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EDITORIAL: The Long Road To Democracy

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  • EDITORIAL: The Long Road To Democracy

    Friday, September 20th, 2013

    The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Armenia

    It has been 22 years since that momentous day when Armenia freed itself
    from Soviet clutches and declared independence, knowing full-well that
    the road to sovereignty and true independence would be long and hard.

    The early years were marred by war and the continued relief efforts
    for the 1988 earthquake that had displaced tens of thousands of
    Armenians. Bleak was an understatement. The entire Armenian nation
    pulled together to ensure that Armenia's independence would be lasting
    and one day it would become a self-sustaining paragon of democracy
    in a region filled with authoritarianism.

    More than two decades later we must ask ourselves: Did we succeed? The
    knee-jerk response is Yes. By all accounts, Armenia cannot be compared
    with the authoritarian regimes governing Turkey to its west and
    Azerbaijan to its east, both of which continue their threats to our
    national security on a daily basis.

    Yet, 22 years later, we must scratch the surface and collectively
    find remedies to the negative aspects that threaten Armenia's national
    security from within.

    Even before September 21, 1991 the entire Armenian nation rolled up
    its sleeves and asked not what the nation can do for us but what we
    can do for our nation, to paraphrase the infamous quote by President
    John F. Kennedy. Now, 22 years later the maladies that ail Armenia
    on the domestic front are making it imperative for the authorities
    in Yerevan to answer not just to the Armenian citizens but to all
    Armenians worldwide. After all, the rhetoric from official Yerevan
    is that Armenia and Diaspora are interwoven in the fate of our nation.

    Rampant corruption, usurping of our national wealth, suppressing
    democratic freedoms and rights of the citizens and overall social
    injustice, as well as the rape of the environment and election fraud
    have turned that dream of Armenia being a paragon of stability into
    a nightmare that is perpetuated every day. This has resulted in the
    biggest threat to our national security-emigration.

    The missteps of successive regimes and the blatant and flagrant
    disregard for rule of law have given way to a nation that lacks trust
    and faith in its leaders. It was President Sarkisian himself who blamed
    the people for Armenia's woes when he said: "The biggest problem of our
    country is not corrupt officials. The biggest problem of our country is
    not criminals. The biggest problem of country is a cynical atmosphere."

    The bright spot that we saw this year, however, is that the young
    generation of Armenians-the independence generation-is willing to
    fight for its rights and has taken its fate into its own hands. In the
    Diaspora, Armenians have a responsibility to nurture this generation
    who wants to live in its homeland, but might be forces out due to
    the ongoing injustices perpetrated by the government.

    This is the issue-the challenge-that requires our collective attention
    and immediate action, since all of the positive achievements of
    the past 22 years hinge on the need for Armenia to be populated
    by Armenians.

    On September 21, we celebrate that momentous time in modern Armenian
    history-Armenia's Independence. But, we must also come together,
    in the name of our homeland, of our people and of the ultimate goal
    of a FREE, INDEDPENDENT and UNITED ARMENIA to collectively guarantee
    the well-being of our people.

    Happy Independence Day.
