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ANKARA: PM Uses Offensive, Racist Language Targeting Armenians

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  • ANKARA: PM Uses Offensive, Racist Language Targeting Armenians


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Aug 6 2014

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan (Photo: DHA)

    August 06, 2014, Wednesday/ 00:53:26/ E. BARIÞ ALTINTAÞ / ISTANBUL

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan, the presidential candidate of
    the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), who has been criticized
    recently for emphasizing the religious and ethnic backgrounds of his
    political rivals, has made potentially offensive remarks concerning
    people of Georgian and Armenian descent.

    In televised remarks on Tuesday, Erdoðan repeated previous statements
    he had made about the backgrounds of Republican People's Party (CHP)
    leader Kemal Kýlýcdaroðlu and Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) leader
    and presidential candidate Selahattin Demirtaþ. Erdoðan had earlier
    said, "Kýlýcdaroðlu, you are an Alevi and I am Sunni. You should
    state this openly. Demirtaþ, you are Zaza. Don't be worried about
    speaking out about this." In response to a question posed during a
    joint broadcast of Star TV and NTV regarding the negative reaction
    these words have drawn, Erdoðan said: "Let all Turks in Turkey say
    they are Turks and all Kurds say they are Kurds. What is wrong with
    that? You wouldn't believe the things they have said about me. They
    have said I am Georgian. ...they have said even uglier things --
    they have called me Armenian, but I am Turkish."

    Reactions to Erdoðan's words describing being Armenian as "uglier"
    than being Georgian has found rapid and angry backlash.

    CHP deputy Hurþit Guneþ filed a criminal complaint against Erdoðan
    on Wednesday. Guneþ announced his plan to take legal action on
    his Twitter account, saying Erdoðan had violated Article 10 of the
    Constitution and Articles 122 and 216 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK)
    against discrimination.

    In remarks to show his reaction, Guneþ said: "Look at this disgrace.

    Erdoðan said being Armenian is ugly on NTV. What a shame! Calling a
    person Armenian, even if it is untrue, is not 'ugly.' Seeing this as
    such is a low form of racism! Erdoðan doesn't hear what he says. If
    he becomes president, Turkey will not have only chosen a tyrant, but
    at the same time a racist." He also appealed to Turkey's citizens
    of Armenian descent not to be offended. "His mind isn't in the
    right place," he said, adding: "The world should know this [is a]
    racist person. He has defined the claim that he is Armenian as 'ugly'
    slander. His name is Tayyip Erdoðan."

    He also said Erdoðan's mentality was what caused the death of
    journalist Hrant Dink, who was assassinated by an ultra-nationalist
    teenager in 2007.

    Shortly after announcing his intention on Twitter to file a criminal
    complaint, Hurþit Guneþ went to the Ankara Courthouse and did so.

    A group of Armenian public figures protested Erdoðan's remarks in
    a statement they issued on Wednesday, urging Erdoðan to leave them
    alone. Journalists Hayko Baðdat and Rober Koptaþ are among the group
    of Armenians who claimed they always tried to silence racists among
    themselves despite repressive policies of assimiliation. They said they
    have never thought Turkishness was "bad", but the way the authorities
    imposed it on Armenians.

    Meanwhile, the media was quick to point out that Erdoðan had identified
    himself as Gurcu (Georgian) during a visit to Georgia on Aug. 11,
    2004. Erdoðan was quoted in the press as having said: "I am also
    Georgian. My family is [of Georgian origin]."

    In comments about Erdoðan's remarks, CHP Deputy Chairman Aytun Cýray
    said the prime minister was exhibiting many dangerous, separatist,
    discriminatory, provocative and polarizing attitudes. "Looking at
    these as symptoms as a doctor, Erdoðan's symptoms match the 'Mad
    Leader Disease' described by Prof. James Toole."

    Hayko Baðdat, a Taraf columnist who is also of Armenian descent,
    said Erdoðan's words are racist and unacceptable and called on him
    to apologize. Baðdat told Today's Zaman: "As part of his election
    strategy, the prime minister has been mentioning the ethnicity and
    religious beliefs -- or disbeliefs -- of his rivals. He has said
    Kýlýcdaroðlu is Alevi and that he should declare this so many times.

    The people attending boo [at the word Alevi]. It is clearly stated
    in the [United Nations'] Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR]
    that nobody can be forced to declare his or her identity. What are we
    talking about then? What is wrong with Demirtaþ being Zaza but still
    participating in Kurdish politics? What [Erdoðan does] is defined in
    the civilized world as racism. He is speaking out against claims that
    he is not a Turkish, that they are calling him Georgian, and saying
    'excuse my saying [the word] Armenian]. ... The language he uses while
    he complains is racist. Secondly, why are you [Erdoðan] dealing with
    people's backgrounds if you are complaining about it? Thirdly, life
    has been become more difficult for all disadvantaged groups after
    these declarations of the prime minister. The lives of Armenians on
    the streets, in the neighborhoods, in the military and in universities
    are becoming more difficult. Whatever the purpose is, it is not worth
    it. I strongly condemn even thinking about [doing] this to gain one or
    two more points in the election. He should immediately apologize. He
    is opening up these segments to hatred. He doesn't have the right
    to grimace when mentioning the names of these social segments. The
    prime minister is playing a very dangerous game at a time when both
    our country and our region are like a tense fault line; [it is]
    a game too dangerous to play just for an election. The consequences
    will be very heavy for all of us."

    Laki Vingas, the elected representative of non-Muslim foundations at
    the Council of the General Assembly of the Directorate General for
    Foundations (VGM), tweeted: "The prime minister always says 'excuse
    me saying' when he speaks of Greeks and Armenians. What is there
    to excuse, weren't we also made by the Creator?" His reference to
    'the Creator' has been made by many others with regards to the Sufi
    phrase "I love the creation because of the Creator," which is used
    often by Erdoðan.

    In a column for the T24 website, journalist Hasan Cemal referred to
    the prime minister's statement as "racism at its purest."

    TV reporter Rustem Batum wondered if any pro-AK Party writers of
    Armenian descent, such as Etyen Mahcupyan, would have anything to say
    about Erdoðan's remarks. He also tweeted: "I woke up an Armenian. I
    was Laz at lunch. I was Greek in the afternoon and Kurdish at dinner.

    I was still human when I went to bed," in criticism of Erdoðan's

    Erdoðan had made a similar statement on TV in 2011. Speaking to
    NTV on June 11, 2011, Erdoðan said: "They have said we are Jewish,
    Armenian and, excuse me saying this, but Rum [Greek]."

    Alevi foundations condemn Erdoðan

    In a related development, Alevi leaders on Wednesday said Alevi voters
    will not support Erdoðan. The Anadolu Alevi Bektaþi Federation harshly
    criticized Erdoðan -for discriminatory remarks he made about Alevi
    citizens in a rally held in Ýstanbul's Maltepe district on Aug. 3 as
    part of his election campaign, stating that Erdoðan will not enjoy
    support from Alevis due to his insulting and pejorative stance against
    the Alevi community in Turkey.

    Releasing a statement on Tuesday, the group's executive branch
    said that Erdoðan has proven himself a master when it comes to
    discriminating against people.
