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Nakhijevan: Baku Taking Up Entertaining Arithmetic

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  • Nakhijevan: Baku Taking Up Entertaining Arithmetic


    September 18, 2013 - 15:32 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Baku, dissatisfied with the calculation of "damages
    inflicted to Azerbaijan by Armenia," looks to continue the entertaining
    arithmetic by calculating damages inflicted to Nakhijevan.

    The works group, led by a doctor of economics, professor Khanhuseyn
    Kazimli, consists of volunteers which will calculate as they're
    ordered to.

    As APA Azeri news agency reported, "the surface contacts between
    Nakhijevan Autonomous Republic and Azerbaijan have been cut as a
    result of expansion of Armenian separatism and aggression started
    from the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Particularly,
    different provocations committed by the Armenians on the railway line
    and terrorist acts against civilians caused the complete suspension
    of this transport. This has resulted in the blockade of Nakhijevan."

    The damage was calculated at once to amount to "hundreds of millions of
    manats (AZN) in economic damage." As the website claims, "all economic
    and cultural damages of the Autonomous Republic caused by the closing
    of railway and highway over last 20 years, as well as funds allocated
    from Azerbaijan's budget for the protection of Nakhijevan should be
    compensated by Armenia."

    Sure, no one can forbid Baku to take up entertaining arithmetic. Seems
    like Azerbaijan has forgotten all of its problems and is now busy
    calculating damages which resulted from its faulty policies. Yet
    there's one thing Baku's pseudo-mathematicians are forgetting about: if
    it comes to calculating damages, it's Armenia who's got to issue bills
    to Baku for ruined shrines, expulsion of Armenians from Azerbaijan,
    and Nakhijevan, a historic Armenian land, in particular.

    Armenian towns of Agulis and Jugha were fully demolished, destroyed
    were 27000 Armenian churches and a mediaeval Armenian cemetery in Old
    Jugha, with bulldozers having smashed khachkars. The "work group" must
    surely be aware of the facts. As for Azeri historians, they continue
    writing their own history of South Caucasus, generously supported by
    the government to be turned into a tool of state policy. Azerbaijan's
    aggressive policy continues to devise new means for an information
    war against Armenia, resorting to pseudo-historians' assistance.

    So who should pay one's dues is another big question. To say nothing
    of a half a million-strong Armenian community of Azerbaijan, robbed
    and thrown out of their homes in the best case. Baku would be better
    off to finally see a beam in its eye, instead of trying to see a speck
    in another's. And as for Nakhijevan blockade - there's an interrupted
    flow of petrol- and product-filled trucks bound for the autonomous
    republic on the road from Iran.

    Karine Ter-Sahakian/ PanARMENIAN.Net
