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Can Aliyev'S Pacifism Be Trusted?

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  • Can Aliyev'S Pacifism Be Trusted?

    Tuesday, 12 August 2014 10:49

    So, a trilateral meeting of the Presidents of Armenia, Russia,
    and Azerbaijan took place in Sochi on August 10, during which the
    Karabakh conflict settlement process was discussed. As you know,
    recently, due to the provocative actions of Azerbaijan expressed in
    the intensification of the sniper war and sabotage acts, which led to
    casualties on both sides, the risk of the situation's getting out of
    control has extremely increased. It should be noted that before the
    current initiative of the Russian party to hold a trilateral meeting
    in Sochi, President of France Francois Hollande made a proposal to
    organize a dialogue between the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents

    Later, it was also talked about a possible meeting between Sargsyan
    and Aliyev in Vienna or New York.However, after the sharp escalation
    of the situation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that
    the Russian President was ready to meet in Sochi with the heads of
    the two states both individually and in a trilateral format. Whatever
    it was, but the fact is that the meeting without the participation of
    the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen was held in Sochi, and therefore, we
    can say that Moscow has decided to seize the initiative and thus make
    it clear to its Western partners that it has much more opportunities
    to influence the course of events in the region.

    Currently, given the crisis in Russian-Ukrainian relations and
    the sanctions imposed by the West,Russia is experiencing hard
    times. However, even in such a situation, the Kremlin could not
    afford to remain aside from the processes in our region, which it
    considers a traditional sphere of own interests. In other words,
    Moscow once again, as it was exactly six years ago, during the
    Georgian-South Ossetian war in August 2008, wished to show who's
    the boss, inviting the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to a
    dialogue. As Vladimir Putin stated, Russia respects the international
    formats of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution, but it plans
    to use the special character of bilateral relations with Armeniaand
    Azerbaijan to resolve the situation.

    Surely, it was impossible to seriously count on a diplomatic
    breakthrough in Sochi, and experts were unanimous in their opinion
    that no progress in the meeting could be expected. Surely, it was
    realized also by the participants themselves. The most that could
    be hoped for was certain reduction of tension in the conflict zone
    and resumption of the negotiation process. It was important for the
    President of Russia to prevent further transition of the situation
    into a full-scale war and to get his two Transcaucasian colleagues'
    guarantees of non-resumption of hostilities and assurances of
    commitment to the peaceful settlement of the conflict. And I must say
    that the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijanspoke in favor of the
    soonest resolution of the conflict, expressing hope for Russia's help.

    In fact, the similarity of the positions of the Armenian and
    Azerbaijani parties does not end with this. At the meeting, Aliyev
    actually criticized the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen, noting that
    "they try to reconcile the parties, but they are not quite successful
    in this". He expressed hope that with the assistance of Russia,
    "in the nearest future, we will achieve a peaceful resolution through
    negotiations, which will meet the norms and principles of international
    law and the justice". We believe there is no need to explain what
    justice in Azerbaijani is. However, noteworthy is the fact that,
    in accordance with the Azerbaijani false conception, Aliyev referred
    to... four UN Security Council resolutions as a legal basis for the
    settlement of the conflict, which, according to him, call for the
    immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from the
    territory of Azerbaijan.

    In turn, Serzh Sargsyan, presenting the position of the Armenian party,
    stressed that "in fact, the conflict can be resolved and should be
    resolved on a compromise basis and on the principles offered by the
    Minsk Group Co-Chairs". Bu, he wasn't limited with this. The Armenian
    President gave a decisive rebuff to Aliyev, pointing to the failure
    of the permanent reference of the Azerbaijani party to the four UN
    resolutions. "I have a question for Mr. Aliyev: which provision of
    these resolutions hasAzerbaijan fulfilled? It was only Armenia that
    fulfilled the provisions of the resolutions, using its influence to
    cease the hostilities", said Serzh Sargsyan. Here is a remarkable
    detail: Vladimir Putin, albeit indirectly, but also confirmed that the
    threat to peace in the region was coming from Azerbaijan. The Russian
    President noted that he was pleased to state that the Azerbaijani
    President also (!!!) drew the attention to the necessity of solving
    the issue peacefully, "This is really the most important thing".

    It is obvious that in addition to the forecasts about the prospects
    of development of the political processes in the region after the
    Sochi Summit, the most important question that occupies the minds
    of political scientists and ordinary people in the region is: can
    the situation be stabilized? Many experts agree that the situation
    will hardly grow into a war, but effective measures are needed to
    prevent further bloody incidents. Much will depend on how sincere
    Aliyev was, speaking to Putin about the need for a peaceful solution
    to the issue. Most likely, as it has repeatedly happened, Aliyev's
    peaceful assurances will be of declarative and temporary character,
    and the President of Azerbaijan will once again confirm his reputation
    as an unscrupulous, irresponsible, and unreliable politician.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: Baghdasarian