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UN GA: H.E. Mr. Abdullah Gul, President

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  • UN GA: H.E. Mr. Abdullah Gul, President


    General Assembly of the United Nations
    Sept 24 2013

    24 September 2013

    Statement Summary: ABDULLAH GUL, President of Turkey, recalled that,
    at the dawn of the twenty-first century, there was every reason
    to be optimistic about the future, as the world's "moral balance"
    had shifted towards the pursuit of peace. States had understood the
    imperative of working together for a stable world order and, in a
    spirit of cooperation, developed effective international responses to
    the scourge of terrorism. Yet, the most profound crises were emerging
    from internal conflicts, which were on the rise and driven largely
    by the problem of political legitimacy.

    "Leaders without political legitimacy share a common delusion,"
    he said. "Instead of reading the future and leading transformation,
    they believe they can buy time with irresponsible actions against
    their own people." Domestic conflicts escalated into civil wars, such
    as in Syria, and the actions of those leaders carried implications for
    peace and security beyond their borders. Domestic peace was the key to
    regional and international peace -- a challenge all nations would face.

    The world needed a strong, credible United Nations able to force
    perpetrators of brutal actions to submit to justice and the rule of
    law. He called for a Security Council that was democratic, effective
    and accountable.

    Focusing on Syria, he firmly supported the United States-Russian
    Federation agreement to eliminate that country's chemical weapons
    arsenal, stressing that the accord must now translate into a tangible
    Security Council resolution. Turkey would welcome the complete and
    verifiable destruction of those weapons, especially as they had been
    used against Syrian civilians just a month ago. The perpetrators
    of that crime against humanity must be brought to justice and the
    agreement on Syrian chemical weapons provided an opportunity to
    do so, which he hoped would be a first step in creating a security
    architecture that ensured their total elimination in the Middle East.

    "This conflict neither began with the use of chemical weapons, nor
    will it end with an agreement to eliminate them," he said, rejecting
    as immoral any position that was not troubled by the killing of
    innocent people. It was a disgrace that the Council had failed to
    uphold its primary responsibility in that case, and further, that
    "balance-of-power politics" had prevailed over the imperative to end
    that tragedy. "I cannot emphasize this enough," he said. "Agreement on
    chemical weapons must not be allowed to substitute for a comprehensive
    political strategy to address the situation in Syria."

    Further, he said, once extremists took root in a State, they formed
    autonomous structures and threatened security at home and abroad.

    He also argued for a sound strategy with well-defined, well-calculated
    objectives for a peaceful solution, which aimed to end the civil
    war and ensure a stable transition. "We cannot and shall not leave
    the Syrian people to their fate," he said, urging the creation and
    enforcement of a political strategy, led by the "P5" and neighbouring
    countries. Turning to the broader Middle East, he said advances in
    the region, including in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, were irreversible,
    but the world should not expect emerging political systems to transform
    into mature democracies overnight.

    On the Palestinian question, he said denial of Palestinians' right to
    a State of their own could not be justified, with illegal settlements
    on Palestinian land undermining the prospects for a two-State
    solution. Strongly supporting talks initiated by the United States,
    he said their success depended on Israel's acceptance of the creation
    of a viable Palestinian State, as well as a unified Palestinian front.

    More broadly, he said Turkey was fully committed to finding a just
    and negotiated settlement to the Cyprus question, and expected the
    international community to urge Greek Cypriots to reciprocate by
    engaging in result-oriented and time-framed negotiations.

    He strongly urged peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict and achievement of sustainable peace in the Caucasus
    based on territorial integrity. Turkey had proposed a strategy for
    regional economic cooperation and development, combined with the
    gradual withdrawal from occupied territories, which could provide a
    solid basis for regional peace. In the Balkans, Turkey had worked to
    build strong ties with all Balkan nations. On Afghanistan, he had led
    efforts to establish the Trilateral Summit Process among Afghanistan,
    Pakistan and Turkey.

    Finally, he said terrorism could be defeated only when States stopped
    making "my terrorist/your terrorist" distinctions. Islamophobia sought
    to make an imaginary enemy of the millions of peace-loving Muslims.

    Rather, a balance must be struck between freedom of expression and
    respect for faith. He also discussed Turkey's assistance and direct
    investment package to least developed countries. If elected to the
    Security Council for 2015-2016, Turkey would bring an independent
    voice to that body. In sum, he believed democracy, rule of law,
    respect for human rights and global welfare would continue to expand
    in the new millennium.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress