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Credit spent ineffectively; we've deviated from the Bologna process

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  • Credit spent ineffectively; we've deviated from the Bologna process

    The credit was spent ineffectively; we have deviated from the Bologna process

    September 14 2013

    This is the message of the report `Higher education today in Armenia'.
    This report is ordered by the `Open Society Foundations - Armenia'
    office, which represents the current state of education and the
    Bologna process deviations. The Executive Director of `Open Society
    Foundations - Armenia' Larisa Minasyan, in the interview with `Aravot'
    told that the people working on the report are wonderful professionals
    in higher education and higher education reform and development
    policy. As per Mrs. Minasyan's formulation, although the Foundation
    has a pretty good idea of what is the reality, but the report is not
    merely the subjective opinion of the Foundation. It is a situational
    analysis, and a new knowledge that will be useful for both the
    university and the implementers of reforms. Larisa Minasyan, referring
    to the data in the report, states that there is first of all a quality
    issue in the education of Armenia, and the establishment of the
    National Center for Quality Assurance is mistakenly identified with
    the quality. Our interlocutor notes that such a center can not serve
    the purpose, because of its Chairman of the Board, the Prime Minister,
    who is the Chairman of the Board of another university. `It is absurd
    when you declare something independent, but your country's legislation
    does not provide any form of it, on the contrary, it requires its
    non-independence, obviously resetting the sense of the reform to
    zero.' As per Larisa Minasyan, we should not cast blame on the donor
    for all of this, who has made sufficient funds, and which was founded
    on the state declared strategy. To our observation that it has been
    constantly trumpeted that Armenia has assumed the Secretariat of the
    Bologna process in 2012-2015, and currently is a co-chairing country,
    Ms. Minasyan noted, - `There are countries that have conceded this
    honor to Armenia with respect to the expenses, and we accepted it. It
    is good that we have such pretensions, but should be able to raise the
    benchmark. While neither we, nor the authors of the report have seen
    any visible event, increase of requirements in compliance with the
    benchmark. Only for the fact that the Ministers of Education will be
    assembled in Armenia, or there will be an event in 2015 and just one
    conference, would not change a thing, nor standards, nor quality, nor
    trust.' According to Deputy Director for Programs of the `Open Society
    Foundations - Armenia' David Amiryan, the report shows the higher
    education system conditioned with overall situation of Armenia and
    politics. He believes and it was voiced during the discussions as well
    that it need to be an adequate environment for the effective execution
    of the Bologna process. `It is first the the general democratic
    situation of the country, democratic reforms, elections, independence
    of judicial system, freedom of speech and of the press, defense of the
    right to express and other rights. In the presence of these
    guarantees, we can speak of Bologna productive activity.' He added
    that their Foundation provided the technical part of the reform,
    regulatory tools, but it turns out that the provision of formal,
    documentary part of the paper is not still the reliable guarantee for
    the implementation of the reform, when the course of our country is
    changing, and everything that Bologna has stated, appears in the
    question. The report alluded to the presence of leaders in the
    university boards: politicians, members of the government; the RA
    President is the Chairman of YSU Board, which is an absolute control
    over the universities. Referring to the report, David Amiryan
    expresses uncertainty regarding the 50% of state participation in the
    management board of the universities,- `50% of the State's
    participation in the management boards of universities (25% of the
    members of the management board is suggested by the offering, and 25%
    - by the Ministry of Education), is directly a control over the
    academic, creative liberties and the university in general, while the
    universities, in fact, should have been a place for manifestation and
    giving birth to all liberties. As for politicized educational
    councils, they are also a way to suppress the students, dungeon, where
    the future party and political figure is built. The studentship should
    be the most rebellion and counterbalance of other structures and
    operations.' As per our interlocutor, similar situation becomes a
    problem during the implementation of educational reform, while
    entering any university, all regulations with respect to Bologna
    process are available, everything is in its place by documents. `We
    give the priority attention to quality, and the quality has not
    changed. The idea of Bologna with its whole philosophy was taken and
    directly adapted to our reality.' As said by David Amiryan, today many
    professors are remembering the former education system with nostalgia,
    rather than implementing the reform. According to him, even if all the
    developed guidelines are available, psychologically we must overcome
    the internal conflict. David Amiryan referring to the report,
    expressed the opinion that in this case not only timing but also
    inefficient waste of resources took place, and the generation, some
    twenty twenty-five years later, will repay the loan provided by the
    World Bank, which in fact did not serve the purpose. What solutions
    can be in the situation of the deadlock? As said by David Amiryan,
    even though the image is gray, but there are options that can become
    subject for discussion with a wide range of public participation. `It
    is important that not only the professionals get involved or express
    an opinion, but a more inclusive community is formed, because the
    education relates to every member of our society, and the educational
    system - with a few liberties of a man. It's important to have options
    that will be out of personal interests of some people, separately
    taken. We need development ways and policies away from the politics,
    which will have only one overriding interest, the development of the
    Republic of Armenia and the society.' In his opinion, all those ways,
    by which any political party may have an impact of the education
    sector, should be `closed'. David Amiryan believes that there should
    be no official in the management boards of universities, and the
    Ministry of Education and Science should not participate in the
    approval of the university's list of vocational subjects. To our
    observation that there was an emphasis in the report that corruption
    is perceived normally in our educational sector, the Program
    Coordinator of `Higher Education and study abroad' Anna Gevorgyan said
    that pursuant to the data of the Transparency International, education
    is one of the most corrupt sectors in Armenia. Anna Gevorgyan said
    that there is an issue of mentality here that education is a priority
    in the Armenian family, and the parents for the sake of their
    children's education are ready for everything. David Amiryan believes
    that the situation will change if the society has a demanding approach
    towards education. During our conversation, there was a referral to
    the part of the report, where it is talked about non-disposition of
    financial resources of the universities, independently. As said by
    David Amiryan, Bologna offers a system where corruption, if not
    completely disappeared, at least it will reach the minimum, but
    because there is the issue of quality, which is connected to the
    control, politicized situation, in this case, corruption becomes
    something derivative from other phenomena. `For example, tuition fees
    are raised, and I can not say anything negative against it, but I have
    considerations with its form. As a result of price rise, the salary
    for certain categories of university professors will rise, the others
    will rise next year by 5-10 per cent. These salaries rises may not
    have any effect on the quality, as long as there are no mechanisms to
    regulate relations. We need to create a system that will be built on
    the principle of the quality. While, for example, if Head of ANQA is
    the Prime Minister, who is also the Chairman of the Council of Armenia
    State Pedagogical University, and the head of the Executive
    Management, this essentially changes the image. The report says that
    the state has only 9-33% of participation in funding of the
    university, and despite this, the universities are considered to be
    public. So, he dictates an issue of academic liberation, plus the
    party. And, in this case, do we want to implement reforms? Therefore,
    we need to find the mechanisms, but as soon as the mechanism are
    found, the quality will be provided, there will be finances and the
    university will come out of control, which, in the present case, does
    is not beneficial to anyone ... Bologna assumes that we should go to the
    European family with our university system, have equal status and
    cooperation with foreign universities, while we have a very big
    problem within our country, the universities of Armenia do not
    cooperate with each other,'- notes the Deputy Director for Programs of
    `Open Society Foundations - Armenia'. Gohar Hakobyan `Aravot' Daily

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