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Inaccessibility Of Loans Hinders Development Of Armenian SME

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  • Inaccessibility Of Loans Hinders Development Of Armenian SME


    YEREVAN, September 18. / ARKA /. One of the biggest problems
    hindering development of small and medium-sized businesses in Armenia
    is inaccessibility of loans and the other big problem are gaps in
    the tax administration system, according to Karen Gevorkyan, deputy
    director of the National Centre for the Development of Small and
    Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship.

    He said the core activity of the National Centre for the Development
    of Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship is to help solve these
    problems. According to him, the Center helps annually some 3000
    beginners to get long-term and unsecured loans at affordable terms.

    High interest rates on loans are also a problem, he added. 'It is
    desirable that banks provide a wider range of loan products,' he said.

    With regard to the tax legislation, Gevorgyan said the problems arising
    from the legislation are not as important as the difficulties arising
    in the course of tax administration, namely, the corruption.

    Besides, he said development of SMEs is hindered by the fact that
    many entrepreneurs are unaware of the changes in the tax law, of
    their rights and responsibilities.

    According to the National Union of Employers of Armenia, SME lending
    in 2012 amounted to about $15 million, while in 2001-2002 the figure
    stood at $30-$40 million, and at about $20 million in 2007-2008.

    According to the ministry of economy, in 2007-2012 the
    government released 98 billion drams for the promotion of
    small and medium entrepreneurship. This year the government
    has earmarked 778 million drams to that end. Also 6.6 billion
    drams were to be provided for SME development by the Universal
    Credit Organization. ($ 1 - 409.61 drams). -0- - See more at: menian_sme/#sthash.DX5PSuxV.dpuf

    From: Baghdasarian