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Armenia's Tectonic Shift To The East: Challenges And Possibilities

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  • Armenia's Tectonic Shift To The East: Challenges And Possibilities

    Today - 12:29

    By Armen Sahakyan

    Following the meeting in Moscow on September 3rd, the Presidents of
    Armenia and Russia signed a joint statement, which confirms Armenia's
    desire to join the Customs Union (CU) and willingness to participate
    in the formation of the Eurasian Union (EAU) by 2015.

    The government of Armenia on Thursday, September 19th, already approved
    an action plan to join the Customs Union. Seven working groups have
    been set up to accelerate the process.

    These developments came in as a big surprise especially for the EU, as
    Brussels expected to sign an Association Agreement along with a Deep
    and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (AA/DCFTA) component with Armenia
    and other Eastern Partnership (EaP) states in Vilniusthis November.

    For months, both the EU and Russia made it clear that Armenia had
    to make a decision between the Customs Union membership or closer
    association with the EU. The incompatibility of both blocs was
    the center of gravity, despite official Yerevan'scontinuous (and
    unsuccessful)attempts to break loose of that imposition.

    Both the EU and Russia claim that their geostrategic plans are
    not contrary to the other side's, and even claim the opposite. If
    this were the case, Russia and the EU would be more willing to work
    together to find a mutually agreeable format of cooperation with the
    six EaP states instead of moving towarda head-to-head collision.

    Considering the close collaboration between Armenia and Russia in the
    economic, political, and military spheres, this news should not come
    as a total surprise. Russia maintains an army base in Armenia, owns
    most of the country's critical infrastructure, is the leading foreign
    investor, and is home to the largest Armenian Diaspora in the world.

    Having so much political and economic leverage over Armenia, Russia
    did not face a major challenge in"convincing" Armenia of the greater
    virtues ofthe CU over the AA/DCFTA.

    Armenia's chances for a possible membership in the EU are currently
    close to zero, whereas the CU and consequently EAU membership
    might prove to be beneficial in increasing Armenia's international
    relevance as part of a much larger entity. Taking into consideration
    all the above-mentioned factors as well as the cultural and historical
    connections with Russia, the CU was a more natural choice for Armenia
    than the AA/DCFTA.

    In making its decision, the Armenian leadership was not provided
    with many (equally good) alternatives. Just like Russia, the EU was
    not eager to allow Armenia much maneuver space: thus, Brussels has
    its own share of the blame in regards to recent events. In choosing
    between national security or further trade with the EU, Armenia chose
    the former.

    Armenia became a "victim" of the contention of the two sides,
    regardless of its commitment to work with both. The question now,
    however, is no longer if official Yerevan should choose between the
    East or West, but rather how it should reap the utmost benefits from
    the current situation and overcome its foreign policy challenges.

    First, the Armenian leadership should, at the minimum, maintain
    the same level of cooperation with the EU as it has thus far. The
    EU remains a major trading partner and home to a sizable Armenian
    Diaspora. This should be viewed in light of the country's policy of
    "Complimentarity" in foreign affairs- Armenia cannot afford to have
    tense relations with Russia,the EU, or other major powers due to its
    geopolitical situation.

    The challenge for Armenia now is, parallel to the Russian projects,
    trying to draw other foreign investments into the country to make
    sure that the state does not become too dependent on Russia (as it is
    the largest and richest member of the CU). Continuous interaction and
    attraction of both Russian and non-Russian (even Belarusian and Kazakh)
    foreign investments into Armenia is important. Additionally, Yerevan
    should focus on increasing Diasporan investments into the country,
    which will solve several issues at once, including deeper commercial
    interaction with the compatriots abroad, domestic job-creation,
    economic growth, and (hopefully) repatriation.

    Proactive diplomacy can turn the balance to Armenia's advantage. Given
    the current strategic and political realities, Armenia can and should
    capitalize on the situation to the maximum. The leadership mustbe more
    engaged in the region and promote the state's national interests. In
    exchange for the decision to join the CU over AA/DCFTA, Armenia should
    attempt to reap greater benefits from Moscow- be those economic,
    political, military, or otherwise.Additionally, Yerevan should try to
    mediate the relations between Georgia and Russia, since normalization
    in relations would benefit Armenia as well. This will not only
    serve Yerevan's geopolitical interests, but also raise the country's
    international image as a successful mediator and reliable partner.

    Inclusion of Artsakh, even informally, in the CU ought to be an
    important objective. In a press briefing, Secretary of the Armenian
    National Security Council Arthur Baghdasaryan assured that Artsakh
    will be incorporated into the CU- something very unlikely to have
    happened with the AA/DCFTA.

    Parallel to the "Complimentarity" policy towards Russia and EU,
    Armenia should look into further deepening of its ties with India,
    China, and others- something that the leadership has not given as much
    priorityas available thus far. Further cultivation of apolicy inclined
    to develop and strengthen ties with the East should be one of Yerevan's
    top priorities. This will enable Armenia to create more alternatives
    for itself and loosen its dependence on both Russia and the EU, hence
    allowing for more flexibility in its foreign and domestic policies.

    It is now in Yerevan's absolute interest to work towards and lobby for
    Ukraine's (also Georgia and Moldova) membership in the CU, as Ukraine's
    accession would ensure CU's, and subsequently ECU's viability. Ukraine
    is a major economic and political player in Eastern Europe and its
    accession to the CU will be a great benefit for Armenia. Since the CU
    accession decision has already been made, Yerevan can no longer afford
    to stand on the sidelines and needs to take a much more proactive
    role in promoting the CU, together with Russia.

    Aside from Ukraine, Armenia should particularly push for Georgia's CU
    membership (or at least some other level of engagement) - something
    not very likely in the near future, but not impossible either.

    Georgia's membership would solve the issue of not having a common
    border with the other CU states, and would provide Armenia with better
    conditions to access the Black Sea region and international markets as
    part of a single economic space. In such a scenario, the unilateral
    coercive blockades of Azerbaijan and Turkey would be obsolete and
    would additionally ensure Azerbaijan's relative regional isolation
    from the ongoing processes.

    In short, Armenia should intensively use its diplomatic clout,
    Diaspora, and other channels present in Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia
    in a vigorous campaign to get those countriesto join the CU, or at
    least gain an observer status.

    Finally, Yerevan should push to accelerate the process of finalizing
    the railway and oil pipeline projects with Iran, which would further
    integrate Armenia into regional development projects and solidify
    its position as a transit hub of goods and resources. This is a
    project that Moscow and Beijing have shown interest in during recent
    discussions with Armenian officials. A North-South transit route
    would further (economically) legitimize the Eurasian Union project,
    and prove to be a major boon to trans-regional firms engaged in
    global commerce.Aside from regional and international benefits,
    Armenia would simultaneously strengthen its domestic political and
    economic environments.

    If such a scenario is to play out, which is quiterealistic, Armenia
    will come out much better positioned in the region and globally than
    if it were to sign an AA/DCFTA with the EU. It is not too late to act
    (if not already), but in this case the time is running against Armenia.

    Armen Sahakyan is an Analyst of Eurasian Affairs at the Political
    Developments Research Center (PDRC), Yerevan, Armenia. Previously, Mr.

    Sahakyan has served as an Adviser to the Permanent Representative of
    Armenia to the United Nations.
