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Azerbaijan threatens to "wipe Yerevan map of the world"

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  • Azerbaijan threatens to "wipe Yerevan map of the world"

    Azerbaijan threatens to "wipe Yerevan map of the world"

    If the dam is endangered Minguetchour "Yerevan we will remove the
    earth," said the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry has just 24 hours after
    the statements Seyran Ohanyan, Armenian Defense Minister.

    In their statement echoed by site, Azeris threaten to give
    Armenia a "harsh response and unprecedented in case of attack from the
    power plant Minguetchour threatens promised by Ohanian (...) the
    Azerbaijani Armed Forces are able to hit any target on the enemy
    occupied lands and Armenia. If Armenians conduct a sabotage operation
    dam Minguetchour the answer will be terrible! . " Azeri defense
    ministry also claims "if the order of command, missiles headed to
    Armenia, Yerevan shave the world" ...

    Recall that Ohanian was at the government meeting yesterday had
    mentioned that Azerbaijani forces were concerned about a possible
    military operation against Armenians Dam Minguetchour. Destruction of
    the dam would flood a large part of the territory of Azerbaijan, which
    is below the level of the dam impoundments.

    Krikor Amirzayan

    Saturday, August 9, 2014,
    Krikor Amirzayan ©

    From: A. Papazian