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Azerbaijan: a dual offensive

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  • Azerbaijan: a dual offensive

    Open Democracy
    Aug 10 2014

    Azerbaijan: a dual offensive

    Vicken Cheterian 11 August 2014

    Azerbaijan's strategy over the disputed, Armenian-held territory of
    Karabakh is also aimed at eliminating domestic opposition. But the
    country's rising troubles make this a self-defeating strategy.

    The frontlines between Azerbaijan and Karabakh, as well as with
    Armenia, are seeing renewed military escalation. The Azerbaijani
    defence ministry says thirteen Azerbaijani soldiers have died during
    military operations, while Armenian official sources recognise the
    death of five Armenian servicemen.

    The clashes are the most serious since May 1994, when a ceasefire was
    signed between the three parties and stop military operations in the
    Karabakh war. The conflict started in the late Soviet years, when the
    Armenian majority of the Karabakh autonomous region demanded on 21
    February 1988 to be detached from Soviet Azerbaijan and be attached to
    Soviet Armenia. The Soviet as well as Azerbaijani leadership not only
    rejected this demand but attempted to repress the popular
    mobilisation, including via a series of anti-Armenian pogroms in
    Azerbaijani cities. As the Soviet Union collapsed the two sides fought
    a war, at the end of which Karabakh Armenian forces supported by
    Armenia not only controlled Karabakh proper, but also occupied seven
    surrounding Azerbaijani provinces. An estimated 35,000 people died
    from all sides of the conflict, while nearly a million people became

    While it is difficult to indicate who initiated the military attacks,
    the come in a larger context of escalation from the Azerbaijani side.
    The latest, moreover, serves Azerbaijani political objectives. After
    years of negotiations under Azerbaijan's then president Heydar Aliev,
    his successor (and son) Ilham Aliev took a bellicose position on the
    issue of Karabakh. This was influenced by the completion in 2005 of
    the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, which was capable to transport a million
    barrel of oil per day. Since, Azerbaijani state budget exploded, and
    so did its military spending, which increased form $175m dollars in
    2003 to over $3.6bn dollars in 2013. Azerbaijani leaders repeat that
    their military budget is equal to the entire budget of the Armenian

    Parallel to the dramatic increase in military expenditure, the
    Azerbaijani position hardened. The number of military incidents
    increased on the Karabakh front, as well as along the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani borders.

    The opposition under fire

    The latest military escalation on the war-fronts comes in the same
    moment as a massive attack by Azerbaijani authorities against
    independent-minded individuals including political experts,
    human-rights defenders and NGO workers. The latest in a long series
    was Arif Yunusov, a sociologist specialising in migration, refugees,
    Islam and other topics. Yunusov was arrested on 5 August, accused of
    collaboration "with representatives of Armenian special services." A
    few days earlier, Leyla Yunusova his wife and human-rights activist
    was arrested with similar charges reminding the glorious days of
    Joseph Stalin. On 2 August the authorities arrested another
    human-rights activist, the 29-year-old Rasul Jafarov, under
    accusations of "tax evasion, illegal entrepreneurship, and abuse of

    The Azerbaijani presidential advisor Ali Hasanov made a revealing link
    between the arrests and the escalation of the conflict, when he
    commented on the arrest of Leyla Yunusova: "It is clear that there's
    an anti-national group within Azerbaijan directed by external forces,
    with big suspicions of having ties with the Armenian lobby."

    The massive arrests of opposition figures, journalists and
    human-rights activists started in early in 2014, parallel with
    escalation on the frontline. Tofig Yagublu, deputy chair of the major
    opposition party Musavat was arrested in March and thrown into jail
    with a seven-year sentence. In April, Turkish authorities arrested
    Rauf Mirgadirov, an Azerbaijani journalist and writer who was living
    in Turkey, and deported to Baku where he was immediately arrested and
    jailed. In July, another human-rights activist and educator from
    Ganja, Hasan Huseynli, was condemned to six years' imprisonment for
    attacking and "stabbing a man."

    Oddly, Azerbaijan from May-November 2014 chairs the Council of Europe,
    the European institution in charge of democracy and human rights. It
    suggests that the international political organisations have a sense
    of humour equal to Samuel Beckett's theatre of the absurd.

    The arrests and intimidations against all freethinkers in Azerbaijan
    has taken a massive dimension in the last months. This is not anymore
    selective intimidation to spread fear and self-censorship among the
    society. The current wave of repression aims to destroy any
    independent capacity of the Azerbaijani society to voice critical

    The source of tension

    Azerbaijan accuses the Armenian side of being no more than a pawn in
    the hands of the Kremlin. Yet, in their policies, Baku has done
    everything possible so that Armenian reliance on Russia does not
    decrease. For example, in 2008 as Turkey initiated a rapprochement
    with Armenia, aiming to end its blockade, open the common borders, and
    establish diplomatic relations, it was the vehement opposition of
    Azerbaijani officials which resulted in the failure of Turkish
    diplomatic move.

    In 2013, as the European Union was proposing its association project
    to Armenia, Baku received Vladimir Putin who announced arms contracts
    of $4bn dollars to Azerbaijan. This was a clear sign that Putin was
    angry, and ready to shift the military balance in favour of
    Azerbaijan, and succeeded in preventing Armenia from joining the
    European project. Any rapprochement between Armenia with Turkey or the
    EU would have reduced Armenian reliance on Russia. This time too the
    tension in the south Caucasus seems likely to help Moscow. The two
    presidents, Ilham Aliev and Serzh Sargsyan, travelled to Sochi on 10
    August to meet with the Russian leader; in the aftermath, Russian
    media are full of reports highlighting Putin's role in moderating the
    dispute, though the only sign of this is that the leaders are quoted
    in favour of negotiation to sttle the dispute.

    Yet the main objective of the Aliev regime from the military
    escalation is internal. In spite of its aggressive discourse, the
    Azerbaijani administration is torn by similar tensions as the ones
    which exploded by the Arab spring. Ilham Aliev came to power in 2003
    by transforming a republic into dynastic rule. The only other such
    success was in Syria three years earlier when Bashar al-Asad succeeded
    his father Hafez, and (again like Syria) the Azeri regime is composed
    of a specific sub-group - the "Nakhichevan clan" - although their
    group cohesion is nothing to compare with Syrian ruling clan.
    Azerbaijan has an exploding demography, with youth unemployment a
    serious issue. The oil revenues are in decline, an omen for times of

    Public dissatisfaction can be measured by the large number of Azeri
    jihadis fighting with ISIS in Syrian and Iraq. This is a new
    phenomenon; there were almost no Azeri combatants in the Chechnya wars
    or in Iraq. In 2013, over 200 Azerbaijanis were fighting with jihadi
    formations against the Syrian army, and thirty had died. Entire
    families, including large numbers of children are moving to the Middle
    Eastern battlefronts, as videos posted on the internet reveal.

    With the emergence of a salafi-jihadi current in Azerbaijan, there is
    a parallel increase in sectarian tensions. The country has a Shi'a
    majority with nearly two-third of the population, and a one-third
    Sunni minority, historically marginalised, and originating from the
    mountainous north of the country. In July, a mob attacked a mosque in
    Sabirabad in south Azerbaijan, targeting religious Sunni Muslims,
    beating them and forcibly shaving their beards. Few days later salafis
    attacked Shi'a believers in a Baku suburb. Azerbaijan, after decades
    of Soviet atheism, is newly discovering religion, importing all of its
    contradictions from neighbouring Middle Eastern countries including
    sectarian tensions.

    The increasing internal repression reflects the Aliev administration's
    fear. Yet its actions can backfire. The threat to its stability comes
    neither from Karabakh Armenians nor Azerbaijani civil society. By
    attacking those two targets Aliev will eventually strengthen
    salafi-jihadi trends; by destroying civil society will disarm the
    Azerbaijani people against the new danger. In this context, Aliev's
    choice to deepen the tension over Karabakh hands a further cause to
    the radicals.
