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Turkey vulnerable to rising Russian power in the Black Sea

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  • Turkey vulnerable to rising Russian power in the Black Sea

    Turkey vulnerable to rising Russian power in the Black Sea

    With the annexation of Crimea, Turkey faces a stronger and bolder
    Russian naval power in the Black Sea. A resurgent Russia may be
    tempted to exploit its temporary naval dominance to alter current
    Black Sea energy exploitation and transportation arrangements more in
    its favor and to the detriment of Turkey and its partners in the
    Caucasus. The politically motivated stoppage of Turkey's National
    Warship Project's production schedule has created a window of
    vulnerability in Turkey's Black Sea naval defenses in the face of
    rapidly rising Russian naval power.


    The $3 billion `National Warship' Project, known by its Turkish
    abbreviation MILGEM, seeks to upgrade the Turkish fleet by replacing
    and augmenting its older foreign-made warships with eight domestically
    produced Ada-class anti-submarine warfare corvettes and subsequently
    four intermediate-class TF 100 frigates. After gaining experience from
    the building of the slightly larger but more lethal TF 100 anti-air
    warfare frigates, Turkey then intends to build a series of TF 2000
    frigates. Double the size of the TF 100, the TF 2000 anti-air warfare
    frigate will significantly advance the Turkish fleet's transformation
    into a blue-water navy.

    Aside from being an intermediate phase for the development of the TF
    2000, the TF 100 frigates are of present vital importance as
    replacements for the German-made Meko 200 frigates that form an
    essential component of Turkey's force projection in the Black Sea. The
    TF 100 frigates will be the first Turkish vessels to carry the
    American-manufactured RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)
    system capable of countering the current generation of supersonic
    anti-ship missiles.

    Prior to Russia's annexation of Crimea, the head of Turkey's
    Undersecretariat of Defense Industries Murat Bayar publicly
    acknowledged the need to replace the Meko 200 frigates with the
    ESSM-equipped TF 100s by 2020.

    However, in September 2013, upon the commissioning of the TCG
    Büyükada, the second of MILGEM's eight Ada-class corvettes, the
    Turkish government abruptly canceled RMK Marine's contract to build
    the remaining six corvettes. A subsidiary the Turkish conglomerate Koç
    Holding A.Å?., the cancellation of RMK Marine's contract appears to be
    part of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's political vendetta
    against the Koç family for providing assistance to anti-Erdogan
    protesters from a Koç-owned Istanbul hotel during the summer 2013 Gezi
    Park demonstrations.

    The next two corvettes will be produced by Turkey's national shipyard
    while the government evaluates bids for the building of the four
    remaining corvettes. Despite Undersecretary Bayar's optimistic
    forecasts that the government's cancellations will delay the
    production schedule for the Ada-class corvettes by only one year, the
    cascade effect of the production stoppage in setting back the building
    of the TF 100 frigates, as well as the subsequent TF 2000s, has
    created a four- to eight-year window of vulnerability for Turkey in
    the Black Sea vis-Ã-vis a resurgent Russia.

    Turkey's strategic vulnerability was not anticipated because of the
    view in Turkish policy circles that Turkey enjoys a relative parity
    with Russia in the Black Sea. However, the approximate parity exists
    only when Russia's Black Sea Fleet is matched against all the major
    assets of the Turkish navy. Prior to the Crimean conflict, Russia's
    Black Sea fleet consisted of 24 major surface combatants and one
    diesel submarine while Turkey's major naval assets consist of
    approximately 24 surface combatants and 14 submarines. The parity is
    illusory as it is unlikely that Turkey would be able to deploy all or
    most of its naval assets in a Black Sea conflict.

    Turkey's ability to deter Russian assertiveness in what Moscow regards
    as its greater Black Sea sphere of influence, including the eastern
    Mediterranean and the Caucasus, was already questionable. As Russia's
    Black Sea Fleet disposed of Georgia's miniscule navy during the 2008
    Russo-Georgian War, Ankara passively watched the Russian military
    destroy Turkey's infrastructure investments in Georgia. Turkey's
    supposed naval parity did not afford Ankara any significant policy

    Indeed, Ankara revealed its reluctance to provoke Moscow into
    challenging the Montreux Convention, the 1936 treaty granting Ankara
    exclusive control over the Bosphorous Straits and the Dardanelles and
    restricting the transit of heavy warships through this strategic Black
    Sea-Eastern Mediterranean access corridor.


    With the annexation of Crimea, Turkey faces a stronger and bolder
    Russian naval power in the Black Sea. Russia now possesses the
    Ukrainian navy's submarine and several, if not most, of Ukraine's 11
    major surface combatants. Even without the Ukraine's naval assets,
    Russia's own new additions to its Black Sea Fleet will enable Moscow
    to dominate the region. Russia recently put to sea the first of its
    six Admiral Grigorovich-class frigates. All six frigates are
    designated for service in the Black Sea Fleet.

    Larger and more advanced than Turkey's four modified Meko 200
    Barbaros-class frigates, each of the six Admiral Grigorovich-class
    frigates will be the first vessels equipped with the state-of-the-art,
    supersonic Shtil-1 Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) air defense system.
    Moscow expects all six frigates to be in service in the Black Sea
    Fleet by the end of 2016. Turkey's now delayed TF 100 frigates, slated
    to carry the ESSM system, would be the only Turkish vessels with a
    comparable SAM capability.

    Within the same 2016 timeframe, Russia will also add six newly
    improved Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines to its Black Sea Fleet
    ahead of Turkey's deployment of an equivalent number of Ada-class
    anti-submarine corvettes. These two Russian procurement programs alone
    will quickly tilt the balance of naval forces in Russia's favor,
    giving Russia a significant strategic advantage for a window of four
    to eight years depending on the pace of Turkey's resumed production

    In addition, Russia is in the process of acquiring two French-made
    Mistral-class amphibious assault ships, to be named the Vladivostok
    and Sevastapol, the latter being the namesake of the Russian Black Sea
    Fleet's base in Crimea. The amphibious assault ships are helicopter
    carriers that can accommodate 16 attack helicopters as well as 13
    battle tanks and 450 combat soldiers.

    A Mistral-class helicopter carrier in the Black Sea Fleet would
    provide Russia with unprecedented power projection capability in its
    greater Black Sea region. Russia's recent announcement that it has no
    plans to deploy either of the helicopter carriers in the Black Sea may
    simply constitute a temporary measure by Moscow to assuage French
    sensibilities in order to ensure that France does not rescind the sale
    as a result of Moscow's annexation of Crimea. Turkey cannot discount
    the likely possibility that the Sevastapol will serve at the Black Sea
    Fleet base after which it was named.

    Russia's reassertion of naval power in the Black Sea has already been
    accompanied by Moscow's first action to change the status quo in
    relation to Black Sea energy exploitation. With the formal annexation
    of Crimea, Ukraine's Black Sea Oil and Gas company, ChronomorNaftohaz,
    was made into a whole-owned subsidiary of the Russian state-controlled
    joint-stock company Gazprom. Between the acquisition of
    ChronomorNaftohaz itself and Gazprom's now exclusive license for all
    offshore energy development in Crimea's continental shelf, the Russian
    energy giant has acquired an estimated $50 billion in capital assets.

    Turkey's national oil and gas company TPAO has itself spent $2.5
    billion on offshore energy exploration in Turkey's continental shelf.
    Current estimates predict Turkey's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in
    the Black Sea contains 10 billion barrels of crude oil and two
    trillion cubic meters of natural gas. However as ultra deep-water
    wells are drilled in the region, more hydrocarbon resources may be
    discovered. Even if Russia, whose continental shelf now projects from
    Crimea and therefore closer to Turkey, does not attempt to dispute the
    demarcation of Turkey's EEZ, Turkey's drilling platforms can no longer
    be defended as easily from Russian warships.

    Of greater concern for Ankara is the more likely possibility that
    Russia may use Turkey's window of vulnerability to alter the status
    quo in relation to the transport of natural gas through Russia's
    `South Stream' gas pipeline. The Russia-to-Bulgaria pipeline had been
    routed through Turkey's territorial waters to avoid the Ukraine's EEZ.
    Russia's annexation of Crimea renders this longer and more expensive
    route unnecessary and may lead Moscow to abrogate this very lucrative
    agreement for Turkey.

    Moreover, Moscow may seek to affect the development of the
    Trans-Anatolian Pipeline intended to transport Azerbaijani natural gas
    to Europe via Georgia and Turkey. To prevent the breaking of its
    stranglehold over gas exports to Europe, Russia may resume its
    simmering conflict with Georgia or even expand the use of military
    pressure to Azerbaijan. Ankara would have fewer options to block such
    an exercise of Russian power, as Turkey is now in a weaker relative
    position than during the time of the 2008 Russo-Georgian war.


    The politically motivated stoppage of the MILGEM's production schedule
    has created a window of vulnerability in Turkey's Black Sea naval
    defenses in the face of rapidly rising Russian naval power. The
    delayed production of the Ada-class anti-submarine corvettes will put
    Turkey at a disadvantage relative to Russia's imminent deployment of a
    new fleet of Black Sea submarines. Russia's Black Sea Fleet will also
    possess six Admiral Grigorovich-class frigates capable of countering
    supersonic anti-ship missiles while Turkey will lack the comparable
    capability because of the setback to MILGEM's four TF 100 frigates.

    Until Turkey can build and deploy these naval assets, Ankara's
    deterrent capability has eroded and Russia will dominate the Black
    Sea. Exercising sea control, Moscow can more easily deploy its newly
    acquired Mistral-class helicopter carrier to stage amphibious assault
    operations against other Black Sea littoral states including Georgia
    and Azerbaijan.

    Having taken control of Ukraine's offshore oil and natural gas
    operations, Moscow will likely attempt to alter regional energy
    transport arrangements in Russia's favor while Rusia still enjoys
    naval dominance. With Moscow's annexation of Crimea, Russia no longer
    needs to route its `South Stream' gas pipeline through Turkish waters
    to avoid Ukraine's EEZ. Moscow may attempt to cancel its agreement
    with Ankara and reroute the pipeline through Crimea's continental
    shelf, resulting in a considerable revenue loss for Turkey.

    Until Ankara can rectify the gap in naval capabilities created by
    MILGEM's delays, Turkey will not be able to defend its national
    interests adequately as Russia attempts to reestablish its sphere of
    influence in the greater Black Sea region.

    The author is a Fellow at the Shalem College, Jerusalem, and at the
    Middle East and Asia Units of the Truman Research Institute for the
    Advancement of Peace at Hebrew University. Dr. Tanchum teaches in the
    Departments of Middle Eastern History and East Asian Studies of Tel
    Aviv University.

    This article was first published in the Turkey Analyst
    (, a biweekly publication of the Central
    Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center.
