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Putin to offer Iran's Rowhani missile systems, nuclear reactor

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  • Putin to offer Iran's Rowhani missile systems, nuclear reactor

    Vladimir Putin to offer Iran's Hassan Rowhani missile systems, nuclear reactor
    Posted Wed 11 Sep 2013, 11:00pm AEST

    Russian president Vladimir Putin will reportedly offer to supply
    missile systems to Iran and build a second nuclear power reactor in
    the country, a move likely to gladden Tehran and trouble the United

    Iran's new president Hassan Rowhani is set to meet Mr Putin on the
    sidelines of a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation held in
    Kyrgyzstan on Friday, in the newly elected centrist cleric's first
    meeting with a major world leader.

    The Kommersant business daily reported on Wednesday that Mr Putin will
    offer to supply Iran with S-300 air defence missile systems as well as
    build a second reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant.

    The S-300 offer would be a particularly contentious development given
    it would essentially revive a contract for similar missile systems
    that Russia cancelled in 2010 after heavy Israeli and US pressure.

    Mr Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Kommersant that Mr Putin and
    Mr Rowhani were expected to discuss "working together in the nuclear
    energy sphere" and "questions of military technical cooperation" at
    the summit.

    Mr Putin's meeting with the leader of Moscow's long-standing regional
    ally comes shortly after he hosted Western powers for a G20 summit
    focused on Syria in Saint Petersburg this month.

    In 2007, Russia signed a contract to deliver five of the advanced
    S-300 ground-to-air weapons systems - which can take out aircraft or
    guided missiles - to Iran at a cost of $859 million.

    However, in 2010, then-president Dmitry Medvedev cancelled the
    contract after coming under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go
    ahead with the sale of the weapons system, drawing vehement protests
    from Tehran.

    Russia to supply Iran if US strikes Syria

    Russia could increase supplies of arms to Iran if the United States
    decides on military intervention in Syria, the head of the lower
    house's committee on international relations, Alexei Pushkov, told
    parliament on Wednesday.

    "If the 'party of war' prevails in the United States... then I
    consider it absolutely justified to suggest considering more serious
    measures by Russia, including broadening of supplies of defensive
    weapons to Iran," Mr Pushkov was quoted as saying by Interfax.

    Iran is Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's main regional ally and has
    warned Western powers against intervention in the conflict.

    Moscow has cooperated with Iran on nuclear power generation despite
    international opposition to a program that Western powers and Israel
    believe is being used as a smokescreen for building a nuclear bomb.

    Iran, however, insists that its nuclear ambitions are peaceful.

    Russia had urged the West to soften sanctions against Iran after the
    June election of Mr Rowhani, a centrist cleric, expressing hopes for a
    major breakthrough in the nuclear standoff.

    Mr Rowhani has pledged greater transparency in talks.


    From: A. Papazian