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Time Comes. And Time Runs Out

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  • Time Comes. And Time Runs Out

    Friday, 08 August 2014 12:11

    And only Azerbaijan remains a threat to peace

    As is known, on July 23, in Vienna, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen
    issued a joint statement, in which they expressed their serious concern
    about the growing tension in the Karabakh conflict zone. They urged
    the parties to assume the commitment to avoid casualties and to make
    every effort to defuse the tension and to adhere to the terms of the
    ceasefire agreement.

    Meanwhile, contrary to the hopes and expectations of the mediators,
    less than a week later the situation in the Azerbaijani-Karabakh
    conflict became extremely tense. The information by official structures
    of the parties resembled military reports from the front line. In
    fact, there are grounds for such estimates, as local clashes, with
    the use of not only small arms and with human victims, took place in
    different sections of the contact-line. Such sharp aggravation of the
    situation both at the Line of Contact between the armed forces of the
    NKR and Azerbaijan and at some sections of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    border prompted experts and political analysts to talk about the high
    probability of resumption of a full-scale war.

    I must say, a really explosive situation was developed, in connection
    with which UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, the Ministries of
    Foreign Affairs of Russia and France, the U.S. Department of State,
    the European Union, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, the OSCE Minsk
    Group Co-Chairmen, and the NATO officials expressed their concern. In
    general, their statements urged the parties to the Karabakh conflict to
    respect the ceasefire and to refrain from violence, to take immediate
    steps to reduce the tension and to resume the negotiations in order
    to achieve the soonest and peaceful settlement of the issue.

    Almost all the statements highlighted the idea that a military
    solution to the conflict was excluded. Expressing the viewpoint of
    the mediators, the American Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, James
    Warlick, noted that "it is time to begin negotiations that can lead
    to a peace agreement". Alas, we think that "thanks" to the aggressive
    policy of Azerbaijan, this time has gone, and gone for a long time.

    The concern and anxiety of the international structures are quite
    clear, but in this situation, their equal attitude to the parties to
    the conflict is not quite clear. We believe that for the effective
    stabilization of the situation in the region it is more logical to
    identify the real culprit of the present pre-war situation and to
    use appropriate international sanctions against them. The answer
    to the question "Who is to blame?" lies in the answer to another,
    no less important question "Who benefits from this?" Official Baku
    represented by its MFA, in its familiar manner to put everything
    upside down, hurried to accuse Armenia of the ceasefire violation
    and of the escalation of tension. However, the facts undeniably prove
    the contrary.

    The chronological restoration of the events of late July-early August
    at the contact-line testifies that it is Azerbaijan that has taken a
    series of sabotage and intelligence operations, which were harshly
    suppressed by the NKR Defense Army servicemen. The fact that the
    losses of the Azerbaijani party, according to Armenia's Minister of
    Defense Seyran Ohanyan, are 8-10 times greater than the losses of
    the Armenian forces convincingly indicates that the initiator of the
    offensive actions is exactly the Azerbaijani party.

    It is also noteworthy that even in Azerbaijan an opinion was expressed
    among deputies of the local Parliament that "today, Armenia is mostly
    focused on defensive and not offensive tactics". As for Armenia and
    the NKR, they do not absolutely need to escalate the situation. But,
    the actions of Azerbaijan, which permanently threatens to unleash a
    new war, just give the unambiguous answers to the notorious question
    "Who benefits from this?"

    It isn't excluded that on the eve of the announced meeting of the
    Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan scheduled for August 8-9 in Sochi,
    the Baku authorities thus decided, according to the "tradition", to
    subject to blackmail both the international mediators and Armenia. They
    apparently believe that by threatening to "unfreeze" the conflict
    they will be able to create a favorable-for-them background for
    negotiations in order to obtain political dividends.

    Such a practice has been repeatedly used by Azerbaijan, but it
    has not given the desired results. Second, the top leadership of
    Azerbaijan has flaunted to increase its military potential for many
    years, stating its readiness to start a new war. Surely, official Baku
    realizes the failure and the impossibility to realize such statements,
    its non-readiness for a large-scale war (by the way, this opinion
    is shared by most experts), so, in order to reinforce its militant
    rhetoric with concrete actions, it resorts to sabotage and adventurous
    actions. But, as we see, even the subversive actions end in failure
    for it, confirming that the allegations of Azerbaijan on the power
    of its army are contrived. The following fact cannot either be ignored.

    Perhaps, amid the acute crisis in Ukraine, the Azerbaijani authorities,
    given the unconditional Western support for the actions of official
    Kiev, count on similar support for its policy towards Artsakh. But,
    we believe that Baku has miscalculated. The West, which is extremely
    interested in the smooth transportation of Azerbaijani energy resources
    to Europe, will not allow Azerbaijan to jeopardize its interests.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
