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BAKU: Europe Stand Beside Azerbaijan Over Peaceful Resolution Of Nag

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  • BAKU: Europe Stand Beside Azerbaijan Over Peaceful Resolution Of Nag


    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    Aug 8 2014

    By Sara Rajabova

    The international community recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as integral
    part of Azerbaijan, ignoring it means Armenian politics is playing
    with fire.

    German MP Steffen Kanitz (CDU faction) made the remarks answering
    questions of The European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS) on the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Kanitz said he supports the resolutions of the United Nations Security

    The MP further noted that the application of the principle of
    territorial integrity in Europe was undisputed until the violent
    aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan.

    "By occupying a great part of Azerbaijan's state territory and
    Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia has noticeably placed itself outside the
    valid legal standards. Such a behavior cannot be tolerated by us,
    parliamentarians," Kanitz said.

    He further said the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
    has made clear that Armenia's occupation policy clearly violates
    international law.

    "Guided by the resolution, Germany and Europe stand beside Azerbaijan,
    when it is about a peaceful solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Directly after the end of the Soviet Union, Armenia illegally occupied
    the Nagorno-Karabakh region and in addition to that seven surrounding
    Azerbaijani regions and expelled one million refugees from their
    homelands. It must be clear that this is an insupportable situation.

    Therefore we will further increase our efforts for a peaceful solution
    of the conflict," Kanitz underlined.

    He said the European Community fiercely condemns Armenia's actions
    against international law, human rights and freedom, adding that
    Armenia must be held responsible and accountable also internationally.

    "We will no longer be able to tolerate Armenia's aggressive occupation
    policy," he stressed.

    The precarious cease-fire between Azerbaijan and Armenia was reached
    after a lengthy war that displaced over a million Azerbaijanis and
    has been in place between the two South Caucasus countries since 1994.

    Since the hostilities, Armenian armed forces have occupied over
    20 percent of Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territory,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

    The UN Security Council has adopted four resolutions on Armenia's
    withdrawal from the Azerbaijani territory, but they have not been
    enforced to this day.

    Peace talks mediated by Russia, France and the U.S. have produced no
    results so far.

    From: Baghdasarian