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Vinokurov: Exit From Transport Blockade To Bring Economic Breakthrou

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  • Vinokurov: Exit From Transport Blockade To Bring Economic Breakthrou


    YERERVAN, September 24. /ARKA/. Yevgeny Vinokurov, the director of the
    Eurasian Bank's Center for Integration Studies, speaking Tuesday at a
    video press conference held for representatives of Armenia, Belarus,
    Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia to present the results of the
    Eurasian Bank's Integration Barometer - 2013, said when Armenia gets
    out of the transport blockade and become a railway transit country,
    it will enjoy an economic breakthrough.

    "The major task is to ensure a non-stop operation of the railway
    communication between Russia and Iran through Abkhazia and Georgia.

    When it comes online it will enable Armenia to make a breakthrough
    to advance towards sustainable economic development. We consider this
    as the key long-term projects for Armenia's economy," he said.

    The 556-km transport corridor from the southern Armenian town of
    Meghri, on the border with Iran, to Bavra in the north on the border
    with Georgia will open a gateway to the Black Sea. The North-South
    transport corridor will enable Armenia to mitigate the effects of
    the blockade imposed by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    The North -South transport corridor project was initiated by Russia
    and Iran. Armenia and Iran have also agreed at the highest level to
    consider the possibility of laying a railway link between the two
    countries that will become part of the transport corridor.

    According to Vinokurov, normalization of Russian-Georgian relations
    is a key to the process of Armenia's accession to the Customs Union
    of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

    During a visit to Armenia in 2013 January Georgian Prime Minister
    Bidzina Ivanishvili spoke about the possible revival of the railway
    link between Russia and Armenia through Abkhazia interrupted by the
    1992-93 Georgian-Abkahzian war.

    Vinokurov pointed out the decrease of the natural gas price and customs
    duties for rough diamonds and improvement of the labor migration
    situation among the advantages Armenia will have when joins the
    Customs Union.

    Armenian and Russian presidents, Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir Putin,
    made a joint statement on September 3, after they met in Moscow. It
    has become known from the statement that Armenia has decided to join
    the Customs Union and it intends to take part in formation of Eurasian
    Economic Union in the future. Putin said that the Russian Railway
    may invest about 15 billion rubles in development of Armenia's railway.


    18:00 24.09.2013 onomic_breakthrough_to_armenia/
