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Did the authorities act right, or `failed' the RA foreign policy?

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  • Did the authorities act right, or `failed' the RA foreign policy?

    Did the authorities act right, or `failed' the RA foreign policy?
    (Video materials)

    September 14 2013

    `For me, entering into the Customs Union and signing the European
    Association Agreement was not the so-called virtuous action by the
    President. The RA President was negotiating with the European Union
    for four years, and then makes a hasty decision and goes to Russia', -
    so responded the member of ANC Youth Organization Gurgen Asatryan, to
    the question of as to whether the RA President Serzh
    Sargsyan's decision to join the Customs Union was right. He said that
    we do not know what the Customs Union says to us. Then he continued,-
    `The RA President was obligated to introduce the people what the
    Customs Union is, but he did not do that.' To our question whether the
    authorities have a chance to correct the mistake, G. Asatryan
    replied,- `No, because it is not a legitimate, it was not elected by
    the people. The government in the head of Serzh Sargsyan has failed
    the entire foreign policy.' He pointed out that the representatives of
    the authorities, in particular Shavarsh Kocharyan, Tigran Sargsyan,
    say other thing, Serzh Sargsyan- another, he speaks about the poor
    condition of the authorities. According to G. Asatryan, RA in the head
    of Serzh Sargsyan has already lost its international reputation, and
    the only way out is the change of the power. Member of Hayazn Union
    Armen Lazarian also believes that the RA authorities should not have
    to sign the Customs Union agreement. Then he continued,- `The RA
    leadership did not have such authority to hand the RA sovereignty over
    another supper state structure. Even if there was a talk of low-level
    sovereignty, in this case, we would have also expressed our
    dissatisfaction. But the Customs Union constitutes a threat, therefore
    we are giving negative assessment. In this situation, the salvation is
    in the formation of the RA central state, which did not happen in the
    duration of these twenty years.' Member of RPA Youth Organization
    Taron Parsamyan considers the RA President's decision justified. He,
    in particular, said,- `With his final signature, the RA President
    confirmed the the desire that we will enter into the Customs Union. In
    other words, he has not signed the issue of joining the Customs Union.
    Personally, I think the decision is justified because the economic and
    other sectors are projected from the military spheres. Given that, it
    is appropriate to recall that we were already a member of the CSTO,
    which also operates under the immediate supervision of the RF. Those
    people, parties who criticize the decision, I divide them into two
    groups: people, who clearly realize that it was a normal process, but
    based on their position they were expressing negatively, the other
    group are those people who have just lack of information.' To our
    question whether the RA President had the right to declare this
    decision so unexpectedly, Taron Parsamyan said,- `This is not
    unexpected, such discussions were circulated in the media for more
    than a year. The President has not signed the agreement finally, and
    it is going to be discussed at the National Assembly in the nearest
    future. It is meaningless to talk about the unexpectedness, because it
    is clear for those who understand the political processes that the
    main collaborative processes with our major military guarantor RF are
    more realistic than those of the European family, and it is still a
    question as to what consequences joining the Deep and Comprehensive
    Trade Zone might bear. I think this adventurous. What is NATO that is
    the main military instrument of the European family? Can it be a
    guarantee for us, when Turkey is the second to have a large army by
    size?' Tatev HARUTYUNYAN Media can quote materials of
    with hyperlink to the certain material quoted. The hyperlink should be
    placed on the first passage of the text.

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