against rebel forces.

    But Obama is facing stiff resistance from Democrats and Republicans in
    the House of Representatives, who fear involvement in another Middle
    East war, and from Assad's main ally, Russian president Vladimir Putin,
    who has said any military strikes conducted without prior UN approval
    would be illegal, the Guardian says.

    Speaking in Paris on Sunday, Sept 8, during a European tour to rally
    support for military action, John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State, said
    Washington did not rule out a return to the UN security council to
    seek backing for military strikes, once UN inspectors have completed
    an on-the-ground investigation of the August 21 attack. Their report
    is expected by the end of the week.

    Obama's main European ally, Francois Hollande of France, is under
    increasing pressure to seek a UN mandate for any military action in
    the face of opinion polls suggesting up to 64% of French people oppose
    air strikes. In a bid to gain the support of fellow EU countries,
    Hollande pledged at the weekend to take the UN investigatory report
    into consideration before acting. Hollande also suggested he might
    seek a UN resolution, despite previous Russian and Chinese vetoes.

    "On President Hollande's comments with respect to the UN, the president
    (Obama), and all of us, are listening carefully to all of our friends,"
    Kerry said after meeting Arab League ministers. "No decision has been
    made by the president."

    "All of us agreed - not one dissenter - that Assad's deplorable use of
    chemical weapons, which we know killed hundreds of innocent people ...

    this crosses an international, global red line," Kerry said.

    Kerry's meeting with Arab ministers, including from Saudi Arabia,
    Egypt, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, followed talks in Lithuania
    with European foreign ministers, who blamed the attack in Syria
    on Assad but, aware of overwhelming public hostility to an attack,
    refused to endorse military action.

    Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, who faces a general election in
    two weeks, led the charge to caution.

    Only 12 of the G20 countries which held a summit in Russia last week
    have backed the U.S. position.

    The German intelligence findings concerning Assad's personal role may
    complicate U.S.-led efforts to persuade the international community
    that punitive military action is justified. They could also strengthen
    suspicions that Assad no longer fully controls the country's security

    Addressing a closed meeting of the German parliamentary committee last
    week, the BND chief Gerhard Schindler said his agency shared the U.S.

    view that the attack had been launched by the regime and not the
    rebels. But he said the spy agency had not have conclusive evidence
    either way, German media reported.

    Schindler said that BND had intercepted a telephone call in which a
    high-ranking member of Hezbollah in Lebanon told the Iranian embassy
    in Damascus that Assad had made a big mistake when he gave the order
    to use the chemicals, the magazine Der Spiegel said.

    Schindler added that German intelligence believed Assad would likely
    remain in power for some time - irrespective of any potential U.S.-led
    military intervention - and that the civil war could drag on for years.
