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Author of Stone Dreams goes from Azerbaijan to Turkey

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  • Author of Stone Dreams goes from Azerbaijan to Turkey

    Author of Stone Dreams goes from Azerbaijan to Turkey

    by David Stepanyan
    Saturday, August 9, 16:10

    Akram Aylisli, whose Stone Dreams novella has caused scandal and
    anti-Armenian hysteria in Azerbaijan, has gone from Azerbaijan to

    According to, the writer is currently in Marmaris. He has
    not yet explained why he has left Azerbaijan.

    Aylisli is an Azerbaijani writer, novelist and former member of
    parliament. His works have been translated from his native Azerbaijani
    into a number of languages in the former Soviet Union and around the
    world. He was decorated by the President of Azerbaijan with the
    prestigious Istiglal (2002) and Shokhrat orders.

    In 2013, after the publication of Aylisli's Stone Dreams novella,
    which depicted the pogroms carried out by Azerbaijanis against the
    Armenians in Sumgait and Baku and presented Armenians in sympathetic
    light, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree that
    stripped Aylisli of the title of People's Writer and the presidential
    pension. His books were burnt by Azerbaijani intelligentsia and
    compatriots in his hometown.

    In March 2014, a formal request was made by various public figures
    throughout the world to nominate Aylisli for the Nobel Peace Prize.
